Monday, April 25, 2011

Plastic Surgery Pictures

One undertakes plastic surgery for the purpose of improving ones appearance. In evaluating potential plastic surgeons, plastic surgery pictures of previous patients are critical.

Plastic Surgery Pictures

Before rushing off to have plastic surgery, it is vital that you evaluate different surgeons to find the right choice for your treatment. The evaluation process is important, and you shouldnt give it short shrift. Part of the evaluation process should be a review of pictures of patients the surgeon has worked on.

If a plastic surgeon does not have pictures of past patients, move on to the next one. Every plastic surgeon should have photographs highlighting their work, so red warning lights should go off if the one you are speaking with does not.

Assuming the plastic surgeon has them, you need to understand what you should be looking for in them. Most people use the viewing incorrectly when evaluating the abilities of the surgeon.

When viewing the photographs, you should first look at the obvious. Does the patient have an improved appearance? This may sound odd, but you have to keep in mind an odd appearance may actually be what the patient was after. A particularly pointed nose or excessively large breasts may have been the original goal, so whether you like the changes is something you should apply nominal value to.

More importantly, you should look for photographs of the specific procedure you will undergo. Does the after picture present the appearance you are after? Again, your goals may be different from the previous patient, so discuss what you want with the surgeon while looking at pictures. The process is similar to getting your hair cut in a particular style. The surgeon needs as much information as possible, and pictures are a great way to explain what you like and dont like.

When viewing the images, you should also focus on whether the results look natural. The best procedures produce results that blend with your natural body. When viewing the photographs, do you see this occurring consistently or do the changes stand out?

Plastic surgery on past patients is an important indicator when it comes to evaluating a plastic surgeon. Use them to get a feel for the plastic surgeons work as well as to convey what you are hoping to achieve.

Sculpturing the Body, the Hope From Liposculpture

Liposculpture is a term that is growing among expert cosmetic surgeons to describe liposuction that is done with smaller instruments and specialized treatments to not only make the process more efficient, but to also speed the healing process. Think of liposculpture as the next evolution of basic liposuction.

Liposculpture is a way of improving body contour without noticeable scars. Large amounts of fat are removed through a very small skin, usually less than a quarter inch. This is a little rougher than non-invasive cosmetic surgeries, though recovery is still much faster than it used to be. When fat deposits are proving extremely resistant to diet or exercise, liposculpture can help re-shape your silhouette.

The fat cells removed by liposculpture do not come back. The benefits of liposculpture are long lasting, as long as a healthy lifestyle follows, which includes exercise and a proper diet. This is very important because although the removed fat cells dont come back, an unhealthy life style can produce the old problems all over again. Virtually any part of the body can be treated, from thighs to legs to stomach to sides to back, and it is a very effective treatment, but you still need to take care of business afterwards.

Liposculpture is increasingly popular among men. Everyone wants the image that is imagined with a healthy life style, and liposculpture is especially successful for areas specific to men such as love handles, stomach, chin, and chest, which even exercise and healthy habits may not be able to fix to their satisfaction.

If you choose to have this surgery, there will most likely be soreness and bruising. How long and how heavy this is varies from person to person, but it should resolve itself out within 3 weeks, if not before. There are a few things you can do to help expediate the process, including warm baths and gentle massages. Dont be discouraged if you dont see results the next day, it actually takes several weeks before you can clearly see the end results of the cosmetic procedure.

This brings the question of is Liposculpture For You? Cosmetic surgery, like any surgery, has its risks. You should always ask a doctor about these before undergoing the procedure. If satisfied with the answers, then maybe this is the right treatment for you. This is especially true if you have good skin tone, but a moderate amount of excess fat. If thats the case, this way be the way for you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sensible Beauty Tips for Enhancing Your Appearance

There are many simple beauty tips that dont have to take up a lot of time. These simple tips can be accomplished in a matter of minutes and can have a noticeable improvement on your appearance. These beauty tips include simple suggestions such as getting enough sleep each night, drinking plenty of water each day and completely removing your makeup each night.

Getting adequate sleep is one of many simple beauty tips that simply cannot be overlooked. Consistently getting inadequate sleep can have a negative effect on your appearance. Under eye circles is just one of the many unsightly side effects of not getting enough sleep.

Drinking enough water each day to maintain hydration is another of the very important beauty tips. While studies have shown that drinking water does not affect the moisture levels in the skin, dehydration, however, can affect the appearance of the skin in an undesirable way. To avoid an unhealthy pallor to the skin and eyes that appear dull and sunken it is wise to maintain sufficient hydration levels each day.

Another one of the very simple beauty tips available is to completely remove your makeup each night. This is important because failure to do so could begin to have effects on the skin. The clogged pores that result from not removing your makeup each night can result in unattractive skin problems such as acne or blackheads.

How to Shape Your Body Instantly with Liposuction

There is no doubt as to how fat-shedding procedures are popular nowadays in a world that has been plagued for vanity. Among the most popularly discussed ways of making one look slim and sexy is liposuction. While liposuction has become a frequently used buzz word, a lot of people do not actually know what exactly is. Here is a short primer on liposuction.

The surgical procedure known as liposuction is intended to diminish deposits of fat in the body to shape and sculpt it. This is done by using a canula a thin tube with vacuum-suction action, to remove fat under the skin. Some procedures use a probe powered by ultrasound that breaks up small pieces of fat to make the removal easier.

Liposuction can be done on various body parts, which includes the thighs, hips, the abdomen, the back, neck, buttocks and face. Depending on where bulges caused by fat deposits are located, you may have them sucked out to shape your body. Liposuction can be useful for people with big bellies, or sagging arms and things. It can also be useful for men who have larger-than-normal breasts.

The liposuction procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon or a specially-trained dermatologist. Technically, any duly licensed medical doctor may perform liposuction, so special training is not required. However it is always safe to have liposuction performed by someone who is experienced with liposuction, and more often than not, such practitioners are those who have received special training.

Since liposuction, especially those performed nowadays, is just a minor surgery, it can be performed in a doctors office as well as hospitals ad surgical centers. Many people prefer to have it done in the doctors clinic since the place is less threatening or intimidating as big hospitals. Wherever the surgery is performed, the important matter is that hygiene should be kept as with any other types of surgeries. It is also important for emergency precautions to be available in case of any untoward incident. Thus it is beneficial to have the surgery performed where there is a hospital nearby.

When looking for a practitioner to perform liposuction it is important for one to be inquisitive. You should ask questions to the doctor about everything there is to know about liposuction until you get a good grasp of what is about to happen. While it is important to trust the practitioner doing the surgery, trust should be earned by checking how much the doctor knows about the procedure. The physician should be able to discuss not only the benefits of liposuction but the problems as well, together with all the precautionary measures to be taken.

You should be watchful of advertisements that promise results that are too good to be true. When choosing a practitioner, it is also important to weigh all factors and not only to look at the cost, you should consult several doctors to make sure that you have all the options. If you inquire about liposuction, you should not be pressured to decide on it at once. This is a surgery and you should have a sound mind when deciding to take it. Once you decided to go into it, you must follow all the instructions of the doctor carefully to make sure you have a successful operation. Liposuction is not for everyone, and before you decide to have it you have to be sure that it is for you.

The dream to be slim is somewhat inevitable nowadays and it is good that there are procedures available to make this happen. To know more about liposuction, contact your dermatologist or family physician. You may also learn from the various websites about the procedure as well as the many publications available out there.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stomach Fat Reductions and Scars

Flat abs are much sought after in our image conscious society. Alas, they are hard to get. A stomach fat reduction is ideal for those of us that dont have 10 hours a day to do sit ups.

Stomach Fat Reductions and Scars

Stomach fat reductions, also known as tucks or abdominoplaty, are performed on patients who have done everything that they can to shape their abdominal areas with diet and exercise, but still feel unhappy with the way they look. Two major causes of need for the procedure are pregnancy and aging, both of which cause loss of elasticity in the abdomen. A new development in this area of plastic surgery is an effort to do it without leaving large, prominent scars.

The new reduction procedure is performed for the same reasons and in a similar way to the traditional abdominoplasty. Excess skin and fat are removed from the stomach area, and the muscles in the area are also tightened up. This leaves the stomach with a thinner, more toned appearance.

This particular procedure differs from the usual fat reduction in that the procedure is aimed at leaving no visible scars on the stomach area. In truth, no procedure is completely scarless. This procedure, however, leaves a much smaller, less noticeable scar than traditional ones. A small incision is made vertically across the lower abdomen. Once the procedure is done, the scar is typically covered by underwear or bikini bottoms. The navel (belly button) does not need to be repositioned, and the procedure takes less time than a traditional open procedure. The surgery works best when the area needing correction is limited to the lower abdomen area. Because the scar is intentionally put below the bikini line, the procedure is inadequate at dealing with problems areas high on the abdomen.

There is one other alternative you should consider. The endoscopic fat reduction surgery involves the placement of small surgical instruments into the area through very tiny punctures in the skin. The procedure is an effective way to remove fatty cells throughout the abdomen. It is not, however, an option if the surgery requires the removal of excess skin in the area. In such a situation, you will be required to undergo a more invasive surgery.

