Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Avoid The Three Most Common Mistakes With SkinCare

Our skin is our largest organ. Its living and breathing and it protects your internal organs from the invasive and dangerous elements of life: viruses, bacteria, pollutants, and harsh weather, including the sun.

Many people dont understand or fully appreciate the role that our skin plays on our overall health and well being. Most of us focus on the end result, which is how our skin looks, rather than the process of reaching and maintaining that appearance through healthy choices. This results in the most commonly made mistakes with skin care:

Not realizing that what you put into your body shows on the outside.
By not maintaining a well-balanced diet of foods and liquids rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, and by poisoning your system with too many harmful substances such as an overabundance of alcohol or cigarettes, you harm your skin. Too much alcohol can dehydrate your skin and cigarettes deprive it of the oxygen it requires. Supplement your diet with Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) like cod-liver oil or borage, flax & coconut if youre vegan. And PLEASE drink plenty of water! Add a slice of orange or sprig of mint to spruce up your water drinking experience.

Neglecting your skin when it's young.
The sun and the wind can damage your skin. This damage might not show when you're young, but just like your favorite leather coat, the wrinkles and cracking will show with age. If you treat your leather coat with moisturizers when it's new and continue treating it throughout the years, you can wear that jacket for a very long time without it showing its age. The same goes for your skin. Moisturize it before it shows signs of needing the moisture and it will stay healthier as it ages. Use a heavier crme at night to re-hydrate your skin & assist with repairing cellular degeneration.

Using skin care products that promise instant results.
Most skin products that are manufactured and full of 'instant improvement' guarantees are just full of chemicals and broken promises. And, if you listen carefully most of their marketing campaigns state that they will give you healthy-looking skin, which is a far cry from having skin that's healthy. Use all-natural creams and cleansers when taking care of your skin. Avoid ingredients like mineral oil, alcohol, lanolin & parabens (preservatives).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Smart Lipo Laser Liposuction

Liposuction has been recognized as a useful treatment to dramatically sculpt body lines and eliminate unsightly subcutaneous fat. Traditional liposuction uses mechanical suction to break up fat cells and suction them out of the body. This can result in pain, swelling, and bruising, as blood vessels and nerves can be caught up in the suction.

SmartLipo laser lipolysis is the first FDA approved laser lipolysis device. Rather than rely upon mechanical suction, the SmartLipo uses laser energy to break up fat cells, a process known as lipolysis. This often results in much less trauma to the body than traditional liposuction.

As a result of this new technology, many people are finding that recovery for laser body sculpting is quicker than traditional liposuction and can return to work or other duties within a day or two.

In addition to destorying fat cells, the laser in SmartLipo can tighten the skin resulting in an improvement not only in the fat under the skin, but an overall appearance in the skin itself due to the tissue tightening.

The factors of SmartLipo which include, quick revoery time, generally minimal bruising and swelling, and the benefit of tissue tightening, are making it the preferred choice for people who would otherwise turn to liposuction.

How'd You Get That Great Smile?

Whats the first thing you notice about a person? According to over 60% of people who were asked that in a recent survey, the answer is "their smile." A great smile is one of those assets that everyone appreciates. For decades, the only way to brighten your smile was with the help of a dentist - but these days, there's a wide variety of teeth whitening products on the market that can help anyone have a whiter, brighter smile, without the expense and inconvenience of a dentists office visit.

Teeth whitening products aren't exactly new. There have been toothpastes on the market for years that promise to whiten your teeth and give you a brighter, warmer smile. Over the past few years, though, there's been a wealth of new teeth whitening products on the market. With so many types of products and systems for whitening your teeth available, it can be confusing to choose the one that's safe and best for you.

Teeth Whitening Tray Systems
One of the most commonly used types of teeth whitening products are tray systems. Essentially, these products consist of a flexible tray that is fitted to your teeth. The tray is designed to hold a bleaching agent in close contact with your teeth for a period of time. Some tray systems are designed to be used in the dentists office, some to be prescribed by a dentist and used at home, and some can be purchased over the counter and used at home. Many people opt to wear the trays at night while they sleep.

There are several bleaching agents that are used in teeth whitening products. The one most commonly recommended by dental professionals is a carbamide peroxide 10-22% solution. Carbamide peroxide is a viscous gel form of hydrogen peroxide chosen because it clings to teeth. The better contact that the bleach has with your teeth, the better the effects you'll get from the whitening procedure.

Most over the counter tray systems use hydrogen peroxide instead of carbamide peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is safe, but it doesn't bleach as quickly. In most cases, if you're using any at-home system, it will take several sessions a day for several weeks to achieve the same results that your dentist can get in his office in two-three ninety minute sessions. However, youll pay for the speed - a doctor's office whitening treatment can cost you as much as $500 per session. An at-home system may cost as little as $30 for the total treatment.

Teeth Whitening Strips
A second popular method of whitening teeth is the use of teeth whitening strips. Like over the counter tray systems, the active ingredient in teeth whitening strips is hydrogen peroxide. Instead of using a fitted tray and mouth guard, teeth whitening strips are designed to stick to your teeth and hold the hydrogen peroxide against them. They're far more convenient for most people, who can choose to wear them at night or during the day. Usually, they require several 30-minute sessions a day over several weeks time. On the other hand, they're not as effective as tray-based systems. Because they only cover the front teeth, only those teeth are affected. In addition, because of the fit, they often leave a yellowed area of the teeth near to the gum line.

Teeth Whitening Gums and Toothpastes
Other teeth whitening products include toothpastes, dental floss and chewing gum. These products contain a very weak solution of peroxide or another whitening agent. Because they don't stay in contact with your teeth for any length of time, their effect is minimal. However, they are useful in maintaining a brighter smile in conjunction with another teeth whitening method.

White teeth and a bright smile can boost your confidence and improve your appearance. For help in choosing the best teeth whitening product for your teeth, consult a dental professional who can advise you which method will work best for you.

Copyright Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Who in their right mind would go to Mexico for plastic surgery? After all, isnt it a third world country?

Mexico is not exactly a first world country, but, at least in its metropolitan areas, it is far from a third world country.

It is also home to a fine medical school at the University of Guadalajara, where a lot of American students receive their medical degrees. Guadalajara is also the location of the prestigious Institute of Reconstructive Surgery which has been educating physicians from around the world in the latest surgical techniques for over 35 years.

Guadalajara alone has more than 75 certified plastic surgeons and most of the hospital facilities are first rate. Another benefit is the culture of care you will find in Mexico. Unlike most US doctors who seem to be in an eternal rush to get their patients out of their offices, in Mexico doctors spend time listening to their patients needs and responding to their concerns.

Most of the doctors in Mexico speak at least a little English. Many of them have taken graduate courses or have done their internships and/or residencies in the States. Some are Board Certified by US licensing agencies.

In addition to Guadalajara, there are many fine plastic surgeons in Mexico City and the northern city of Monterrey. There are also many clinics along the Texas, Arizona and California borders, but there you are taking a bigger chance that the care will not be first rate. If you are considering a border clinic, take extra care in checking out the physicians and the facilities.

The cost of a face lift in Guadalajara is about $2500 US. A full suite of services including lifting the eyelids and forehead will run about $6000. These include your hospital or clinic stays.

Even Botox injections are substantially cheaper.

There are services such as Airlift, Inc., which is owned by a nurse, which arrange everything for you, from your flight down, your accommodations while in the county and the doctor, nursing and hospital fees.

In many cases, you can arrange to recuperate in a pleasant facility with round the clock nursing care. By the time most of the swelling and bruising are under control, you will be ready to return home with your new look.

There is a downside however. One of the reasons US care is so expensive is malpractice lawsuits. One of the reasons that Mexican procedures are so cheap is that malpractice is not recognized in Mexico. So, if something does go wrong, you will have no recourse.

However, thousands of Americans, Canadian and even residents of South America flock to Mexico every year for face lifts and other cosmetic procedures. I have been living part time in Mexico for over nine years and have many friends who have had successful surgeries.

Check out the credentials of any physician you are considering carefully, Try to get references. If possible visit one of these cities beforehand so that you can become familiar with the facilities available and you can meet with some of the plastic surgeons.

There is a large ex-patriot community in and around these cities. You can always find help and references by visiting with some of these residents, who are among the biggest consumers of this type of care.

If you have a little sense of adventure and wish to save thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery, Mexico might be the place for you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trouble Shooting Residential Tanning Beds

A residential tanning bed is often purchased by individuals who want to have a tan without bothering to dress up and go to a tanning salon. A tanning bed at home makes it more convenient for a person to get that wonderful tan. But a residential tanning bed also means additional responsibility for the owner. Technology is never perfect, like the humans who use them. Thus, the home tanning bed may be subject to several problems. Fortunately, the owner of such tanning bed need not call a technician every time something goes wrong with it. Here is a guide that will be useful for the owner of a residential tanning bed.

If the bed refuses to start or to turn on, there could be four possible reasons:

1. There is no power supplied to the bed
2. There is a bad relay
3. There is a loose at the relay
4. There is a loose wire at the dial timer

The owner must inspect the plug and the breaker to make sure that there is power going to the bed. If the relay is bad, then there is no other way to fix the bed but to replace the relay. As for loose wires, all the owner has to do is to tighten the loose connection.