Obviously, everyone would like to choose a procedure that leaves no scars if they have the choice. The choice, however, is one that must be made in consultation with your plastic surgeon. There may be medical reasons that limit you to a particular type of procedure and your physician can advise you on those situations.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hair and Nail Vitamins

Hair and nails are very good indicators of the general health condition of the body. Any kind of illness or stress is reflected through the skin, hair and fingernails. Hair and nails show symptoms such as brittleness, thinning, breaking, and splitting when neglected or when the body goes through extreme pressure conditions. Even when the body is deficient in essential nutrients, the hair and fingernails shows the signs.

Nutrition is very important for the body. Even though hair and fingernails are just dead cells, they are an important indicator of the general well being of a person. Nutrition for the body is derived from the food we take. When the body does not receive the essential nutrients, or if it loses the ability to absorb nutrients from the food it receives, it causes the body to use up internal resources. This causes weakness in the body parts and is reflected in the skin, hair and fingernails. In order to have healthy hair and finger nails, it is very important to consume food that contains some major vitamins like vitamin A (produces healthy sebum in the scalp), vitamin C (antioxidant), vitamin E (improves scalp circulation), Biotin (produces Keratin), Inositol (keeps hair follicles healthy), Niacin (promotes scalp circulation) and pantothenic acid, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 that prevent graying and hair loss. Of these, vitamin E is found to have a significant influence on the health of not just hair but also skin and fingernails.

Most vitamins are derived from food. The most common food-based sources of vitamins are: citrus fruits, green vegetables, fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, cheese, vegetable oils, soybean, raw seeds, dried beans, wheat germ oil, brewers yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other nutrients required by the body are proteins and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and essential fatty acids.

There are several products in the market today that act as essential vitamins for hair and nails. These are in the form of oils, shampoos, gels, sprays, lotions and creams. These are generally prescribed by specialists but some are also available over the counter. However, it is better to consult a specialist before using these products. There are also hundreds of websites that provide information about these products. They can also be ordered online.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Skin Care- An Overview Of Treatments For Excess Perspiration

The main treatments of excess perspiration are - Use of antiperspirants, Botulinum toxin (Botox), Surgery, Iontophoresis, and Anticholinergic drugs. Let us look at them in more detail.

Antiperspirants- this is the first treatment to be tried for anybody with excessive perspiration. Antiperspirants are metal salts, mainly aluminum salts that are used to block the sweat glands and block the sweat from coming on the skin surface.

Botulinum toxin (Botox)- Botulinum toxin paralyzes muscles. That is why it is commonly used to treat wrinkles. Its injections also block the action of the nerves that activate sweat glands to produce sweat. The treatment may be painful for injecting the toxin in the palms or soles of feet, because multiple injections are given with a very fine needle near the sweat glands. If your doctor misses some glands, you will continue to sweat from there. Depending on your response, the injections may be repeated after about six months or more.

Surgery- In common surgical procedure, the sweat glands are removed. In some cases a surgery called Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy is performed in which nerves are cut so that they cannot pass on the message to sweat glands. Surgery cannot stop sweat all over the body but only for certain parts such as armpits or hands. This kind of surgery is now done using endoscopes and is less painful compared to the surgery of earlier times. But with ETS, you may begin sweating more profusely from other parts of your body. This kind of surgery is not preferred by many surgeons and before any surgery you must talk about all possible results and side effects with your surgeon. Surgery is only resorted to if other treatments fail.

Iontophoresis- In this procedure a low current is passed on the affected area. This procedure is mainly used for palms and feet. This is a recommended procedure for hose that do not get much relief from antiperspirants. In Iontophoresis, patients sit with their palms or feet in shallow water through which a mild current is passed for between 20 to 40 minutes. This is repeated every alternate day for five to ten days till sweating is considerably reduced. After that a maintenance schedule is maintained. it is not known how Iontophoresis works, but it is thought that the water and electricity somehow thicken the skin and block the sweat pores. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women or people with pacemakers or any metal implants in body.

Anticholinergic drugs- these drugs act by blocking the action of chemical messengers in the body that activate the sweat glands. As the action of these messengers is blocked, the sweat stops getting produced. These drugs may have other side effects such as loss of taste, constipation, blurred vision etc. You must speak to your doctor about all the side effects of these drugs.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Natural Soap: The Hot New Luxury Gift

Is it time to choose a gift for your loved one? Forget the stereotypical gifts and get a pack of natural and perfumed soaps. A craze as far as health and beauty products go, natural soaps are organic and have been popular for many years. For all you creative gift-hunters, lifestyle gurus have a bohemian suggestion for the wedding season natural soaps made with strawberry and clove extracts, honey, rose, coconut or palm oil among other spices and fruits.

Soaps have a rich history. Romans and other great civilizations used olive oil soaps, as they knew even back then, the many benefits of natural ingredients in enhancing beauty. Besides, Asian countries such as India have a heritage of herbal beauty therapies that date back to more than a few thousand years. But this trend of gifting natural soap is definitely new and novel, especially for its uniqueness!

With an inclination for chemical-free, organic and purely natural beauty products that are good and safe for the skin, among the youngsters, the natural soap industry hasnt have it this good in many years. Rapidly growing, the industry is coming up with innovative combination of spices, herbs, and other natural ingredients to make the most of this trend. Depending on the ingredients and purpose of these natural soaps, you can pay anywhere from $1 to $20 per bar.

Naturally Skin Loving
Because natural soaps are made from natural oils, plant extracts, herbs, spices, fruits etc. they are great for your skin. Not only do they re-hydrate your skin with care, but also help in making you look younger, more beautiful, and blemish free. A basic skin care item, natural soaps come in a variety of shapes, scents, colors, and textures. These handmade soaps contain only natural, chemical-free ingredients that not just clean your skin, but do so with loving care.

Organic soaps are biodegradable and do not use animal testing nor contain animal-based products. They are completely free of harmful chemicals that spoil your skin over the years.

Common Natural Ingredients
Milk-based or vegetable oil based natural soaps are the commonest of all types. Some of the most popular natural ingredients contained in these soaps include:

* Olive oil
* Avocado oil
* Coconut oil
* Palm oil
* Sunflower oil
* Shea butter
* Aloe Vera
* Natural clays
* Essential oils
* Ground pumice

With over a few dozens of natural combination available to help you achieve a glowing, healthy, and beautiful skin, natural soaps are also have medicinal advantages. Soaps that have green tree oil, olive oil, Shea butter extracts help in fighting common skin diseases such as acne etc. Natural soaps can be found in rectangular bar form at most drugstores. Nevertheless, the size and shapes vary, as they are usually hand cut. Other commonly available shapes are round bars, oval bars, square bars, soapstones, mini-bars, and special design soaps (these are molded in floral or other shapes or designs.) These natural soaps are available in different varieties ranging from rose, jasmine, honey, lavender, and oatmeal to turmeric, sandalwood, thyme, and neem.

Special Skin Care Needs
Since there are plenty of choices of natural soaps, you can easily get one that can meet your special skin care requirements. Most types of natural soaps are mild in nature, but you also get extra-gentle soaps that are created for babies or those with very sensitive skin. If you suffer from dry skin, then try Shea butter or olive oil based soaps that moisturize your skin the natural way. For those of you who are prone to pimples or oily skin, choosing natural soaps with ingredients such as Dead Sea minerals, sulfur, and peppermint can help treat and prevent your skin condition. Glycerin soaps are also good for those who suffer from oily skin.

Adding to the popularity of this natural skin care items is the endorsement from cosmetologists who are also of the opinion that natural oil soaps are fantastic for the skin as they significantly improve the quality of skin. However, it may be advisable to consult a doctor before you begin using a hand-made, natural soap. This will ensure that you do not experience any adverse effects on your skin.

Shopping for Natural Soaps
Natural soaps are available in plenty at natural health and beauty shops, specialty stores, and with online retailers. Also, check with your local drugstore, as well as the health and beauty section of the local super market for these beauty items.

If you are looking for a personalized gift for your loved one, then natural and hand-made soaps are the perfect choice. Not only are these soaps environment friendly, they also possess a mild and lingering natural fragrance, while being safe and completely chemical free keeping the skin glowing, clean, refreshed, and moisturized.

6 Tips on How to Clear up Acne

Although having acne breakouts is normal, especially for teens, people cant still help but search for ways on how to clear up acne. Some are finding ways on how to treat it inexpensively while others really saves enough money so that they can pay for the soothing expensive facial skin care which can be availed in most beauty salons. But for those with hectic schedules, and cant find time to visit any facial salons or dermatologists clinic, here are some ways that could help in clearing up your acne.

1. Avoid squeezing or popping your pimples and as much as possible prevent yourself from touching your outbreaks especially with unclean hands. The more you touch or squeeze the puss out of your acne, the more sebum your skin will produce. It will take more time before your pimples and blackheads clear up because of the inflammation and irritation that can possibly occur.

2. Wash your face thoroughly at least two times a day. Proper facial hygiene is the best to way on how to clear up acne as well as preventing acne to appear. Use facial soaps that does not contain oil or soaps that are not acidic.

3. Dont forget to use moisturizer after washing your face with a sulfur-based soap that is designs specifically for acne prone people. Washing can strip of natural lipids and your skin, so put a moisturizer that suits the type of skin you have (sensitive, normal or dry) so that your body will not produce extra oil that may cause your skin to be more susceptible to breakouts.

4. Most people turn to over-the-counter products that are made to fight acne. This is the first solution they think of on how to clear up acne instantly. There are some topical creams that do not need any prescriptions from a doctor. However, make sure that the cream you will be using may not cause you allergies that can even worsen your current facial dilemma.

5. In case you are indulging yourself in some detoxification activities such as yoga or exercise, make sure that you wipe the sweat from your face immediately after the activity.

6. Use creams that have benzoyl peroxide as an active ingredient. But keep in mind that even these anti-acne products can still cause your skin to dry even though they help in healing your acne so you still need to use moisturizers. The stronger the medicine is, the higher percentage of benzoyl peroxide it contains. Some users testify that using creams with benzoyl peroxide is one of the best solutions on how to clear up acne.

When all things fail, consult your trusted dermatologist that would give you advice and medicines that on how to clear up acne.

Always keep in mind that even though these tips worked for some, it does not necessarily mean that it might work for you too. Whichever solution is best for you, keep it as a part of your daily routine. No matter what technique you choose on how to clear up acne, you need to remember that your acne problems will never be solved overnight.

Simple Tips for Beautiful Healthy Hair


There are a few things you can do on a regular basis that will improve the overall health and appearance of your hair, as well as a few things you can avoid. In general, heres a few standards:

Brush your hair: Yep, the good old fashioned hundred strokes. This stimulates blood supply to the scalp, removes dead skin cells from the scalp before they can get infected, and distributes sebum over the hair shaft for moisturizing and protection. Bend over from the waist and hang limply while doing some of the brushing. Use a natural bristle brush or other gentle brush. Be careful and dont hurry. Better to go slow and only get 30 strokes in, than go fast and risk breaking or pulling out your hair. Get into the habit of brushing your hair thoroughly before washing it.

Massage your scalp: Before you stop to groom and brush your hair during the day, make a point of doing a quick scalp massage first. Slip your fingers into your hair, and using just the pads of your fingers, massage in small circular motions over your scalp. Using your finger pads will keep you from breaking your hair, scratching your scalp and messing up your style too much. Then restyle, re-spray (if you use it) and go...

Break Day: Get into the habit of giving your hair a break once a week. It is not necessary to wash your hair every day (unless you are a teenager, have a dirty job or work up a real sweat every day). If you are over the age of 20, and do not have any rashes or infections (like dandruff), give your hair a break for a whole day. Pick a day where you normally do not go out, or just do housework and run errands. Do not wash with shampoo and do not heat style. If you just feel too grubby and must do something, after brushing your hair thoroughly to distribute the sebum, simply wet your hair, apply a little daily conditioner to the ends, rinse well, and then pull back into a wet look ponytail or bun. Give your hair a break from shampooing once a week, and whenever possible, from blow-drying and heat styling.

Conditioning Treatment: Unless you have very fine, limp hair, get into the habit of applying a deep conditioning treatment to your hair once a week. Deep conditioners are not the same as daily conditioners, and homemade preparations work really well. Coconut oil is especially good for hair conditioning. Brush your hair, wash it lightly, and then towel dry. Apply your deep conditioner and then wrap your head in a heated towel to open the hair cuticle and allow the conditioner to soak in. Leave for 10 minutes to half and hour. Then rinse thoroughly in warm water to remove the conditioner residue that remains, then cool water to close the hair cuticle. Rinsing your hair in cool water can be a little uncomfortable, but it can do amazing things for the appearance of your hair. It closes the hair cuticle close to the shaft, which increases shine and manageability, and helps to keep hair strong. A mixture of cool water and lemon juice is even better for shine and strength (a half of a teaspoon of lemon juice in two quarts of cool water is sufficient).

Daily Conditioner: Get into the habit of applying a daily conditioner to hair ends every time you shampoo. This will reduce slit ends, discoloration when coloring, damage when heat styling and reduce the need for frequent trims. Use a product designed for thermal styling if you frequently blow-dry, use a curling iron or hot rollers.

Haircuts: Get into the habit of getting your hair trimmed when it needs to be. Again, this reduces split ends and keeps excess weight off your hair (which can cause breakage). About once every 8 weeks is right for shoulder length or longer hair, once every 6 weeks for shorter styles.

Up-Dos: Yep, thats right if you have long hair and want to keep it that way - put your hair up when possible. Im not suggesting you look like an librarian every day, but one of the reasons that women grew such long beautiful hair back in the old days is because they wore it up all the time. The weight of your hair can stimulate the start of the telogen phase. When hair is weighed down and very long, it stops growing and falls out, or simply breaks off. Putting your hair up frequently will keep that weight off the root of the hair. You can pin it up gently with bobby pins or a banana clip when running errands, doing housework, cooking dinner, doing yard work, messing around on your computer, watching TV, etc. Now, this depends on your hair style and hair length. If you have a short hairstyle, this step is not only unnecessary its impossible. However, if you have shoulder length or longer hair, and want it to be as thick and healthy looking as possible, make it a point to put it up and keep the weight off your scalp. The other upside is that it will help keep the hair out of dinner.

How to Wash Your Hair

Believe it or not, there is a right way to wash your hair. Treat it like the finest silk! If youve ever made the mistake of running a pair of expensive silk hose through your washing machine, youll know what I mean.

Here a few tips for avoid causing any excess damage to your hair while washing it:

1. Let your hair hang naturally when you wash it; either standing in the shower or with your head leaning over the bath, or in a shampoo sink. NEVER NEVER NEVER pile it up on your head to wash.

2. Wet your hair with warm water (not hot) to prepare it for shampooing. Keep the pressure on the showerhead gentle enough to avoid excess water pressure on your hair.

3. Pour shampoo into the palm of your hand.

4. Work the shampoo into a lather in your hand, and apply to your scalp. Work the shampoo into your scalp all over your head by massaging with your fingertips (not your fingernails). Move fingers from one area of your head to the other by lifting the fingers and then placing them elsewhere on your head. Do NOT drag them through your hair. Remember, hair is the most vulnerable to damage and breakage when it is wet. If your hair is particularly dirty or oily, you can work the shampoo through to the ends. If your hair is very dry or processed, you may just want to wash your scalp, and let the shampoo pick up any dirt or oil on the ends as its rinsed out.

5. Rinse hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Ensure that you allow it to hang naturally. You may spread it out gently with your fingertips if its long and needs extra help getting out the shampoo.

6. If you chose to use a rinse-out conditioner, this is the time. Unlike shampooing, apply conditioners to the ends of your hair, and if your hair is generally dry, apply the remainder on your hands gently to the roots. Repeat the rinse.

7. Towel dry gently. The new hair towel wraps are excellent, keep hair in place and arent heavy like a towel wrap so theres less risk of breakage to your hair.

8. Once hair is towel-dried you can apply a leave-in conditioner.

9. ALWAYS comb wet hair with a wide-tooth comb NEVER brush wet hair.

10. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sleep on wet hair it is vulnerable when wet, and can break easily as you turn on your pillow. Even if it doesnt break, it roughs up the cuticle and makes it look dull.

11. Air dry hair whenever possible.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hand Massage: The Secret To Having Unimaginably Beautiful Hands

Most people are vain about their hands. This is because they are, aside from the face, what is apparent first and foremost to other people. It is likewise pleasant to see hands that are clean and white. Hands which are dirty and neglected are a disgrace and may cause people to form negative opinions about their owner.

It is, however, difficult to maintain the softness and cleanliness of ones hands. This is obviously because they are the ones being used to help oneself around. They clasp, grip, clamp and hold on to anything and everything that they need to. As a result, they have become the receiving end of abuses that are too many to mention.

Taking care of ones hands goes beyond washing them whenever they are soiled and applying beauty aids like moisturizers and lotions to them for maintenance. Caring for them also includes allowing them to rest whenever they need to and making sure that they are in good condition all the time. The process called giving hand massage has also become one of the options one could try out to be able to give his hands proper care. This is because giving hand massage to ones hands allows blood to circulate better through them. Giving hand massage also serves the purpose of allowing them to rejuvenate and to regain their missing vitality.

Giving hand massage to ones hands is something that would prove to be beneficial, and how to give hand massage is as easy as 1-2-3. The first step that needs to be undertaken in giving hand massage is pouring half a teaspoon of vegetable oil onto the palm of ones hand. Rubbing the substance should make it cover the entire area of the palm. After doing this, the oil should be spread around the hand of the person being massaged. Light stroking movements should be used.

The next step in giving hand massage involves moving the thumbs away from each other from the center of the hands towards the outsides several times, then between the tendons on the back of the hand and towards the wrist. Then, taking each finger between the finger and the thumb, circular or twisting movements should be done up and down each finger.

The next step in giving hand massage involves turning over the hand being massaged. The same routine of moving the thumbs away from each other from the center of the palm is to be done while applying more pressure this time. After this, circular movement using the thumbs is to be made all over the palm of the one being massaged. The last step in giving hand massage involves holding the hand of the one being massaged while sliding a hand up the arm. This is to be done several times before finally proceeding to give hand massage on the other hand.