If the lamps dont light up, there are five possible causes:

1. Malfunctioning lamps
2. Malfunctioning ballast
3. Malfunctioning lamp holder
4. Malfunctioning starter
5. A loose wire at the ballast, or at the lamp holder or at the terminal

For any malfunctioning part of the tanning bed, the owner will need to replace it. The owner should not attempt to fix it by himself. For the loose wire, the owner may just tighten the loose connection.

If the bench lamps will not light up, the cause could be any of these:

1. The bench is not plugged into the canopy
2. A loose wire in the connector between the bench and the canopy
3. The wire in the bench-to-canopy connector may be burnt

The owner must check if the bench is securely plugged into the canopy. If not, he should correct the situation. The loose wire needed only a tightening. But if the wire is burnt, the owner must retrieve some electrical tools so that he can strip the wire and replace the connector.

If the lamps do not work well but the fans are working fine, there are only two things to check:

1. The relay
2. The wire either at the terminal block or the relay

The owner must check whether the relay is malfunctioning or not. If it is not working properly, this relay should be replaced. Any loose wire at the terminal block or at the relay can be corrected by tightening the connection.

For other tanning bed troubles, it is best that the owner consults the technician of the tanning bed supplier.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hoop Earrings a Style From History

Earrings add beauty to a face. Different types of earrings suit different faces. Women have a fascination for earrings of all metals. While gold earrings are more traditional, silver earrings are smart. Earrings are essentially worn in the ear lobe, but in recent times, the trend is to wear them at the top of the ears too. Earrings, although by and large remain a womans domain, men too have again taken to wearing earrings, like their ancestors.

The various types of earrings in the market today are numerous, made in different styles, with different metals. The precious metals such as gold, silver, white gold, platinum are used to make earrings. The cheaper earrings are made up of beads, wire, plastic etc. The hoop earrings come in all these precious as well as synthetics materials.

The earrings that take a turn from one side of the earlobe and join on the other end are called hoop earrings. They are known to suit oval faces the best, although they look good on everyone. The two styles are the hinged hoop earrings and the puffed hoop earrings. The hinged hoop are short rings whereas the hinged hoop ones are longer and have bigger hoops.

Diamonds set in the hoops make the hoop earrings a beautiful piece of jewelry that can be worn for parties too. They look quite dressy even when worn over normal clothes.

Jewelers make all sorts of combinations for hoop earrings. There are some with only diamonds, while others are combined with other precious gemstones. Gold and white gold are mixed too and the effect of those earrings is exotic to say the least.

The thickness of the hoop earrings varies from the extremely thin to the very thick. Some of them are made very fragile with several wires and some are made so thick that diamonds or other stones can be set in these thick ones.

Diamond hoop earrings are very much a fashion statement now. Some of the most beautiful famous women love hoop earrings and they love the single studded hoop earring. A single diamond is embedded into the hoop and it gives a very youthful look.

Hoop earrings with their cascading style are very popular these days. Many celebrities wear these hoop earrings on big occasions and that in itself makes them exotic to wear for the fashion conscious woman, who wants to keep herself up-to-date with the latest trends.

Imagine the look it would create if you wear a long hoop earring on your earlobe and a small fitting hoop earring for the top of the ear. Wear it with the most modern and trendy clothes and you yourself are creating fashion.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Benefits Of Females Choosing Breast Enlargement

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Breast Enhancement Female is certainly no exception.

There are numerous breast enlargement female benefits that are available for anyone thinking about breast enlargement. It was designed as a choice for women to be able to enlarge their breasts. The breasts are enlarged either by surgery, or breast enlargement medication. The breast enlargement female benefits include more evenly proportioned breasts, increase in self-confidence, reduced anxiety, and looking nicer in clothing.

The first breast enlargement female benefit is the ability for the woman to have more evenly proportioned breasts. For all women, the breasts start to develop during puberty and continue to grow, but for some women they may grow unevenly and have one breast noticeably smaller than the other. This could lead to the woman feeling extremely self-conscious or even disfigured. However, with breast enlargement surgery in particular, a female is able to have the benefit of evenly size breasts.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of Breast Enhancement Female. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

A second breast enlargement female benefit would be the amount of self-confidence that a female would receive after the surgery. Breast enlargement is definitely indicated for women who have lost their self-confidence or developed low self-esteem because their breasts are disproportionate to the size of their body or their breasts are not the size of an average woman. There are quite a number of women who have small breast size and are uncomfortable to undress around other women or their spouses. Breast enlargement can definitely be used to help them.

Lastly, the third breast enlargement female benefit would be giving the woman the ability to look nicer in her clothing. With the right size cleavage, a female who has experienced breast enlargement, can feel better about wearing clothing such as swimsuits, bikinis, or fitted blouses.

Therefore, it can be seen that the benefits to a female to undergo breast enlargement far outweigh the risks.

Feeling Full & Firm by using PUERARIAN Breast Cream

This amazing cream is excellent for breast firming and enlargement. Various studies confirmed that this product has a high success for enhancing women breast. All Skin Type

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herb extracts

Direction: Use once in the morning and in the night. Apply onto breast area and massage for 3-5 minutes until it is fully absorbed.

Precautions: Not recommended for pregnant women, feeding mothers or women diagnosed with medical conditions of the breast.

Sometimes it's tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I'm positive you'll have no trouble making sense of the information presented above. kxxp://

Do you want to avoid wrinkle?

You want a wrinkle free skin? Check out the following options that you have to keep your skin wrinkle free.


Retinol is the principle Vitamin A, and fills all the roles that Vitamin A plays metabolically. Vitamin A used in the treatment of the skin conditions, cystic acne and psoriasis. Many Vitamin A effects are hormone-like, influencing the growth and differential of cells. Vitamin A can also be considered a biological response modifier. Retinol works by speeding up the cellular turnover rate, which allows the healthier cells to work their way up to the surface faster and by decreasing the activity of the destructive enzyme collagens.


Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 1/4 of the total. It is one of the long, fibrous structural proteins whose functions are quite different from those of globular proteins such as enzymes. Collagen is an important source of moisture for the skin, and is particularly effective if it can develop its effect from directly within the body.


A hormone, such as insulin or estrogen, is a substance released by an organ or tissue that controls the activity of organs or cells in another part of the body. Of all hormones that decline with age, estrogens have the most dramatic effect on the skin. Estriol is the "weakest" of the estrogens. As a topical treatment for the skin, estriol has been used to manage the effects of aging and menopause. This includes not only the anti-aging benefits like decreasing facial wrinkles and smoothing skin, but also an assortment of benefits that stem from helping to maintain healthy skin in the vagina, cervix, vulva, and urethra.

Scientific studies validate that diminishing hormone levels play a significant factor in aging of facial skin and that estriol represents a new and promising therapeutic approach.

Remember that if you are using an Estrogen Patch, it may have side effects like skin redness and irritation at the site of the patch

One way to help skin retain the estrogen it needs for collagen production is by topically applying low levels of natural bio-identical estrogens on the face.

For further details visit Best Anti Wrinkle Cream

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Top Ten Tanning Lotions in USA

Due to the limitless number of tanning lotions available in the U.S. market, many consumers are getting confused as to what products they should buy. They are having a hard time deciding on which tanning lotion is the most effective one for them. Although consumers are convinced that most of the tanning lotion manufacturers are popularly known and that their products are highly recommended and effective, consumers are just overwhelmed by the many products that are displayed right before their faces every time they visit retail stores.

In line with this, we have decided to research and share with you the top ten tanning lotions sold in the U.S. in accordance with national sales figures as of 2007.

Starting off with the tenth mostly sold product, we have the Outlaw Red Hot 6XXX Plus. This top tanning lotion does not only make the users feel hot, it also makes them sensual with its sensuous fragrance.

Flavours Lickety Split is the top nine tanning lotion, Tan Asz U 4.0 Brown Bronzer is the top eight, the Hempz Herbal Daily Moisturizer is the top seven, the Outlaw Black Hot Sext Bronzer is the top six, and the Exotic Hemp Daily Moisturizer is the top five.

The fourth top tanning lotion is the Sun Sauce Sunless Bronzer. Once applied, the user will experience immediate results. And as hours pass by, the users skin just gets tanner and tanner. Perhaps, one of the reasons why consumers love buying this is because of how easy it can be used.

The third top tanning lotion is the Hempz Black Label Bronzer, which can be bought in retail stores for US$65.00 and through online shopping for US$32.50. Consumers who purchase this top tanning lotion are recognized as advanced tanners. It is considered as an elite formula that effectively darkens the skin and at the same time, makes the skin look softer and richer.

The second top tanning lotion is the Brown Sugar Urban Princess product. Aside from the bronzers, this top tanning lotion is also composed of pomegranate extract, taurine, caffeine, and an ultra skin firming complex. Aside from providing the best tanning results, it also provides the best firming and toning results.

Last but definitely not the least is the Outlaw Black Sextuple Bronzer. This is the best among the top tanning lotions mentioned. This is made up of six bronzers, green tea and grape seed extract, sweet almond oil, Monoi de Tahiti, and shea butter, among others. According to most consumers, if you want to get the most intense firming and bronzing formula, this is the perfect product to buy. Aside from allowing the skin to have a natural bronze color and aside from making the skin firmer, it also allows the skin to have a silky feel.

Whichever you choose among these tanning lotions, they are guaranteed to satisfy you because they are all top tanning lotions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Apply Eyeliner

Apply Eyeliner Like A Professional

Many people think they already know how to apply eyeliner, and by all rights, they do a good job. In actuality, there is a big difference between the way you might apply eyeliner and the way a professional make-up artist does. Use these easy-to-follow steps and you can apply eyeliner like a professional make-up artist:

1. Select your eyeliner

An eyeliner must be applied near the base of your eyelashes. As there are varying products in the market such as cake eyeliner, liquid liner and pencil eyeliner, it is important to try each type so that you will know which type will best accentuate your own natural beauty. Also, to whatever type you prefer, practice the application so you can achieve a very fine line. Remember that it is not a pretty sight when you apply eyeliner in a very thick line. It will look harsh, at the same time loud, making your eyes as well as giving it a tired and heavy impression. Always bear in mind that a thin line is recommended - should you have any trouble applying it, a brush is helpful to smooth out the line and to blend it well.

Liquid eye liner.

Liquid eyeliners are recommended to be used and should only be used above the top of the eye lashes, whereas an eye shadow or an eye lining pencil is suggested to be used under the eyes lower lashes. This kind comes usually in a bottle with an application brush, almost similar to an ink. This requires great precision during application, but can be perfected through constant practice. A note to remember is to always let the liquid dry before you open your eyes after application - if not, the liquid may smear the top of your eyes and give you a raccoon look.

Eye liner pencil

The easiest to use, works just like colored pencil. As the tip of this liner is dry, it has a tendency of pulling your eyelids fragile tissues; stretching the eyelids when lining it could help a lot in achieving a smooth application. A note to remember, you should always sharpen the pencil before every application to eliminate any bacteria that has accumulated at the tip.

Permanent eyeliner

This is can be created through cosmetic surgery. This procedure is known as micro pigmentation, a technique that adds a defined line to the lid which with a handheld device used to puncture the skin several times a minute with a very thin needle that pushes color pigments to the position that is desired.

2. Apply the eyeliner

- Begin at the inner corner of your eye. Always be certain to use a light hand when applying your eyeliner, as the area around the eyes is very sensitive and delicate.

- Put on your eyeliner only after you have already applied an eye shadow. Doing it before an eye shadow application would only cover the eyeliner.

- To achieve a dramatic and intense look, a kohl pencil with a color can be applied above as well as below the lashes, and then followed with black or very dark gray liquid eyeliner at the top. This will give the impression of dark eye lashes and will stay on for the whole day. A dark colored eye-liner will highlight the eyes form and outline as well as give them a deep look.

- While holding your head back facing the mirror, look down so that your eyelids will become tight making it easier in applying and controlling the liner. When necessary, smudge.

- The eyes will seem larger when you make a line with a pencil under your lower lashes - instead try a dark eye shadow applied with the help of a tiny makeup brush, to give an illusion of darker and fuller eye lashes. Below such line, you need to apply also a thin line with a lighter shade of eye shadow, preferably white, yellow or beige to brighten up your eye area.

- Pencil liners may be used on both above the top lashes as well as under the lower lashes. Liquid eye liners however, must only be applied on the top lid. Cake eyeliners are applied with water and may be put on to both the top and so too the bottom of the lid.

- If you have beautiful green eyes, try putting on a violet smoky pencil that will enhance your eyes, since basing from the color wheel, violet and green are opposite, so they will compliment each other.

- Refer to nature when you are in a process of deciding on a color. Green, beige and burnt orange are autumn colors.

- Others prefer using an eye liner not only for the eyes, but the lips as well. Should you decide on this, an eye lining pencil will be most suitable for the application. Make sure though, that you choose a certain shade of somewhat reddish brown or orangey-brown or a brownish plum, to compliment and flatter your lipstick.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cosmetic Dentistry - Redefining your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry is the field of dentistry dedicated to the art and science of enhancing a person's smile and overall appearance, resulting in a better self-image and a sense of well-being.

If you are among the many people who limit your expressions of happiness because you worry about a less-than-perfect smile, you will be interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry! Breakthroughs in technology have made a beautiful smile more affordable and attainable than ever before. Stars in Hollywood have long known that improving your smile can dramatically change your appearance, but today the benefits of cosmetic dentistry are being discovered by more and more people across the U.S. In addition to beautifying your smile, there are cosmetic dentistry procedures for the alignment and function of your teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry can brighten dull teeth, whiten stained teeth, close gaps between teeth, repair chipped teeth, mask metal fillings, and straighten crooked teeth. It opens doors and removes obstacles to professional and social success.

Stained or dull teeth can be dramatically improved by in-office whitening, laser whitening, home whitening, veneers or bonding. The reason why many people choose cosmetic dentistry instead of over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpaste and bleaching kits is that cosmetic dentistry offers much better, longer-lasting results.

Misshapen, chipped, or worn teeth can be improved by veneers, bonding, or cosmetic contouring.

Gaps between teeth can be closed up with veneers, bonding, or orthodontics.

Old/unsightly fillings can be replaced with tooth-colored fillings (resins and porcelain) for a natural appearance.

Crooked or crowded teeth are improved with veneers, bonding, or orthodontics.

Missing tooth or teeth can be remedied with a fixed bridge or dental implant(s).

Excessive/uneven gums are often helped with gum grafts.

Combined Techniques are frequently used in smile design to create an ideal natural-looking smile. For example, bleaching may be followed with minor orthodontics and completed with porcelain veneers.

The first step to improving your smile is a visit to a cosmetic dentist. The initial consultation is often free and gives you an opportunity to discuss all your options and to look at before and after photographs of patients who have undergone similar treatment.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures are elective, and therefore not usually covered by insurers. However, the new technologies in this field have made it much more affordable today. When you meet with a cosmetic dentist, they will inform you about the cost of your treatment option(s) and the payment methods available to you. A good patient financing program can also help you by spreading out the cost into low monthly payments.

Getting the smile of your dreams is easier than you think with Cosmetic Dentistry.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Scent-sational Gifts That Show Mom How Much You Care

It can be a challenge deciding on a gift that personifies all of your mom's best qualities. Is she loving, feminine, unique, fun, sporty?

There are many different types of moms but fortunately, there's a gift for each of them and many of the best feature fragrance.

Here are a few perfumed gift-giving suggestions designed to please:

• Scents Make Sense

Perfume is always a scent-sational gift-giving idea and there are as many types of fragrance as there are moms.

Whether her favorite is a classic, designer or hard-to-find perfume, most moms love receiving fragrance.

• Layer Fragrances

A fragrance gift set is an even better option because it offers greater versatility, often including additional items such as body lotion, shower gel or even purse-travel size bottles.

That way mom can layer fragrance for a harmonious marriage of scents.

• Bring The Spa To Her

Spa treatments are a great but pricey gift. You can, however, give mom a spa experience without going into debt.

Give mom luxurious spa products that she can use at home to create her own spa experience.

A really popular line of spa skin care products, Sedona Valley Spa, was developed with beneficial ingredients, such as Desert Flower extract, Prickly Pear Cactus, Yucca and Agave, that are found in Sedona, Ariz.

These products are designed for easy, at-home use to renew body, mind and spirit. Such spa products are sold exclusively at Perfumania and are an accessible indulgence.

• Don't Forget The Classics

The classic Mother's Day gifts are also much appreciated. Make mom breakfast in bed and serve it on a tray with fragrant flowers. Give her a steaming cup of herbal tea and run her a bath filled with fragrant bubbles.

There's nothing like a leisurely morning to get her special day off to a good start.

A great place to look for bubbles, fragrance and spa products is Perfumania. If you can't decide what to get mom, the 250-store chain offers its own gift card.

The Top Fat Loss Secrets for Flat Six Pack Abs

I had the pleasure of being interviewed recently by a fitness professional from NYC, Geovanni Derice, of The interview is below and I think you're going to like it...I reveal some of the hardest hitting strategies for getting rid of body fat to uncover those six pack abs that everyone wants.

"GD: Welcome Mike Geary to 4everToned's Fitness Journal. For those who do not know you, please tell us a few things about yourself.

MG: Thanks for having me, Geo. Well, to go back a little, I have been heavily involved in fitness and sports for about 15 years now, ever since I was a teenager. Being involved in sports in high school got me interested in strength training and conditioning. At that point, once I started feeling more energetic, getting stronger, and looking better, I was instantly hooked for life. I'm 30 now and still addicted to the way living a healthy and fit lifestyle makes me feel energetic, confident, strong, and youthful on a daily basis. I decided earlier in my 20's that I wanted to make the commitment to help other people experience the excitement of being fit and getting in the best shape of their lives, especially since we've reached an epidemic of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc. That's why I became a fitness professional. It just gives me so much satisfaction to help others, who have struggled for years to get in good shape, and show them that it can be done, and it can be fun in the process. I've expanded over the years from just reaching local individuals with personal training, into being able to help people all over the globe achieve their fitness goals with the reach of the internet. I only hope that my passion for fitness inspires people to take action and improve how they look and feel for life.

GD: Now Mike, there's so many things out there as to what works and what does not work...if you had to pick 3 things that work time and time again to get flat abs, what would they be?