Giving hand massage to ones hands is something that is bound to give a priceless experience to them. Giving hand massage is easy, healthy and beneficial aesthetically speaking. Techniques such as giving hand massage are able to lend new lives to tired, beaten, overused hands as they are parts of the body which deserve a little more pampering than what they actually get. Giving hand massage is for people who want to have unimaginably beautiful hands, and this is the benefit giving hand massage is able to offer to hands that are in dire need of tender loving care.

The Sun and Ageing of the Skin

As the body ages, the appearance and characteristics of the skin alter - say looks real ugly. The areas of skin exposed to the sunlights ultraviolet radiation suffer the most damage and expectedly age faster. It can occur at an early age in people who have spent much time outdoors and those who are often badly sunburned, particularly those who are fair skinned.

The dreaded process is known as photoageing. It is attributed to a combination of short wavelength (UVB) injury to the epidermis (outside layers of the skin) and long wavelength (UVA) to the dermis (middle layers).

Again, ultraviolet radiation is largely to blame. The continuous and profound effects of oxidation, ionisation and genetic changes of cellular components including DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Weakens the skins immune system. Hence, aging skin is prone to skin cancer.

Scarring from repeated inflammation due to sunburn (also acne and other skin diseases) increases dermal collagen and causes the dermis to lose elasticity. The epidermis becomes thinner so the skin easily dries up, blisters, and tears. The skin is weaker than normal and feels dry because it is less able to hold water.

The ageing changes are particularly apparent on the face where fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration and textural changes can be noticed at closer look or in serious cases, remarkably noticeable.

Lingering under the sun without adequate protection causes overactivity of tanning cells, called melanocytes. Consequently, ugly sights of blotchy pigmentation with brown freckles, solar lentigines and white marks would appear.

Tangled masses of damaged elastin protein in the dermis result to yellow thickened bumps (elastosis or heliosis). Aging skin is also very prone to develop brown warty lesions (seborrhoeic keratoses), cherry red spots (angiomas), dilated small blood vessels (telangiectases) and bruises (senile purpura).

Tender red dry spots or solar keratoses (also known as actinic keratoses), though more common on the backs of the hands are also often found on the temples, bridge of nose, cheeks and upper lip.

The degree of photoageing has been classified by dermatologists as: Mild (age 28-35 years): Few wrinkles, no keratoses; Moderate (age 35-50 years): early wrinkling, sallow complexion with early actinic keratoses; Advanced (age 50-60 years): persistent wrinkling, discoloration of the skin with actinic keratoses; and, Severe (age 65-70 years): severe wrinkling, photoaging, gravitational and dynamic forces affecting skin, actinic keratoses with or without skin cancer.

To remedy, or if only to delay further harm, it is still best to completely protect sun-damaged skin from more sun exposure. Outdoor activities during the middle of the day, especially on summer should be avoided. Almost obligatory, sunscreens should be applied daily, more often when outdoors.

Range of cosmetic products to care for ageing skin - from simple moisturizers and sunscreens to retinoid creams and Alpha-hydroxy acids are available in the market today. A dermatologist or plastic surgeon is still the best source for expert advice. A cosmetic surgeon may suggest clinical treatments that rejuvenate photoaged skin such as BOTOX Cosmetic to reduce frowning and several resurfacing procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing remove the top layer of damaged skin. Cosmetic surgery is required to remove redundant sagging skin, baggy eyelids necessitate blepharoplasty while a face lift is needed to tighten the jowls.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Beauty Products With A Positive Attitude

It took two caring, creative mothers and their teenage daughters to create a line of skin care products that promotes a healthy attitude toward beauty and self-esteem.

"The teenage years can be awkward both physically and emotionally for teens," said Susan Shand, one of the co-founders of Tess (Teen Everyday Skincare System). So Shand, co-founder Sheri Poe and their daughters created a brand that celebrates the personal, individual beauty of each teenage girl.

To find out what teens wanted and needed, Shand and Poe spoke with hundreds of teens and their mothers. Today, the Tess Advisory Panel-made up of girls 13 to 17-provides opinions on everything from naming, scents and packaging design.

They created products formulated with natural fruit and botanical extracts, essential oils and vitamins to cleanse, tone, moisturize and protect teenage skin. The products feature paraben-free blends of natural ingredients such as aloe vera gel, lavender oil and extracts of chamomile, green tea, hibiscus flower, comfrey, white willowbark, lemon peel, apple and strawberry.

There are two, easy-to-use, "day to night" skin care kits for combination and problem skin and eight full-sized "a la carte" products. For many girls, an easy-to-use kit can help them start the good habit of taking care of their skin, making the kits a great back-to-school gift.

For example, the Skin with Attitude Kit is formulated for teens with blemish-prone skin. It features Scrub-It-Off Strawberry/Jojoba Facial Cleanser, This Is Your Wake-Up Call Orange Facial Toner, Take No Prisoners Peppermint Serious Blemish Stick, Out and About SPF15 Lavender Oil-Free Lotion, Perfect Pout Strawberry Healing Lip Gloss and Put on Your PJs And Vanilla Oil-Free Healing Night Cream.

Packaged in classic, clean, simple bottles and tubes with fun, lighthearted product names and colorful accents of watermelon, lime, tangerine and sky blue, the packaging also features empowering statements such as "take charge," "dare to dream," "speak your mind" and "never settle" to provide daily inspiration.

Finding The Perfect Skin Care Moisturizer Cream

Individuals all around the world have many problems or flaws with their skin. Some individuals may experience skin that is dry, cracked, oily, itchy, or irritated. For these individuals finding the perfect skin care moisturizer cream is extremely important.

Skin care moisturizer cream is made by a wide variety of different health and beauty companies. The different varieties, styles, and formulas of skin care creams are endless. Finding the perfect skin care moisturizer cream can be a fairly long and difficult process; however, there are helpful tips that may make the process easier. One of the ways to determine your needs in a moisturizer is by evaluating your skin and deciding what your ultimate skin goal would be.

One of the most common goal for individuals with dry skin for it to successfully become moisturized. Having dry skin is an unpleasant feeling that may lead to itching and in turn irritated skin. There are many skin care locations or creams that claim to help cure dry skin, unfoundedly many may fail to do so. One of the best ways for your to find your perfect skin care moisturizer cream is by trial and error. Throughout your testing of different moisturizers, you may come across some creams that do not work well for your skin. If this happens, the best thing to do is just move on and experiment with another brand.

One of the main reasons why an individual may decide to purchase a specific skin care moisturizer cream is due to its price. There are many shoppers who will first purchase an item that is at the lowest price or on sale. As with any product, there is the ability to find a decent quality item on sale; however, cheaper is not always better. The reason why many skin care moisturizer creams may be cheaply priced is because many are watered down or not the greatest quality. Is an moisturizer really cheaper when in the long run you may have to keep reapplying it so many times because your skin is still dry?

Reading the labels or researching a company is another way to learn about a successful skin care moisturizer cream. The beauty of the internet is that are lots of resources available with the click of a mouse. Feedback forums or discussion boards are a great way to learn about the success rate of an item. Shopper generally wish to share their experiences with other consumers. It is not uncommon to find comments concerning products that work great or, in the opinion of others, are not worth the money. When using previous customer feedback as a guidance, it is important to remember that all skin types do not react the same way. Just because a specific skin care moisturizer cream did not work well another individual, does not necessarily mean to will be the same for you. Keep your eyes open for feedback concerning the cream itself. For instances, previous users may state if a specific brand was runny, too thick, or had a bad smell to it.

Once the perfect skin care moisturizer cream is obtained, many individuals can notice a significant difference in the texture of their skin in little as one week. Somewhere out there is the perfect moisturizer for your skin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Protect Your Skin From The Aging Effects of the Sun

Are you as careful to protect your skin from sun damage as you should be? Do you wear sunscreen every time you go outside for prolonged periods? Or do you think you're safe for some other reason?

Most people are aware of the dangers of skin cancer resulting from overexposure to the sun. While people who rarely burn are less likely to contract skin cancer than people who burn easily, everyone is at risk. Even with no family history. And our collective knowledge about skin cancer risks is constantly changing. For example, dermatologists used to condone minimal use of high-pressure tanning beds (which use UVA rays almost exclusively, with very little of the UVB rays) for people who tan easily and rarely burn. The tan from these beds was thought to protect your skin from natural sunlight. Now dermatologists are finding that UVA rays cause deeper tissue forms of skin cancer, which are more difficult to detect and treat.

Even if you never contract skin cancer, overexposure to sunlight also accounts for a surprising number of the signs of aging we think of as normal. Tanning produces deep skin wrinkles, makes the skin texture leathery, and can cause discoloration such as "age spots". Avoiding sun and tanning bed exposure will help keep your skin tone even, your wrinkles fine and your skin texture soft.