MG: The first and most important thing to get control of in order to get flat abs is cleaning up your diet. Exercise is important, but your diet is king when it comes to losing body fat so that you can see your abs. There's so much confusion these days about what a healthy diet that promotes fat loss really is...after all, we are bombarded by conflicting messages in the media about what is healthy and what is not, and you have all of these gimmicky diet books about low carb, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, atkins, south beach, liquid diets, and hundreds more. There's so much conflicting info, that the average consumer doesn't even know where to start when it comes to eating for fat loss.

The second thing that works time and time again, is to focus on the intensity of your workouts and focus on working the body as a whole in order to get the best metabolic response to lose that stubborn body fat. In order to really get lean, the workouts should have a high intensity, with short rest periods, working the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to isolate specific small muscles like the biceps, triceps, or calves.

For the third thing, let's talk about actually training the abs specifically. When it comes to training the abs, if you want real results, I always recommend forgetting about the crunches and situps for the most part. They are ok for someone that is really deconditioned, but most people that already have some training under their belt need a much better stimulus for their abs than crunches. Crunches are one of the abs exercises that actually provide the least amount of resistance, and remember that resistance is what develops and tones the muscles. I provide a ton of great abs exercises in my book, but one of THE highest resistance exercises for the abs, is hanging leg raises (but NOT the way you see most people at the gym doing them). The key to doing these and actually working the hell out of your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. Almost nobody ever does this right. To be honest, the majority of people cannot do this at first, but I provide some strategies in my book as to how to progress to doing these correctly.

GD: What are people doing wrong when it comes to developing the coveted "6 pack abs"?

MG: Well Geo, I know this sounds funny to most people, but the MAIN thing that people are doing wrong to get those 6 pack abs is...are you ready for this? They spend entirely too much time focusing on training their abs! Sounds crazy, but it's true. Remember, having a visible six pack of abs is all about getting down to a low body fat percentage. In order to do that, your workouts must focus on stimulating a fat burning hormonal environment in your body, and increasing your metabolic rate. That just does not happen when you focus too much time training a small muscle group like the abs. Instead, you must use the majority of your time focusing on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That's what stimulates your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that will get you truly lean and sporting a sixxer!

GD: Which exercises are the top exercises that people need to do if they are to get maximum defintion with their midsection?

MG: When it comes to developing the abs themselves, I again refer to any kinds of hanging abs exercises, as well as some good floor exercises like lying leg thrusts (all described and illustrated in my book). However, maximum definition in the midsection comes from losing bodyfat, and the most effective exercises featured in my program for that goal are various forms of swings and snatches (unique dumbbell or kettlebell exercises that almost nobody ever does in normal gyms), squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, clean & presses, mountain climbers, sprinting, and other full body exercises and calisthenics. If you want great looking abs, focus on those instead of focusing so much on training the abs directly!

GD: When it comes to diet Mike, people really have tried millions of ways to get one thing...and that is fat loss. What recommendations have you used to successfully help your clients lose fat and keep it off?

MG: I have included a fully comprehensive discussion of this topic in my book, which accounts for almost half of the book, but I'll try to make some nice simple generalizations to get people started on the right path immediately. The most important thing is that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible. It almost always comes back to the overprocessing of food that makes it unhealthy, and makes it totally wreck your metabolism and hormone balance in your body. For example, why eat refined grains, when you can eat whole grains. Why eat refined sugar, when you can get natural sources of sugar from a high nutrient whole food like fruit. Why eat highly processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (these are THE worst thing in the modern diet), when you can eat natural sources of healthy fats like nuts, avocados, fish, eggs, coconut milk, organically raised meat, and so forth. The point is to not fall for some gimmick like low carbs, low fat, high protein, or any other combination that has you focusing on one macronutrient vs. another. Your body needs all macronutrients to thrive and obtain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Trying to cut an entire food group out just works against what your body needs. I get into much more detail on this vitally important topic towards losing body fat for life in my book.

GD: Thank you very much Mike for sharing with us all of this great information. For more info on Mike Geary and his internationally popular Truth about Six Pack Abs book, please be sure to visit his site below. Remember 6-7 weeks from now, summer will be here, and if you wait until then, I'm afraid to tell you, but it will be too late!"

How To Look 5 Years Younger!

How is this possible? By taking steps to improve your overall health and well-being so you will look and feel younger as you get older. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, sun protection and a good skincare routine can help you maintain your youthful appearance and well-being at all stages of your life. Your skin is the most visible indicator of your general health and the condition of your skin is often the first signal of illness nor nutrition problems. Sallow, dull or blotchy skin often reflects a disease or nutritional deficiency. A vibrant glowing complexion reflects a state of good general health.

Your skin needs protection both inside and out. Inner and outer nutrition are really two sides of the same coin. It makes sense to nourish the body within to obtain the correct balance of nutrients, because a healthy body is reflected in healthy skin. A correct balance of vitamins and minerals is essential for a wonderful, vibrant, healthy glow to your skin. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and using a high quality multivitamin supplement can do wonders for your appearance.

Your skin also needs specific nourishing. Skin also needs protection from damaging environmental conditions like exposure to sun, wind and pollution. This is why a regular skin care regime is so essential at any age. Our skin is the barrier that shields us from:

Physical impact such as pressure and knocks

Thermal influences from heat and cold

Environment effects, such as chemicals, the suns UV radiation and bacteria. The skin contains secretions that can kill bacteria and the pigment melanin which provides a chemical defence against ultraviolet light.

To maintain healthy, glowing skin ensure:

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to hydrate and cleanse your skin

Wear sunscreen on all exposed areas throughout all seasons

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

Top up with a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement

Be vigilant with a morning and evening cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What is a Manicure?

A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands. A manicure can treat just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure usually includes filing and shaping of the nails and the application of polish.

As part of the manicure, treatments for hands usually include soaking in a softening substance and application of hand lotion. The word "manicure" comes from the Latin manus, meaning "hand," and cura meaning "care".

The process for a manicure begins with ensuring that the working area and tools are sanitized and conveniently located. This might include sanitizing the working surface, such as a table top, placing clean metal implements into a jar with sanitizing liquid, and having sanitized towels and such near the working area.

Normally a manicure starts with sanitizing of the subject's hands. Old nail polish or artificial nails are removed. The hands are then cleaned with soap and hot water and rinsing with hot water.

During the next phase of a manicure, the fingernails are then trimmed and filed to the desired length and shape using a fingernail file. Metal nail files can be used for rapid removal of nail material, however, fine glass files are preferred. Disposable two-sided emery boards can also be used.

Proper filing technique starts with the file at the outer edge of the nail, moving towards the center. This is repeated from the other side of the nail to the center. The file should not be moved back and forth in a saw-like motion.

The cuticles are then pushed back with a cuticle pusher. A cuticle pusher is simply a wooden stick with a flat end, sometimes wrapped in cotton. Metal cuticle pushers should be used with great care, as they can damage the fingernail matrix. Orangewood is the preferred material because of its softness.

In this phase of the manicure, the fingernails are polished with a polishing board made of hard foam, paper, or plastic. A softer foam layer is added to each side, and fine polishing surfaces are placed on the foam.

To conclude the manicure, in most cases, the manicurist applies at least one layer of either clear polish meant to strengthen weak nails or several layers of color polish and top coat. A manicure is usually finished with a hand massage using hand lotion or oils.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Baldness Cures and Treatments

The most common cause of hair loss, especially in men, is androgenetic, or male pattern baldness. Mid-teens or puberty starts the balding process for individuals whose genetics predispose them to baldness.

The normal production of hair by the follicle is altered by the pubertal increase in testosterone production resulting in an increased production of DiHydroTestosterone. Hair strands become thinner, grow slower and fall out at shorter lengths with each cycle until eventually the follicle stops production altogether. The case becomes severe when the follicle is lost permanently and hair production literally comes to a halt.

In an attempt to obtain a normal looking head of hair or to slow hair loss, American male population alone reportedly spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on lotions and potions, tonics and aerosol spray cover-ups, toupees, and hair-plug transplantation. And then there are the more sensitive procedures like hair transplant and scalp surgery. The great lengths of search for baldness cure goes on. As such, the U.S. economy generates something close to $1 billion annually in revenue generated by the treatment of baldness.

Indeed, the great hair cure has been sought for centuries, however, until recently men has come to their senses that when they age between 18 and 80 they loose their hair at a rate closely related with their age. This is no hair fluke, so to speak. Research revealed that 12% to 80% of men ranging in ages from 18 to 80 experience cosmetically moderate to significant hair loss from the front to rear crown area of their head. Of the respondents, younger men where in early stages of hair loss, while older men were completely bald over the entire crown area of their heads. In this regard, It comes with age appears to be a qualified statement.

And so, over the last 40 years, medical doctors have sequentially stumbled upon several hair loss cures and treatments loss.

Exotic topical creams and liquids in the form of lotions and potions, even shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredient claims may simply regenerate hair growth.

Aerosol hair spray cover-ups are merely colored powders or fibers that simply color the scalp and thicken thinning hair. The appearance of an almost natural thick-looking hair is temporary and deceiving. Its name actually says it all cover-up!
Several highly publicized alternatives offer real potential promise. One potent alternative is a topical drug called Minoxidil which has been proclaimed to somewhat slow hair loss and in very few cases, to stimulate hair regeneration, albeit limited. Very recently the brand Rogaine -- a topical alcohol mixture consisting Minoxidil is demonstrating relative effectiveness. Sufficient scalp penetration is advised to achieve best results.

The latest hair loss product is generically called Finasteride, an antiandrogen that inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. It is being branded in the market as PROPECIA and PROCAR. The pill taken orally/once a day claims that it can regenerate hair growth on bald or balding areas of the scalp.

Another alternative discovery that is slowly gaining popularity is rather procedural and involves meticulous process. The technique uses surgical scalp transplants to redistribute remaining hair on the scalp to balding or completely bald areas of the scalp. But the procedure, however credible, is not easily accessible to majority of the balding population because of its high cost and maintenance.

With the still growing concern for hair loss, a more realistic and easier to achieve method now runs on prevention rather than cure. This observation is regarded as more practical approach since most cases of progressive baldness can be identified at an early stage.

Wavefront Lasik - How it's done and what it is?

Traditional LASIK surgery achieves a simple correction of focusing power by reshaping the cornea with the aid of a laser. Wavefront LASIK is a variation of that conventional procedure and accomplishes a spatially varying correction based on readings from a wavefront sensor. In essence, a wavefront sensor measures the eye itself. Wavefront measurements reveal the irregularities of the lens, which cause optical aberrations (any deviation from a desired perfect planar wavefront).

Wavefront custom sculpts the cornea to accomplish corrected vision. In many ways, Wavefront offers better results than traditional LASIK. LASIK has certain potential side effects including halos or glare, which are caused due to induced spherical aberration. Anyone considering Lasik laser eye surgery will welcome the introduction of wavefront technology into the process. It gives the eye surgeon the information needed for a more effective and successful procedure.

Eye surgeons now have available a new technology that makes vision correction more precise. It's called "wavefront".

To correct poor vision Lasik eye surgery has become the popular choice. Lasik surgery links the condition of the patient's visual system to the Lasik laser for correction.

The incisions performed on the cornea of the eye are customized to the patient's individual needs. Accurate data concerning the condition of the patient's eyes is all important. Wavefront technology is a technology that is capable of measuring refraction at multiple points on the eye as light is reflected upon it. This creates a "map" of the patient's eye. Because each eye is unique the data from each eye must be carefully analyzed so that the Lasik laser maybe properly programmed.

Conditions within the cornea of every eye affect refraction. The ability to treat these aberrations can result in an improved outcome after Lasik surgery. Clinical trials using wavelength technology have shown that nearly 80% of Lasik eye surgery patients undergoing custom surgery achieved 20/20 vision. This is a higher number than those who underwent traditional Lasik surgery.

Another benefit of wavefront is in determining which patients are not candidates for Lasik surgery. Wavefront technology can detect an infinite number of aberrations by using a fixation target along with an input laser beam. A wavefront sensor is used to measure the slope of the wavefront as it exits the eye. When the laser light beam enters the eye, it produces a flat wavefront. In the perfect eye, a wavefront that is still completely flat will reflect back. After wavefront is used to evaluate and diagnose existing aberrations in the eye, it is used to create the exact procedure for reshaping the cornea.

Wavefront technology is not new. Wavefront is used for adjusting the optics in their telescopes. The data resulting from wavefront technology is used to remove aberrations. The procedure employed by the wavefront analyzer to measure higher order aberrations would appear quite complex to a layman.

This wavefront is compared against a planar wavefront, in order to determine both lower and higher order aberrations.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Safety And Effectiveness Of Whitening Products

The Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association or ADA has been following closely the development of whitening products. And the demand for these products is increasing greatly. ADA recognizes the importance of setting down standard definitions when talking about tooth whitening products.

Whitening, for example, us the process that will render the teeth whiter or atleast make it appear whiter. There are 2 ways that can achieve this. One is actually changing the natural tooth color, making it whiter. Bleaching products contain peroxide which not only removes surface or extrinsic discoloration but also the acts to penetrate the deep or intrinsic stains. On the other hand, non-bleaching products only have agents that only remove surface stains by chemical or physical action.

These products can be dispensed and/or administered by a dentist or bought by the patient directly from a drugstore, which is called over-the-counter products. All of these can be divided into 2 major groups.

Peroxide-containing whiteners or bleaching agents

Whitening products and for home-use OTC products carrying the ADA Seal of Acceptance contain 10% carbamide peroxide. But there are also compliant non-members and the consumers are left with many options to choose from. ADA advices people to consult their dentist first before applying any bleaching solution.

For water-based whitening solutions, hydrogen peroxidethe active ingredientis
produced as a by-product by the breakdown of a carbamide peroxide. The other by-product is urea. The other ingredients of tooth bleachers that contains peroxide are: carbopol, sodium hydroxide, glycerine and flavoring agents.

Carbamide peroxide has a neutral pH of 10 and so is trusted as a safe and effective bleacher. The only common side effects of using carbamide peroxide or hydrogen are tooth sensitivity and irritation in the oral mucosa or the soft tissues in the mouth specifically the gums. During the early stages of the whitening treatment, tooth sensitivity is often observed. Tissue irritation, more often than not, is caused by an ill-fitted nightguard or tray and not by the bleaching agents themselves. These two side effects are only temporary though.

For whitening products that are professionally administered, there are also many kinds. The concentrations of the hydrogen peroxide contained in these products range from 15 percent to 35 percent. These are often used with a light or laser that accelerates the whitening action. Utilizing a rubber dam or protective gel, gum tissues are isolated before the products are applied. Unlike products uses at home which takes up to 4 weeks before any visible signs of improvement are seen, professionally administered bleachers works in just about an hour.

Whitening toothpastes

Also known as dentrifices by oral health care professionals, whitening toothpastes with the ADA Seal of Acceptance contain chemical agents act as a polisher by removing surface discoloration to affect tooth whitening.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Plastic Surgery Sticker Shock

One of the inevitable issues you will face when considering plastic surgery is the cost. In this article, we talk about the sticker shock of plastic surgery for specific procedures.

Plastic Surgery Sticker Shock

It goes without saying that discussing the average of anything is potentially a dangerous task to undertake. In our capitalist economy, prices are dependent on a variety of factors including location, qualification of the plastic surgeon, the number of surgeons in the area and so on.

Given this risk, it is important to understand that the following listings regarding the prices of plastic surgery procedures are to be used as a guideline only. Plastic surgeons in your area may charge exactly these prices, a bit more or a bit less. These numbers will give you a range to consider, but comparing costs quoted by the plastic surgeons you evaluate in your area is the only way to determine the going rate in your town or city. With that caveat in mind, following are procedures and the stick shock prices you might expect to find.

Liposuction - $3,000 to $5,000

Breast Augmentation: $3,500 to $8,000

Rhinoplasty: $4,000 to $8,000

Botox: $300 each location

Eyelid Lift: $3,000 to $6,000

Facelift: $7,500 to $15,000

Tummy Tuck: $5,000 to $10,000

Collagen Injections: $400 to $700

The above procedures tend to be the most popular as of the writing of this article. There are variations to each and entirely new procedures are being offered all of the time. In general, the more specific or new the procedure, the more you are going to pay.

Having put forth the above prices, it is important that you understand something very clearly. Plastic surgery will improve your appearance, but it is a medical procedure like any other. Your body will be modified. Just like you would not select a heart surgeon based on their fees, you should not do so with plastic surgeons. If you find a multiple surgeons you are comfortable with, pricing can be a factor. It should never be the primary factor.

Although the above prices may be cause a bit of sticker shock, plastic surgery costs have actually come down significantly over the last 15 years. Imagine what they used to be!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Latest Craze - Why Celebrity Sedu Hairstyles are In

Celebrity hair styles have always been very popular. When a celebrity sports a new hairdo it usually becomes very popular across the nation and sometimes around the world. The latest craze in celebrity hair styles is not any one individual hairstyle, but many different ones. The recent craze is about celebrity Sedu hair styles. What makes celebrity Sedu hair styles different is the use of the Sedu hair straightening iron.

The patented technology and unique design of the Sedu flattening iron have created a new and unusual tool for the creation of celebrity Sedu hair styles. The Sedu hair straightening iron utilizes tourmaline crystal ceramic plates. The tourmaline crystals have a unique composite makeup that allows for an easy transmission of electrical impulses through the crystals. When the ceramic plates are heated up, they change shape. When these two factors of the Sedu flattening iron are combined with the infrared heating technology it allows for the creation of celebrity Sedu hair styles that not only look incredible but will also have the ability to last all day long and well into the night.

The combination of negatively charged ions and infrared heating technology utilized in the design and implementation of the Sedu flattening iron allows it to physically mold the hair into place. The resulting celebrity Sedu hair styles then have the unique ability to last for substantially longer than the hairstyles created by using any other flattening irons.

The celebrity Sedu hair styles come in many popular variations as well. Many celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Aniston as well as a host of others are sporting celebrity Sedu hair styles. Whether the individual is simply trying to straighten unruly hair so they can wear it like the Jennifer Lopez celebrity Sedu hair styles or trying to create more intricate waves and some straightening like in the very popular Paris Hilton type celebrity Sedu hair styles, the looks and hair they are trying to get can be had with the Sedu flattening iron.