Broad-spectrum sunscreens provide excellent protection from natural sunlight exposure. Even if you're not going to be out in the sun for long, it's a good idea to put some on exposed skin while dressing in the morning, particularly in the summer time. If you're concerned about potentially dangerous chemicals that have been used in sunscreen, such as PABA, you should be aware there are sunscreen products available now that don't include harmful chemicals. In fact, many are comprised mainly of natural ingredients, including moisturizers, which are the basis of any good anti-aging routine. If you already have skin damage resulting from sun exposure, there are a number of products available to even skin tone and soften deep wrinkles.

Recipes For Dry Skin Care Using Herbs And Essentials Oils

Dry skin is generally due to less oil and moisture produced by sebaceous glands. Simple dry skin results from lack of natural oils affecting mostly women under age of 35 years, while complex dry skin lacks both oil and moisture and is distinguished by fine lines, enlarged pores and sagging skin that happens with aging. Alternatively, dry skin could be results from genetic condition, poor diet especially deficiencies of vitamin A and the B vitamins, exposure to environmental factors such sun, wind, or aggressive usage of chemicals, cosmetics and excessive bathing with harsh soaps.

To name a few essential oils for dry skin are Chamomile, Geranium, Hyssop, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang-Ylang.

-Aloe Vera gel applied topically helps to remove dead skin cells and is soothing, healing and moisturizing.

-Calendula & comfrey with its skin softening properties are used in facial sauna.

-4 - 5 drops of lavender oil to bath water followed by application of diluted evening primrose oil or Aloe Vera cream moistens the dry skin.

-Evening primrose oil contains essential fatty acid to strengthen skin cells and boost their moisture content.

-Drink tea brewed with chamomile, dandelion or peppermint. Teas of Borage, fennel, coltsfoot or calendula help improve the skin. Add 1 tsp of either herb to 1 cup of boiling water and drink daily.

-Tea tree oil with its skin penetrating properties helps to moisturize and smooth the skin.

Treat yourself with these recipes using herbs and essential oils -

Dry skin mask - Obtain a smooth paste by mixing 6 ounce of unflavored yoghurt, few finely crushed almonds, 2 tsp honey and wheat germ oil each. Apply and massage of your skin for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Crushed almonds exfoliate and eliminate dead skin, honey aids in adhering mask to skin and vitamin E in wheat germ oil fights radicals.

Home made balm for dry, chapped lips - Heat cup almond or grape seed oil. Add 2 tsp of melted beeswax, tsp alkanet root. Strain the oil removing the root. Add 8-10 drops of natural flavoring oil and 3 drops of vitamin E oil.

If you hands are moisture dry or chapped, massage them with sandalwood, rose or chamomile essential oils mixed with hydrating base oil like hazelnut, avocado or evening primrose.

For energizing natural hand moisturizer, mix wheat germ oil with your favorite essential oil.

Before bath, apply a mixture of 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp orange juice, 1 tsp olive oil, few drops of rose water and lime juice on your skin. This is a good morning skin cleanser. 1 egg, 1 tsp honey, tsp olive oil and few drops of rose water makes a good beauty mask for dry skin.

Try Herbal facial sauna once a week. Use chamomile, lavender, and peppermint herbs. Simmer 2 - 4 tsp of dried or fresh herbs in 2 quarts of water. After few minutes of steaming, place the pot at comfortable distance from your face on a table. Bend over the pot with towel covering your face and the pot to trap the steam. After 15 minutes, splash cold water and air dry your skin followed by application of moisturizer or facial oil. You can cool the herbal water and use it as toning lotion to be dabbed on your face after cleansing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Passing Time Makes Its Mark - Use Antiaging Dry-Oily Skin Care Products

anti aging, skin care, supplements, skin care products, looking young

We cannot stop the rolling cycle of time. But surely we can prevent it from leaving its parting signs all over us.

Yes, you can prevent your self from getting the aging marks by using antiaging products. The anti-aging treatments will make the show of your aging process less evident on your skin. The result will be that you would look much younger. Are you ready for all that?

As your age increases, your blood fails to manage the circulation speed it had shown before. This results in dehydration of your skin. In the body, the creation of collagen decelerates and this looses the elasticity of the skin. The years of continuous exposure to sunrays, harsh elements make wrinkles, lines and dark spots on your skin prominent. Aging also breaks blood vessels and decreases the production of hormones. Your skin grows to be thin and dull, with enlarged pores.

Now if your skin is dry or oily or have patches of both dry-oily skins, your problem will be grave. You need special skin care products that go well all-in-one for anti-aging, dry skin and oily skin.

As you cross the age of 40 and your skin reaches maturity, the skin naturally starts to loose its moisture and elasticity. Now if it was dry and oily beforehand, it will develop wrinkles and lines, even more. So if you had dry, oily or dry-oily skin, it needs you to be more attentive to your aging skin. It is thus never late or early for starting taking care of the skin. Anti-aging dry-oily skin care products are the best that help you. You should select such skin care products that can provide you all the important nutrients for your antiaging dry-oily skin.

The anti-aging dry-oily skin care products moisturize, vitaminize the skin and act as anti-oxidants. They help the skin in restoring its natural moisture. It works to smooth the fine lines and wrinkles. If you regularly apply the antiaging dry-oily skin care products, it will make your skin soft and elastic and will also further prevent the new wrinkles. There will be no need for surgical or chemical procedures and your skin will be young and bright.

Aging is definitely a natural process but your skins dryness and oily tendency may not be totally natural. Dry skin is the result of low sebum production in your skins lower level. There are many factors that make your skin dry, like pollution, wintry temperature, less humidity and heating system. Moreover in many cases, you might not have dry skin before, but it can become dry as you age. You can feel the skin of your face tight, flaky and dull.

Dry skin adds more to the process of aging by pacing the development of premature wrinkles and lines. It goes right for the oily skin as well. Caused due to excess sebum production in the lower level of skin, oily skin has large pores. It sustains oily shine on its facade. This type of skin is more prone to develop blackheads, pimples, acne, whiteheads and breakouts.

The anti-aging dry-oily skin care products help you to trim down all the problems that you have because of aging dry-oily skin. They keep a balance between dryness and oiliness. Start the use of antiaging dry-oily skin care products today and forget all your skin related problems for good.

New Plastic Surgery Procedures Body Thermage

The body thermage is a relatively new procedure sweeping the plastic surgery field. Yes, it is the procedure you see performed on many of the makeover television shows.

New Plastic Surgery Procedures Body Thermage

Many people wonder how celebrities can lose a dress size so fast with apparently doing anything. The answer is a procedure known as body thermage, which is generally used in the treatment of facial and neck laxity. Body thermage is considered an innovative and safe cosmetic option, which is based on radio frequency energy applied to the skin.

The body thermage procedure is often referred to as radiothermaplasty, therma-lift or therma-cool. The treatment is a non-surgical procedure that has shown effectiveness to temporary correct lax abdominal skin, but thermage can be also applied to lift other parts of the body including buttocks, thighs and arms.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the thermage procedure in 2002, originally for the treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids. Since then, increasing references from TV shows promoting the results resulted in the procedure receive additional clearance for the extensive use of treatment anywhere on the body.

Although almost anyone can undergo body thermage, people whose age is between 35 and 60 are the ideal candidates for the procedure due to the mild to moderate skin laxity present at that age. The skin tightening procedure is meant to be permanent, but this can only be achieved with corresponding maintenance and follow-up programs.

In a massive breakthrough, thermage is also used to successfully treat stretch marks and loose abdominal skin after pregnancy or remarkable weight loss, particularly in obese patients. However, this procedure is not recommended for women immediately after childbirth, except if they are done having children because the effect will be lost with a following pregnancy.

A typical thermage procedure will last from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the area to be treated and pre-existing condition. People with implanted cardiac devices, including pacemakers, should avoid undergoing thermage procedures due to the radio frequency energy below the surface of the skin into the collagen. Specifically, the energy can interfere with the functioning of cardiac devices, a true disaster. Thermage does not require incisions, injections, or surgery. However, individuals taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as naproxen, prednisone, and ibuprofen, must avoid it.

The decision to have a body thermage procedure is not one that should be taken lightly. Make sure to consult with a qualified plastic surgery to determine if it is solution to your condition.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Skin Care - Control Body Odor

Sweat controls our body temperature. Sweat also is responsible for body odor. When bacteria react with sweat, it produces odor. Similarly pheromones that are emitted by apocrine glands also have an odor. Let us find out how to control excess sweat and control body odor.

Skin care- how sweat produces odor?

Eccrine sweat is produced by eccrine sweat glands that are distributed all over the body. This sweat that is mainly water with very small amount of salt, sugar, urea etc. is odorless. As this sweat appears on the skin surface it softens the epidermal keratin producing smell as a result. Bacteria feed upon the keratin and sweat and produce odor. In other areas of body, such as armpit, the skin is folded and moist and warm. That is the ideal place for bacteria to feed upon sweat and produce odor. Apocrine glands are mainly located around area such as scalp, groin and armpits. They produce fatty sweat with pheromones. Bacteria again break down this sweat and result is bad odor. The excess of sweat and /or bacteria can produce more body odor. The obvious solution to body odor is therefore- reduction or drying of excess sweat as soon as possible and keeping the skin free of bacteria. Here you should note that if you have any yeast infection, that can worsen the odor.

Skin care and control of sweat and odor-

Control sweat with antiperspirants. If you are having the problem of excess sweating, please consult your doctor who will suggest other methods such as botox injections and other methods. Washing body with antibacterial soap is a good idea. Keep skin dry as much as possible and change clothes that may be been worn while you had sweat because clothes continue to carry sweat producing bacteria until they are washed.. Clothes may have dried, but they carry the stench of sweat with them. Please change clothes after any activity that produces sweat. Some foods such as caffinated drinks, garlic, onions may add to sweat smell or excess sweating. Avoid these foods. Control sweat, control bacteria and keep body dry to keep yourself smelling fresh at all the times for better skin care.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How To Buy Perfume That Is Right For You

Buying Perfume can be a very hard decision, especially when you buying that perfume for your friend or lover. Different people will have different choice of perfume. Also each fragrance will produce a different scent on various types of skin. Therefore, when buying perfume we need to do some good research and try it out before you make the final decision.

There are hundreds brands of perfume and thousands of scents available in the market nowadays. If you never bought any perfume before and not sure which perfume will be right for you or your friend, you should check out the Perfume Review website online or ask your friend to see which perfume is popular that most people use it. After that, you can go out to department store to try it on your skin.

Trial and testing Perfume

There are 2 ways that you can try perfume either direct on your skin or spray on the fragrance blotters. Now there is both advantage and disadvantage about these two methods of testing if you only using one method.

By testing on your skin, you will be able to know exactly how does it smell on your skin, but you can't try out too many different types of perfume simply because all the perfume that you try after the first one will mix with the first one and you won't get the correct smell of those fragrance.

By testing on the fragrance blotters, you can spray on different cards and write the name of that fragrance at the back of those cards. But this method of testing won't give you exactly how it smells on your skin either.

The best way is to try on the fragrance blotters first, then choose the smell that you like and try it on your skin, that way you can get the fragrance you like and the right perfume for your skin.

Types of Perfume

There are 4 main different types of perfume. Eau De Cologne, Eau De Toilette, Eau De Parfum and Parfum. They are ranging from the least concentrate to the most concentrate and therefore the different in price.

Eau de Cologne (EDC) is the term used today to refer to a perfume solution with around a 3% compound in an oil and water base. It's the lightest of perfumes and, therefore the least expensive.

Eau de Toilette (EDT) - is a perfume solution with a 3-8% compound in an oil and water base. It is a bit more expensive.

Eau de Parfum (EDP) is a perfume solution with a 10-15% compound.

Parfum is the highest concentration of oils, with 20-50% compound, which makes it last longer than others and the most expensive.

Size of Perfume

Perfume is packed in different sizes. In Europe and USA, perfume usually measures by Oz, in Australia or other countries we measure by ml. 1Oz is equivalent to 30ml (1Oz ~30ml). The most common size usually is 50ml, 75ml or 100ml. If you are buying the fragrance for the first time, you should buy the small bottle to try it out first. If you already wear that fragrance before and you really like it, then go ahead and purchase the big bottle because they are usually best value for money.

There is some small sample called vial on card or vial mini as well, those bottles are usually for trial. It is a good idea for you to buy those trial first to test it out before go ahead to buy a big bottle.

Where to buy Discount Perfume

Now you already know which brand, type and size of the perfume you like and best fit for you. It is time to shop around for the best price available. Nowadays, Perfume Online Stores usually sell perfume at a better price than most of department stores or retail outlet, as they don't have to employ a lot of staff and pay the big rent in the shopping center. Perfume Online Stores also can carry a lot more varieties of brands as well as keep some hard to find perfume.

Buying a right Perfume can be a very hard decision but if you do enough homework I am sure that you will find the best perfume for yourself. Next article, we will share with you on how to wear and store perfume.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Potential Risks Of Getting A Tattoo

The majority of tattoos are applied without any problem, but there are some that result in a less than desirable outcome. For this reason, the potential risks associated with getting a tattoo cannot be overlooked. Unsanitary equipment is the main concern that most individuals face when getting a tattoo. The potential for contracting a disease is high with equipment that is not properly cleaned after each use. In addition, tattoos can often result in a skin infection if either the equipment used to create the tattoo is dirty or if the individual does not properly care for the area following a tattoos application.

If excessive redness, swelling or pain around the area of the tattoo develops, a licensed physician will need to inspect the tattoo in order to determine whether or not it is infected. Common treatments may include medication, but an infection that has gotten extremely bad may require that the patient be hospitalized. In addition to the obvious concerns that may arise immediately, a physician may again be needed later on if the patient ever decides to have that tattoo removed. Surgery is the only way to completely remove a tattoo and, as with any type of surgery, this carries additional risks.

If an individual decides to remove his/her tattoo, the procedure may be either an out-patient process or one that requires a minimal hospital stay. The ultimate determination will be made by a physician, who will consider the patients overall health and the likelihood of developing any type of infection. In addition, patients who experience complications during surgery or a possible allergic reaction to medication will likely be admitted to the hospital for further observation.

The next risk associated with tattoos is not so much one of health, but of appearance. If a tattoo is done by an amateur or simply not done well, its appearance may be ruined. At the same time, if a tattoo is every removed, there is a great possibility that a visible scar will remain. While it is true that most scars become less noticeable in time, they never completely go away and will forever be a reminder of the tattoo that was once there.

Just as with every decision in life, there are pluses and minuses to every ordeal. If you are considering a tattoo, take a moment to carefully think about why you want the tattoo, how you will feel about it 10 years from now and whether or not the tattoo is for you or for someone else. When making a permanent marking on your body, you should do so only because you want to and not because anyone else wants or expects you to.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Before deciding on getting a tattoo or having one removed, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for medical advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual healthcare needs.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10 Steps To Look Younger


The secret of the youth has been searched since long time ago. Many researchers have done some experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process.

There are some techniques which have been implemented, but the most important things for us to do are being consistent in implementing healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

We cant stop the natural change, but we can still look younger if we want to work hard to slow down the aging process.

Therefore, Im going to help you with 10 easy steps to make you look younger:

Detox Its important to start detoxification, getting rid of toxin from our body. Our body metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life we are exposed to so many chemical hazards from air, food and environment. Fasting or just consuming fruits and vegetables are ways to detoxify our body.

Sleep Having enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having a good sleep is also important because growth hormone is working during that time. It renews the old cell of our body, include the skin cell. Our skin will look fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Food Eating healthy and safe food everyday will make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are important food to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Exercise Through routine exercise, we will feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also increases our bone density and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years younger. Beside aerobic, walking, and swimming, goes also to the gym to do lifting exercise.

Relax By trying to be relaxed, our face will look younger. Stress and worries appear on our face. If we can manage our stress and feel at peace, our face will look younger and attractive.

Be Positive A positive mind and affirmation we said can bring positive life to us. Negative thought tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is one way to make positive thoughts.

Medical Check-up - Just like a car, our body also needs attention and care so it can work well everyday. Having routine medical checkups during our healthy time is important to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

Active Life Always try to be active during your life. Activities can increase health; and if you are in your elder age, your memory will increase too.

Social Life Happy social life can increases our spirit, bring peaceful mind, and make us feel and look younger. Communication with our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can bring happiness to us.

Performance - Start to look at our performance. Is our body weight ideal for us? If not, try to fix that to the best ideal weight. Also look to the skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are important as they will show our age. Looks good and feels good will increase our performance.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Straightening Your Teeth May Be Good for Your Health

Straightening your teeth can work wonders on your smile, but did you also know it may help lower your risk of developing serious diseases?

"Crooked, crowded or unevenly spaced teeth are harder to keep clean and tend to harbor more food and bacteria," said Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling, an orthodontics specialist in New York. "This can lead to an increase in plaque and bacteria in the mouth which can cause decay and periodontal disease, a bacterial infection of the gums, bone and periodontal ligament that can enter the blood stream, travel to major organs and cause systemic complications."

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum disease may contribute to the development of heart disease; increase the risk of stroke, premature birth and low birth weight; and pose a serious threat to people whose health is already compromised due to diabetes, respiratory diseases or osteoporosis.

Properly aligned teeth can help keep plaque and tarter from building up. Plaque and tarter are known causes of gum disease. Straight teeth help gums "fit" tighter around them and also make it easier to brush and floss, which leads to better gum health.

With today's advances in orthodontic technology, straightening crooked teeth is easier and less noticeable than ever before.

Invisalign, for instance, is a popular technique that straightens teeth using a series of custom-made, clear and removable aligners. Clinical studies show that gum health may improve using Invisalign over other forms of teeth-straightening techniques. Because there are no brackets or wires to worry about, patients can take out their "braces" after meals to brush and floss.

Additional health benefits of straightening teeth include improved chewing and speech and less stress on supporting bone and jaw joints.

Asian Skin Needs Anti-Ageing Help and Protection

Asian skin can suffer from specific problems that cant be addressed using regular beauty industry moisturisers and facial products. Asian skin is thicker than white skin and can be leathery in appearance. This means it needs richer, deeper penetrating creams. The ideal moisturiser for Asian skin should contain a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) to prevent further darkening of skin colour, and antioxidants for protection against harmful free radicals and pollution.