Many celebrities with coarse, unruly and naturally kinky hair have long looked for ways to effectively straighten and style it. The combination of technology and design in the Sedu flattening iron allow them to sport very professional looking celebrity Sedu hair styles whether they do it themselves or pay an expensive salon to get their celebrity Sedu hair styles.

How often have you wished you could have perfect hair like the celebrity Sedu hair styles you see such stars as Hillary Duff and Jessica Simpson are wearing? Before, the Sedu flattening irons were available only to people who worked in high end beauty salons, but now the Sedu flattening iron is available to anybody. Now, celebrity Sedu hair styles can be created right in the home in very short order. No matter which celebrity Sedu hair styles you want to achieve, the Sedu flattening iron can make it possible. Try copying one of the many celebrity Sedu hair styles that are already popular, or even better yet, try creating your own celebrity Sedu hair styles.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sculpting Your Nose with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is surgery on the nose. The procedure can be done for medical reasons, breathing problems, birth defects, or injury, or it may simply be done for aesthetic cosmetic purposes.

Rhinoplasty Procedures

There are two types of rhinoplasty procedures. The first type is known as an open procedure. With an open procedure, a minor incision is made between the nostrils, enabling them to lift that portion of nasal skin off the nose for better visibility of the cartilage and bone. This procedure gives the surgeon more control over the patient's nose because they are able to see the bone and cartilage. An open rhniplasty will leave a scar; however, for a skilled surgeon the scar will not be visible from a standard viewing distance.

The other type is closed rhinoplasty, where incisions are made on the inside of the nose, thus concealing any evidence of surgery. However, in some cases your surgeon may not be able to get to the target areas in order to perform the surgery sufficiently.

There are advantages and disadvantages of either type of rhinoplasty surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your surgeon to determine which type would be best suited for your situation.

Finding the Right Surgeon

Although nose shaping has been around for many decades, it does require incredible ability by the surgeon. Your doctor should have the proper certification and experience necessary to perform the given procedure.

Interview at least two or three plastic surgeons, he, or she should be board certified, and have a minimum of 5 years experience. During the consultation, ask how many rhinoplasties they have done in the last year, consider how well the doctor listen to your ideas, ask to see examples of their work and what can they do for you.

Likewise, if you are going to have general anesthesia, be sure the American Board of Anesthesiology has certified your anesthesiologist. In addition, make sure that you can be rapidly admitted to a nearby quality hospital in the event of unforeseen complications.

Rhinoplasty Fees

Surgeons fee: $3,500
Anesthesiologist: $700
Facility fee: $800
Average Total Cost: $5,000

Rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance unless the procedure is performed for medical reasons, e.g. birth defect, or accident. Therefore, you should consult the surgeon's office about payment plans or seek out a finance company that specializes in medical loans. If your insurer says that it is covered, be sure to get pre-authorization from them before the operation.


If you are careful and selective about whom you choose for your surgeon, anesthesiologist, and of course operating facility, there is only a less than 5% chance of any complications.

However, a possible risk you will need to consider and accept before having cosmetic nose surgery is revision rhinoplasty. First, because nose surgery is a difficult procedure and secondly, following the surgery your nose can change in ways which cannot be predicted beforehand. It is recommended to wait at least one year if a revision rhinoplasty is needed.


A splint is applied to the top of the nose to keep it in place while healing and gauze packing is inserted for a couple of days to protect the septum from moving and minimizing bleeding. The splint is usually removed within a week.

Anti-inflammatory medication and a painkiller are prescribed for swelling and discomfort, as well as an antibiotic to prevent infection. You should also apply ice, elevate the head, and avoid blowing your nose and wearing eyeglasses.

Finally, few people ever regret getting a nose job. It has the potential to create a new appearance and lend new confidence. Just be careful

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Aha's For Normalizing Combination Skin

Often the biggest frustration for those with combination skin is caring for it properly. Having both dry and oily skin areas on your face can make skin care seem almost impossible. There are, however, things that you can do to care for and keep your combination skin healthy and feeling good.

For one thing, some areas of your face may feel tight after you wash. This will typically be on the parts of your face not included in the T-zone area. These areas will likely also look flaky and dull and may feel rough.

First of all, make sure you are cleansing every day. Use a mild cleanser on your entire face. Use the cleanser twice a day, preferably before bed at night and after get up in the morning. These are the times your face most needs to be cleansed anyway, but if you have combination skin it is imperative.

Get a good moisturizer. Once you have identified which parts of your face are the dry parts, most likely these areas are not in the T-zone and this is the area you will treat. Use the moisturizer on those dry areas only. Using it in your oily T-zone will only make that area worse.

The goal when you have combination skin is to normalize it. Normalizing is trying to gain a balance between the oily and dry areas so that all your skin looks and feels the same. In order to accomplish this feat, you want to look for products that are made for such normalization. For instance, ones that contain alpha hydroxyl acids (fruit acids or AHAs) or retinols will work best. Retinols are a vitamin A derivative. Such products should help you to gain more normal and even looking skin.

The reason AHA creams are so beneficial to your skin is that they area catalyst for skin cell regeneration. By burning off or removing the top layer of skin cells (or the too oily and too dry ones) they expose the healthier skin cells beneath them. These cells are more likely to absorb moisturizers. They also help improve skin elasticity through their water-binding properties. This can help with that tight feeling you may get in the dry areas with your combination skin. The only thing about which you need to be aware is that once you are using AHAs, you need to continue using them. Once you stop, your cells will not regenerate at the rate they were with the AHA and will return to their original state very soon.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Watching TV Can Help You Improve Your Beauty Knowledge

When it comes to learning more about popular beauty trends, there many individuals who wonder exactly how turning on the television can help. Well, if you are like many other Americans, there is a good chance that you have cable or satellite TV. If you do, this means that you often have access to a large number of channels. One or two of those channels may be referred to as beauty or fashion channels. These types of channels are where you may want to go to learn more about the latest in beauty or fashion tends. You may also find shows that help you learn how to properly apply your makeup and so forth.

In addition to television channels and shows that are devoted to fashion and beauty, you may also want to think about tuning into an entertainment show. Entertainments shows are shows that often cover the entertainment industry. It is not uncommon to find a popular celebrity being interviewed or shown on an entertainment show. As you likely already know, celebrities are often well known for their good tastes in fashion, as well as their beauty. By watching an entertainment show, you may able get a good look at some of you todays hottest celebrities and the latest fashion and beauty trends they are sporting. In addition to traditional entertainment shows, you will also find that many news channels also have a small entertainment session.

It may even be a good idea to just sit down and start watching a television show or a movie, particularly one that is new or was just recently released. As it was previously mentioned, celebrities are often known for looking their best at all times, especially when they are on screen. If are looking for new ways to spice up your appearance, beauty wise, you may to examine some of the many fashions and beauty products that are shown your television screen. In a way, this wont even seem like research to you. It is fun to watch TV and kind of amazing when you think about everything that you can learn from it.

In your search for beauty and fashion related programming, you will likely also come across infomercials. These are paid advertising slots. In addition to just selling a beauty product, many infomercials contain multiple product reviews and recommendations from others. While it is nice to find neat beauty products on your television screen, you need to remember that there are no guarantees. Infomercials are a great way to find and possibly buy beauty products, but they may not necessarily be the best at helping you understand the latest in todays beauty trends.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can use the television to help you learn more about beauty trends, as well as other beauty related issues. This is nice as television is likely something that you already have; therefore, no extra expenses need to be incurred. All you need to do is set aside a few minutes of your time, grab the remote and you should be good to go.

about author : Angelrice

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mature Makeover: Look Beautiful No Matter What Your Age. Celebrity Editorial Makeup Artist Frances Hathaway Shares Her Favorite Beauty And Products

As many women age, they may find they have to rethink a cosmetics routine that no longer suits their changing skin. Age spots, increased dryness and loss of vibrancy are some of the specific issues facing the 50+ woman.

As one of the busiest makeup artists in the business, I've worked with the likes of Geena Davis, Vanessa Williams and Bette Midler. I believe maturing women can look better than ever; they just need to switch up their makeup as they would their wardrobe. All it takes is a little know-how and the right products:

• Prepare Your Palette. Primers prep the skin for makeup application by evening-out the skin's surface, filling in lines and concealing any imperfections. I always use face, eye and lip primers before applying color cosmetics. The key for 50+ women is to look for products that offer hydrating formulas to ease drying skin, and light-reflecting ingredients to diffuse lines, for a smoother, more even appearance.

• Bring Back Color. Many women in their 50's find that their skin becomes dry and sallow and it has lost its natural radiance and color. I recommend using hydrating products that help energize your look, such as the Vital Radiance Line Softening Makeup-Rehydrating. Its water-based formula with SPF 15 boosts moisture, while its increased color density revitalizes your complexion. And its remarkably lightweight formula won't settle into lines or wrinkles. Try using a brush to apply this product-this technique creates a polished makeup look and provides precise application. Best of all, Vital Radiance makes it easier than ever for 50+ women to look their best, offering free tips, advice and product samples. Just call (800) RADIANT seven days a week to speak to a live Beauty Specialist.

• Finishing Touches. One of my favorite tips is using a light powder blush in a bronze hue to add dimension and highlight cheekbones. With a large dome-shaped brush, sweep the color from the cheekbone across the nose to the other side of the face as well as on the temples and along the hairline. The combination of the rounded brush and the bronze hue achieves a vibrant yet natural, sun-kissed look.