Younger Asian women in particular want their skin to appear lighter and blemish free with even skin tone. In this quest for an ivory complexion, many Asian women have used potentially harmful skin peels, or taken expensive tablets that claim to work from within, to lighten the skin. Unfortunately many of these products contain harsh ingredients, and can produce uneven light-and-dark patches over the face and body. I do not want the next generation to risk harming their skin in this way, and I have researched the safest skin lighteners available. Kojic acid is the active ingredient in the latest safe skin lightener. It helps lighten skin colour by inhibiting the production of melanin that causes skin darkening and age spots. The skin takes between 4-8 weeks to renew its layers, so during that time the new lighter skin cells come through and the whole complexion will look fresher and brighter.

Dark patches around the eyes are a problem for a lot of Asian women, and they often appear across the forehead and cheeks. This is usually a consequence of pregnancy or hormonal changes at the menopause. These blemishes can be unsightly, and many women would like to get rid of them without using harmful chemicals or undergoing cosmetic surgery. The skin around the eyes is much finer than the rest of the face, and cannot absorb a normal face cream. If we compare the thickness of skin on the various parts of our body to paper, the delicate eye area would be like tissue paper, the face like writing paper, and the neck like wrapping paper. A skin treatment cream for this delicate area needs the correct consistency for absorption around the eyes, otherwise puffiness and swelling will be made worse. A mild skin bleaching ingredient such as kojic acid can be used in an eye treatment cream, to reduce the appearance of dark eye circles.

Sun damage is also a major hazard for Asian skin not only making it darker, but also causing blemishes and scarring. There are safe skin treatments designed to prevent or repair sun damage, at any age by using vitamins A and E with antioxidants. This combination will help to boost the skins immune system and can reduce the appearance of existing blemishes by speeding up tissue repair. Lypozomes are another important ingredient, as they help fade brown spots by changing the rate of skin cell clustering, and leave the skin looking younger and clearer.

Using these skin care ingredients is not vanity they are a vital protection for healthy skin in todays environment. When buying cream for Asian skin, you should ask which active ingredients it contains, and whether the products have been tested to local safety standards. In the UK this means they should be tested in accordance with Department of Trade & Industry requirements, to ensure safety and effectiveness. Most of us will also want to check that the products have not been tested on animals.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How Can Waxing Rid You Of Unsightly Body Hair?

Are you using waxing as a hair removal technique? If not, then you should consider it. The process of waxing is very old and one that has been used in one way or another for thousands of years (dating back to ancient Egypt even) and can work very well for you today. What is it? It is the removal of hair from the root through a process of applying a wax and then quickly removing it. And, yes, waxing does hurt a bit but it is only temporary and can give you hair free results for up to six to eight weeks. All in all, it can be well worth it.

Where To Wax?

Waxing can safely be done throughout the body. Individuals use it for their legs, eyebrows, bikini areas and much larger hairs such as their chest, stomach and back. You can have it done so that you can shave time off of your swimming competition or to help you to just look the way that you enjoy looking.

What Is It?

Whats in the wax? The mixture that you will use is a combination of paraffin or beeswax and natural oils. These products are chosen since they work well with the body and stick to the skin. There are two types, cold and hot waxing. Some have supplements in them to help improve the skins feel and texture.

Hot Waxing: In this method of waxing, a hot but comfortable temperature is used for the wax. It is spread onto the area in the direction of the hair growth. When the wax cools, it is torn off quickly in the opposite direction, pulling the hair out with it. Usually, this gives the best results in waxing.

Cold Waxing: In this method of waxing, the strips of cloth are coated with the wax and them applied to the skin. The strips are rubbed in the direction of the hair growth and then ripped off in the opposite direction.

After you wax your skin, you can use a treatment of a non perfumed moisturizer. This will help to restore the feel of the skin by adding Vitamin B and Aloe Vera to it. Whatever you do, you do not want to go swimming, use a spa or hot tub, tan, or apply perfume, deodorant or other chemicals to the area that was just waxed as these can cause infections and pain.

It is important that you carefully look at your skin prior to using any type of waxing. You should not use in areas where there are open sores, infection, moles, warts or other skin irritations. You should never attempt to wax eyelashes, ear hair, nose hair or nipple hair. And, you should make sure that you use the appropriate combination of wax for specific areas such as pubic hair. Make sure to test the temperature of the wax so that you do not get burned too.

Waxing has been around for centuries because it is an effective way to remove hair. There are not normally side effects besides a little bit of pain and redness. And, you can do it at home or in a salon. Waxing is an effective method to remove unwanted hair from virtually every area of your body.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

LASIK Eye Surgery: Safe or Dangerous

The question that goes through the mind of most every person considering LASIK eye correction surgery is whether or not it is safe. For those who dont know, LASIK or Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis is a type of vision correction surgery in which surgery is performed on the cornea of the eye using a laser.

Many who consider this surgery often have concerns of whether or not it is safe. Only through thoroughly understanding the procedure and the possible consequences can one make such a determination. LASIK surgery is most definitely not for everyone and knowing what makes you a good candidate can help you make that decision.

The first thing to remember is that LASIK surgery is a biological procedure and as with any biological procedure the human body may or may not accept it. This means that there is no one hundred percent surefire way to know that it will work or not. Needless to say, we as a society take these kinds of risks every day and may not even know it. For example, we drive to work every day and leave ourselves open to unsafe drivers yet we outweigh the dangers because it is important for us to get to work everyday to support ourselves.

Commonly, LASIK surgery is very successful. The amount of long term complications is less than half a percent. These odds are fairly great of a successful procedure compared to many other types of surgeries. The most common problems associated with LASIK surgery are as follows:

Blurred Vision (temporary or long term)
Loss of eyesight (or may be worse than before)
Over correction or under correction
Inability to drive at night due to night blindness

Most of the complications listed above may be treated with additional surgical procedures and are fairly uncommon for the most part. LASIK surgery on the other hand have given people eyesight with as good as 20/20 vision and given people a chance to see without the help of contacts or glasses. Who seems to make a good candidate for Lasik Eye Surgery are those whos vision have impaired them from normal day-to-day functions. This often justifies the reason for getting such a surgery. Many surgeons usually recommend these types of patients over the ones strictly wanting a type of cosmetic surgery in which they no longer have to wear glasses. Knowing this can help you decide whether or not the risks are greater than or less than the value of a successful LASIK procedure.

Cucumber Benefits - A Guarantor For Good Skin

Cucumber skin care, healthy and supple skin, cucumber skin benefits

Skin has many other purposes other than being beautiful and serving as an eye candy for everyone. It protects our internal organs from any of the external adversities as far as possible.

Whenever you are running down with fever, due to sweating skin tries to bring down the temperature. Entry of foreign object or any other unwanted material is disallowed by the skin. Even with all these uses, if we tend to disregard skin's importance then it would be a real shame.

Cucumber is a very edible fruit which comes from the cucumber plant cucumis sativus, which is part of the gourd family. It is being used for different purpose as it can be eaten raw or cooked. With so many health benefits it becomes one of the most important parts of food diet as well as skin diet.

Cucumber can claim to be a water body as it has 90% water. It is known to be a cooling agent due to the water in it. It is believed that cucumber helps in reducing swelling around the eyes or the big dark circles under your eyes. This is world-wide treatment which is being used to its maximum extent.

These also can be one of the most wonderful and natural eye pads you can find for yourself. The puffiness and the tiredness in your eyes may just leave you, if you do this in a relaxed fashion. These natural eye pads do wonders after a long days work.

If you want a happy skin, then cucumber is the answer. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes easier for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and softening your skin which can get you relaxed in no time.

With so many useful ingredients in cucumber it can help you in treating so many skin problems. It has become part of daily beauty product into face packs, facials, juice and many other things which can affect your skin.

Due to its cooling effect it can be termed as a magic wand for all your skin problems. The cleaning and cleansing property helps your skin tremendously making it soft and supple. The regular intake of cucumber juice is very useful both internally and externally.

To have a glowing and smooth skin you can use this recipe

Blend 4-5 leafs of fresh mint. Peel and deseed the cucumber. Add mint leaves to the cucumber to make a puree. Beat egg white and keep it separate, then add this egg white to the cucumber mixture. Apply this evenly on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water and pat it dry.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader and not the site or the writer.

Consider Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one that you can take seriously if you want to get rid of that hair growing on your butt, on your legs, or on your back. The rates are not all complete, but the studies are showing that a real reduction in hair loss is what you will have when using the laser hair removal system. The laser hair removal system uses light to change how the hair follicle acts. As the laser changes the hair follicle, this is going to put a stop to the hair growth, lessening the amount of hair growing on the back, on the legs, or on the neck.

Laser hair removal is not going to work as well the first session on hair that is light in color such as blond or red, or on gray colored hair. There are no long-term results that can be stated with any real certainty because the laser hair removal procedure is one that has not been established for the long term, it has only been used for the last few years.

For those who have darker skin, that are tanning all the time, that are generally dark in color, or those who are using any type of coloring tanning solution you will be required to talk to your consultant about this. You dont want to have the laser actually burn your skin or discolor the skin in any way, so talking about this topic before hand will give you the best informed decision.

If you are considering using a laser hair removal treatment that is not through a license practitioner you may find that if not done properly you could have the skin turn colors, and the hair is not going to be totally gone. Several treatments are required for any laser hair removal system to be complete and to give you the best overall effects of removing and stopping the hair growth.

Be on the look out for those who are claiming that the process is totally painless. There are some people who are going through the laser hair removal system that experience clogged pores, acnes and other problems, while others do not. The general considerations are that most people are not going to experience these problems or pain from these types of problems but you should also be aware of them. Guaranteed 100% hair removal is not going to happen no matter where you are going for treatment. No laser hair removal treatment is going to be 100% on the first treatment. Many treatments are needed to stop the hair growth.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pueraria Mirifica Thai Herbs Many Medicinal Purposes

If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.

Our seek on Pueraria Mirifica ongoing in 1991 and on Butea Superba quickly after that. Pueraria Mirifica or pallid Kwao Krua is a herbal lodge that has long been worn in Thailand and Southeast Asia for many medicinal purposes. Typically, there are three types: white, red, and black Pueraria mirifica. But pasty kwao kreu and red kwao kreu are the most beneficial that gained the most interest.

These plants are found mostly in Thailand and Southeast Asia. In Thailand, they can usually be found at senior altitudes in the North. Even though there have been reports of decision plants in the same family "Pueraria" in other Asian countries, these plants are of a different species and do not possess the same qualities from Pueraria mirifica of Thailand.

Plant Description

For the rest of this article, we will discuss the meaning behind what we have learned about this subject so far.

Pueraria mirifica is a capture of hard vine that grows up and climbs around large trees. Palmate capture leaves, with three foliage in one petiole; its foliage are unadorned (ovate) and point leaf tips. plants are bluish purple, a cluster of 30 centimeters part at the end of its twig. The flower is parallel to a bean flower, each composes of five petals, the external part is the leading one, the two petals on both sides are curved, and the interior petals wrap an ovary. The lodge flowers from February to stride and produces pods in April. Aged brown downright pods goods 3-5 seeds. Tuberous roots are in different sizes. Its appearance is parallel to a yam root. Inside, the nose is pasty and the drink can basis dizziness. burrow sizes are assorted depending on the soil condition or the environment and the time of cropping. A definite tuberous nose can weigh as greatly as 100 kg. The character and extent of Pueraria mirifica is diverse and regularly differs inside each environment.

Family Name: Leguminosae.

Common Name: Pueraria mirifica.

Scientific Name: Pueraria mirifica fresh Shaw and Suvatabandhu.

Vernacular Name: Kwao kreu khao.

Parts used: Roots and barks.

Pueraria Mirifica
Pueraplus THAI FDA. G 11/2003 (E)

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth
Ingredients : Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)
Recommended Dosage : Take 1 capsule after breakfast and dinner, start the first capsule at the 1st day of menstruation till day 15 th. then stop and reconsume at the next menstruation cycle,

Warning : It should not be used in pregnant women, nursing cervix mothers, or women diagnosed with tumors in estrogen-sensitive organs, e.g., ovary, uterus and breast.

Precaution Always consult a physician before beginning any dietary supplement program, particularly if you have a medical condition

No matter which way you look at it, having a firm understanding of this topic will benefit you, even if it is just slightly.

Cosmetic Surgery a review of facial surgery, with personal experiences.

Basic background

Cosmetic surgery consists not just of enhancing someones beauty, but also to help those who have been badly damaged in an accident or who have physical birth defects. Many believe that women are the main gender that go for cosmetic surgery. Yet studies have shown that 11% of men are also getting cosmetic surgery - in fact since 1992, the percentage of men getting cosmetic surgery has gone up by 50%. Middle aged men see plastic surgery as an investment in their career prospects. It is important to know that it is neither sex nor age which makes some type of aesthetic surgery procedure feasible, but what is important is a good general health condition.

The stress of being beautiful is taking a strain on many people. People are spending about 10% of their gross income on cosmetic surgeries. Regarding age, there are some procedures such as facelift which are more frequently done on people over 40; however there are people over 55 who still may not need it. On the other hand, there are also patients under 40 who may benefit from this surgery.

Talk to a cosmetic surgeon to see whether you really need extensive changes in your appearance. Learn if a face lift is right for you. Talk it over with partners, friends, spiritual counsellors or life coaches if need be.
Cosmetic surgery covers a wide range of procedures, including obesity and weight loss surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction & face surgery. A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift or an eyelid surgery. Alternatives to surgery exist. Laser cosmetic surgery may be performed around the eyes or the mouth. More consumers are considering injectables to prolong or avoid facelifts, forehead lifts and eyelid surgeries.

Eyelid surgery

Sagging upper eyelids or bags under the eyes can be one of the clearest signs of facial ageing. Patients interested in eyelid or eye brow surgery may have noticed drooping or sagging of the skin around the eyes. Eyelid surgery, technically called blepharoplasty, corrects not only the eyelids but also eyebags. Often, the procedure is done with another cosmetic operation, such as a facelift. To remove your eyebags whilst lifting your face is only a matter of more time for the surgeon. The goal of eyelid surgery is to remove excess skin gravity and sun exposure damage. Patients usually request for surgery to remove eyebags and to firm the lower eyelid area. In lower eyelid surgery, the surgeon makes the incision in an inconspicuous site along the lashline and smile creases of the lower lid. This is a very effective way of performing the surgery without leaving any obvious scarring.

Facial surgery

The face as a whole must be considered if the optimum outcome of cosmetic surgery is to be achieved. A facelift can help rejuvenate the lower face, giving it a fresher, healthier appearance. The face lift works well for the jaw line and the neck. By improving facial muscle tone, you can literally lift years off your face. Muscles, fat and deep tissues of the face are all lifted and repositioned so skin is draped over more youthful contours. Most surgeons agree that the best time for the first facial cosmetic surgery is whenever it is needed. Microdermabrassion and non surgical face lifts are alternatives to surgery, in conjunction with a natural facial with elements such as green tea that promote skin wellness. It is also recommended to use facial and body massage therapy after treatments to relax you and speed your recovery. Face aerobics are terrific and can save money in cosmetic surgery.

Personal testimony of facial surgery

The following is a true personal testimony written by a good friend of mine, Bethany Lee, specifically for this article and with her full permission. She is keen to share her experiences with others who may read it.

I had cosmetic surgery some years ago my first operation was for my eyes. I had very many creases around them and was unhappy with my appearance. I contacted an agent for cosmetic surgery, thinking about whole face surgery. After a discussion with her, she convinced me to start by having correction around my eyes. The operation I had was performed under local anaesthetic although this method isnt entirely suitable for many people as it is quite painful. It is possible to have it done under general anaesthesia, or twilight anaesthesia. Some tie it in with other surgery such as a facelift procedure. Still, I opted for the local anaesthetic - I found it comforting to be able to talk to the surgeon and his nurse and know what was going on, but it is not for the faint hearted. The operation itself took about one and a half hours and I was able to have a cup of tea, don dark glasses and go home. I was given pain killers, antibiotics and eye ointment .

The painkillers were hardly needed. Although very bruised and swollen when I arrived home, my husband could see a remarkable difference in that the operation had completely removed my eye bags and wrinkles around the eyes. After the bruising and swelling finally went down (less than a week) the difference was amazing. I could see better and I looked so much younger. I was absolutely delighted. It set me off.

I was worried about my developing jowels. There was no doubt about it the cosmetic surgery loomed. I contacted the same agent I had seen before, and she showed me how my face would look after surgery. This time I opted for a full face lift. The operation took 4 hours and this was done under general anaesthetic. I must admit I suffered a lot of bruising - more than most and it took about a week to settle down but after fortnight I was transformed. I found chewing sugar free dental gum useful, it helped me exercise my jaw and kept things moving. I looked better, felt better and started to look after myself more. It gave me the incentive to start exercising again. People were complimenting me on how well I looked. The incision lines were in well hidden places in my hair line and behind my ears, so there was no way anyone could actually tell that I had undergone surgery.

I was told the eye surgery would last 7 years but it is 15 years now and they still look good. Just a very slight wrinkling on the left side, which is easily correct with makeup. I have regularly used creams to keep my skin in the best possible condition. I know that people say that a cheap cream is as good as an expensive one but I refute that totally. I have bought most of the creams on the market and find that Syence is by far the most effective. This is one of the few creams that has scientifically documented proof that it thickens the skin useful in the more mature lady! I find it invaluable, as it has kept my face very soft and near on wrinkle free.

Finally, I would say find a good cosmetic surgeon. Ask around, do not go for the cheapest or the most expensive - go for reputation. See photographs of his work if possible and ask questions. Its your money and your face you have the right to demand the best. Naturally things can go wrong but rarely do and they can be put right. I find yoga is a great help as it keeps mind and body in tune. A good balanced diet of fresh organic fruit, vegetables and olive oil add to a healthy skin, which will always help set you on a good road to quick recovery.
You will experience a little pain but speak up and it can soon be eased. At the end of the day it will be worth it!