With the right products, any 50+ woman can enhance her natural beauty for a revitalized, radiant look.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Case Study Of Pueraria Mirifica

This article hopes to give you the knowledge you need, to feel that you have a firm grasp on the subject.

Clinical Study - Premenopausal Women

Product style : Pueraria mirifica Premium Grade

Function : wellbeing Food (Food Supplement)

As we take the journey through the final part of this article, you can look back at the first part if you need any clarifications on what we have already learned.

Test Period : 2 months

Number of Testers : 31 Placebo

32 consume 400 mg/day, 15 days/month

34 consume 800 mg/day, 15 days/month,

The fallout are summarized in next details as in below;

The gesture group contains 31 testers, had expected tapioca starch full casing to consume 2 capsules/day for 15 days/month ongoing from the first day of the menstruation period, for 2 consecutive months. This group showed no significance change in all facts parameters.

The first tested group contains 32 testers, had expected 200 mg @ 2 capsules each per day of Pueraria mirifica full casing in the same condition as the gesture group.

This group showed significance change with different number in all recorded parameters, with mammary ache (44%) which is connected to Breast firmness and may cooperate also to breast enlargement, skin recovering (88%), better mustache (75%), charm clearance (100%), upsurge vaginal emission (44%), better menstruation (6%), breast firmness (44%), breast enlargement (9%), and hip enlargement (9%).

The jiffy tested group contains 34 testers, had expected 200 mg @ 4 casing - Pueraria mirifica full casing to consume 4 capsules/day in the same condition as the gesture group.

This group showed significance change with advanced number in all recorded parameters, with mammary ache (94%), skin recovering (94%), better mustache (88%), charm clearance (100%), upsurge vaginal emission (85%), and therefore could repair female power in some tester, better menstruation (29%), breast firmness (94%), breast enlargement (88%), and hip enlargement (59%). Some testers claimed that the high blood cholesterol steamroll is also decreased.


In conclusion, the creature test as a food supplement or functional food product has exposed its estrogenic property clearly among testers, with skin reformed, mustache complexity, breast firmness, and viable to induce breast enlargement.

If you thoroughly examine each part that we have discussed, you will see a common thread of which to explore.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair ,keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.
- Women with developing cyst at the ovary, breast, and uterus.
- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.
- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.


Healthy Skin Needs The Nutrition Of Vitamins And Minerals

We all want to look our best. Healthy skin makes us look younger and makes us feel more beautiful. In addition to the cosmetic benefits of healthy skin there are other health benefits to consider. Our skin was designed to be a protective barrier to keep bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from entering the body. Eating healthy is a great start to keeping your skin healthy but adding vitamins and mineral supplements act as insurance.

Free-radical damage occurs in skin just like every other part of our bodies. Anti-oxidant vitamins, like vitamin A, C and E are essential in warding off this damage. One of the types of free radical damage is the

Anti-oxidant vitamins, like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are important to healthy skin because it is these vitamins that share in the responsibility of controlling the damage that free radicals, byproducts of energy production within the body and of environmental contaminants, produce. Collagen and elastin, which are fibers that support the skin, are damaged by these free radicals. As these are this damage occurs, wrinkles and a lack of that youthful elasticity begin to take place. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, making it necessary to the look of the skin and its function. Recent studies have even found that the combination of Vitamins C and E can be used to help repair sun-damaged skin.

Small deficiencies of vitamin A can affect skins health and beauty. In addition to its anti-oxidant properties, vitamin A helps eliminate dryness and flakiness to the skin. This dryness makes lines and wrinkles in skin even more apparent than skin that is hydrated.

Vitamin As main use though is as a topical treatment for the reduction of lines and wrinkles and its been found effective against severe acne. Recent studies have found skin treatments that include the combination of Vitamin A and C can in some cases reverse the damage caused by aging and the sun.

Vitamin B deficiencies can lead to cracking, bleeding and even skin legions. These legions can be dangerous because they can allow bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to enter the body through the skin. Even a little shortage of Vitamin B can leave skin looking scaly and badly textured. Creams made with vitamin B have been found to hydrated skin cells, leaving firmer, healthier looking skin.

If youre plagued by dark circles under your eyes, vitamin K has been found to help. Some studies claim that creams made up of both Vitamin K and Vitamin A are more effective than those made with Vitamin K, but research is still being done on this combination.

The minerals Selenium, Copper and Zinc have also been found to improve the look and health of skin. Selenium can be used as a topical treatment or a dietary supplement in an effort to prevent skin cancer. While Zinc, copper and the addition of vitamin C work together to keep skin healthy and firm by forming elastin.

Used correctly by following standard guidelines, vitamins and minerals can be a great way to keep skin looking young and healthy. The key is to recognize that these are powerful substances and care should be taken to use the proper dosage. Not following guidelines could result in effects that can result in serious side effects. Used correctly though, vitamins and minerals can be a welcome addition to your beauty regime.

Liposuction: Is It Right For You?

Liposuction is a term that is used very freely. Unfortunately, many do not realize the life savings that it can afford a person. If you are someone that may benefit from this procedure, your health can really benefit by getting it. Because it removes fat reserves throughout the body, it helps you to lose some weight. This in turn helps your heart work more efficiently and allows you to live a healthier lifestyle all together.

Many, who have this procedure, do it because of the cosmetic results. For example, having extra fat reserves removed from around the tummy can help you look thinner. Other areas that are commonly treated include the love handles, the hips, the thighs and the upper arms. But, it can be done in virtually any area that it is needed.

What To Think About:

If you are considering this service, take the time find a good doctor and to find the right organization to go with. Here are some things to ask yourself:

Will liposuction improve me? Do you have emotional issues that may need to be addressed as well?

Can you afford the procedure? Many insurance companies will only pay for it if it is a medical necessity. Otherwise, it can be quite expensive.

You will have to go through some risk with liposuction. There are risks involved in going under anesthesia, there are risks with any procedure health wise, and there are risks after the procedure is one.

When choosing a doctor, consider experience, reputation, communication that he or she provides to you as well as whether or not you can trust the individual.

Consider the effects that this procedure will have on your family and friends.

Consider the fact that the results may not be enough to show an improvement.

There are many things to consider about liposuction. Once you do, though, you are sure to see the value in getting this procedure taken care of.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beauty consciousness and Stretch Marks

Almost all human beings are conscious about their beauty and they adopt all means to improve or maintain it. The quality of skin is having priority in the field of beauty care. Skin is considered as the mirror of the human body and it reflects the physical, mental and emotional status of every person.

The number of people attending beauty clinics and dermatologists is increasing day by day. Even though skin diseases are having low mortality, people are worried about skin problems because of the social stigma. A person having a disease of some internal organ may not be worried but another person having a skin disease on the face may be depressed because of the simple reason 'others will come to know about my disease'.

Human skin has got several functions like protection, heat regulation, water balance, excretion etc. It gives protection and support to the deep body tissues and has got the ability to stretch to some extent due to the presence of protein fibers in the dermis. But too fast enlargement of the body parts cause excessive stretching on the skin resulting in breaking of collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis. This causes slightly depressed discoloration called stria atrophia or stretch marks. Initially these marks are slightly pinkish and later become white or silvery in appearance.

Stretch marks are found in conditions like pregnancy, puberty, obesity etc. It is usually seen in places like abdomen, thighs, breasts, buttocks, shoulders etc. Once these marks appear, time is required for them to be less prominent.

Both men and women are the victims of stretch marks but it mainly affects women due to their beauty consciousness and causes psychological trauma leading to depression. On the other hand there are women who are least bothered to get rid of stretch marks and consider them as a badge of mother hood. Still the number of people visiting clinics to remove stretch marks is increasing day by day. Because of the increasing need for the stretch mark treatment modalities, there are number of products in the market to deal with stretch marks cure. But most of those products are not proved effective scientifically but few of them give results in many cases. Modern treatment methods like plastic surgery and laser surgery for stretch marks have been proved effective in the treatment.

Author: Amy Tylor is the webmaster of Skin Care Blog:

Swallow To Glow - A Holistic Approach To Skin Health

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It defends against disease and infection, regulates temperature and even aids in vitamin production. Keeping skin healthy is crucial for beauty and general health, even if most of us are interested in knowing how to keep skin looking healthy, rather than really keeping it healthy.

The best way to keep skin looking healthy young, fair, radiant, supple, soft and wrinkle free is to keep out of the sun.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun bring about a healthy-looking tan, but do much damage to the skin in terms of pigmentation, sunburn and loss of elasticity. These can lead to premature aging in the form of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, dark skin, uneven skin tone, loss of translucency, enlarged pores and dryness. Even the best of genetics, topical skin lightening treatments and oral skin supplements would be of little use if one tans mercilessly and regularly.

Keeping out of the sun helps, but if you cannot avoid it, you will have to ensure that you use a sunscreen. This is especially crucial if sun exposure is for an extended period of time.

Assuming that one is already sensible about sun exposure, how can we then further improve our skin condition? We know that certain oral supplements are effective for good skin health, but which are these supplements and how effective are they?

Supplement From Within

The first group would be vitamins and minerals, essential for proper functioning of every organ.

The vitamins and minerals that can affect skin health include the B-complex, especially B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B12 (cyancobalamine). Overt deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B2 are known to cause special forms of dermatitis (a kind of skin inflammation). B12 deficiency is particularly detrimental to neurons and rapidly dividing cells, including skin cells.

Besides the B vitamins, deficiency of vitamin C, iron and copper also affect skin health. All three are important for the synthesis of collagen, a key structural protein in the skin, which fills the skin and gives it tone.

Vitamin A is critical for the normal life cycle of skin cells. Vitamin A deficiency causes skin to become dry, fragile and prone to wrinkles. On the other hand, excessive Vitamin A intake may cause serious toxicity and should be avoided.

Vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene have been touted as anti-oxidants that reduce free radicals. (Free radicals result in skin degeneration and aging.) However, while free radicals and the role of anti-oxidants are beyond doubt, clinical results have not conclusively proved if supplementary vitamins and other micronutrients improve the skin quality and defy the aging process.

Excessive doses can be just as harmful as deficiencies, so it is best to abide by the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Topical Help

Oral supplements should go hand-in-hand with topical applications sunscreen of at least SPF 30, creams (preferably with skin whitening agents) and moisturizer (preferably with skin lightening agents). Compared with topical applications, the effects of oral supplements are slower and more subtle. Consumers have to be realistic about their expectations because results certainly will not be seen in 7 days or 2 weeks.

We recommend a holistic approach to skin health, comprising:

* A healthy balanced diet comprising all food groups as well as vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.
* Keep a happy positive mood. It is well documented that some skin conditions such as acne and eczema are more prevalent among the stressed.
* If you smoke, quit smoking. Smoke causes free radicals, damages the microcirculation of skin and also causes staining of teeth and other discoloration.
* Minimize sun exposure and use a good sunscreen on a daily basis.

What to Expect After A Nose Job

Cosmetic surgery on the nose is a commonly performed procedure. If you decide to have it, you need to know what to expect after a nose job.

What to Expect After A Nose Job

After a lot of research, you have finally decided to get nose job. Of course, you've heard about the surgery itself, the costs involved, and the expectations you can have as results from this type of plastic surgery. The next thing you should consider is what to expect after nose job.

Your image immediately following surgery will be startling. You will be bruised and swollen after it has been completed. You probably won't like what you see in the mirror. Your nose might be packed with gauze. You will have a cast on your nose to support the healing nasal structure. Your doctor will tell you whether or not to keep ice or cold compresses on your nose, some people feel that bags of frozen peas make a good ice pack, as they mold to your face.

Your nose will be stuffed up, and you'll have to breathe through your mouth. You'll also feel some pain from the procedure, and you may become nauseous or throw up. This can happen either from swallowing blood during the surgery, or from the after-effects of anesthesia. In five to seven days, your surgeon will remove the cast from your nose and you'll be able to see your new nasal area. It will still be bruised and swollen, and you'll want to take care to not jostle or hit your healing nose, as it will hurt.

In about ten days (longer if you're a smoker), your bruises will fade and you should feel ready to face the public if you haven't done so already. You might want to cover any remaining bruises with color-corrective cosmetics. Your surgeon will often make recommendations regarding which cosmetics are right for your skin type and bruising pattern.

It can take two to four months for all swelling to go down from the surgery. In some cases, it can take up to a year before you'll know exactly what your nose is going to look like. Some people become upset with the look of their post-operative nose in these first months, as crookedness and bumps may show up during the healing process. Most surgeons recommend against going through any other procedures, such as revisions, for at least nine months after having nose job. The healing process can simply take this long, so you will need to have some patience.

Nose job is the type of plastic surgery that has a very high success rate. In this case, success is defined as meeting the reasonable results the surgeon predicted prior to the surgery. That being said, you have to understand what to expect after nose job and have some patience.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Protect Your Skin With Sunless Tanning Lotion

The latest news about tanning is that isnt all that good for you. Even moderate exposure to the sun increases your risk of developing skin cancer. So what can you do if you love the look of a dark rich tan, but you are trying to be smart about the sun? You can use sunless tanning lotion and have a great looking tan anytime. It is perfectly safe, and if you follow a few simple steps for applying it, it will look as natural as the sun itself.

Preparing Your Skin for Sunless Tanning Lotion

Skin that is dry and flaky wont evenly absorb tanning lotion products. So before applying sunless tanning lotion it is important to have the smoothest, clearest skin possible.

Start by using an exfoliating scrub in the shower. This will remove dead skin and flakes. Then apply a moisturizer each day. On the day you plan to apply the sunless lotion, do it after drying off from the shower.

A Picture Perfect Tan

Remember the days when tanning lotion turned your skin orange? Well, those days are long gone. The running, streaking goop that used to tint skin has evolved into a natural looking skin tone and colour enhancer today.

Not only has the formula changed when it comes to tanning lotions, but the way they are applied has too. The once running lotions are thicker, come in foams or mousse and are slowly activated and quickly absorbed. These factors alone will give you a more natural looking tan, but there are ways to apply them that will help too.

First of all, think about the way the sun will tan you. It is usually darker on the forearms and lighter underneath. Rarely are your armpits as dark as your shoulders unless you make a habit of sunbathing with your arms over your head. So when you apply tanning lotions, you will apply them darker to the areas that naturally darken. It is a subtle difference because you still want an even tan. The way to gently blend the darkness is to apply the lotion evenly then using a damp towel buff the areas you want slightly lighter.

Buffing also helps create even tones on places that tend to get too dark with sunless tanning lotion. This includes the knee caps, elbows and along the hair line. These areas also often have rougher skin, so exfoliating them is important before applying the lotion, and buffing them with the damp towel after will keep the colour even.

When to Apply

You can apply sunless tanning products day or night. They wont rub off onto clothing or bedding. They are also great to use when there has been a long stretch of bad weather or just before going on vacation. It you travel often on holiday, then summer or winter, you are ready for fun in the sun.

A word of warning. Most sunless tanning lotions do not contain any sunscreen. That means they do not protect the skin against harmful UV sunlight. But the beauty of these products is that you can use them at night, wake up tan, and then as you head out for a day at the beach you can use a regular outdoor sunscreen to protect your body.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Find Nail Salons, Nail Technicians & Training Courses

Beautyfinder is a leading directory offering visitors the most complete list of nail salon and nail technicians in the UK & Ireland.
The Beauty finder directory has over 3000 beauty companies listed which includes nail salons, nail bars, nail technicians making it one of the most comprehensive nail salon directories online for nail care businesses in the UK and Ireland. It also provides a comprehensive listing of nail care wholesale beauty product suppliers in the United Kingdom and Ireland..
The Beautyfinder directory includes a comprehensive">search engine allowing visitors to easily find leading nail care product suppliers & nail care technicians offering nail art treatments and nail manicures and pedicures, as well as nail extensions.
The Beautyfinder directory also lists nail technician & nail art training courses, & nail extensions training courses, as well as upcoming nail therapist events, the latest beauty news for nail therapists. offers businesses both FREE and paid business listing and marketing solutions as well as banner advertising to improve brand awareness for larger companies. Click Here to List you nail salon or nail therapist in the directory and increase your online brand awareness and clients looking for nail care products and treatments.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Technologies in Liposuction

The ideal candidate for liposuction is not overweight but has excess accumulation of fat in certain anatomical locations. The most common locations in women are the abdomen, flanks, and thighs and neck. Other areas include the arms, back, and buttocks. In men the most common area is the lower abdomen and love handle. It is important that the overlying skin is relatively firm. If the skin is very loose for instance in the abdominal area, that patient may be a better candidate for an abdominoplasty. The method of liposuction involves tumescent infusion followed by fat extraction. I use power assisted liposuction which gives me greater ability to sculpt the fat. It is important to understand that liposuction is a sculpting procedure requiring experience and three dimensional skill.

An exciting new technology in liposuction is ultrasonic liposuction. This involves the use of an ultrasonic probe that emulsifies the fat prior to extraction. Ultrasonic liposuction (UAL) is more aggressive. In my practice indications for UAL include men, areas that have had previous liposuction and in patients that have a small amount of lax skin for instance in the arms and abdomen. The UAL energy causes some skin contraction (tightening), which does not occur with conventional liposuction. UAL has become a very rewarding technology for my patients. There are other emerging technologies involving laser probes. At this point they appear to be more expensive, and offer no additional benefit. Before I will offer a new technology to my patients it has to be proven, offer an advantage over existing technology and be safe. Not just a marketable buzzword.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ageing Skin Care - Know More About Common AHA Molecules

AHAs are becoming very popular in the fight against ageing skin and are getting added to most of the beauty and skin care products. AHAs are one of the ingredients that help us keep skin looking young for a longer time. Let us find out about common AHA molecules and how they help in skin care.

Glycolic acid- this is one of the most commonly used Alpha Hydroxy Acids in skin care. It is derived naturally from sugar cane juice. Glycolic acid has a very low molecular size. This low molecular size allows glycolic acid to penetrate skin faster. The dead skin cells that bind with the skin are removed by glycolic acid by loosening the glue that sticks the dead cells with the skin. As the glue loosens, the dead cells exfoliate giving a cleaner look to the skin. Shedding dead cells faster also allows growth of new cells. Glycolic acids also smoothen fine wrinkles. This acid also helps in treatment of blackheads and dries out the excess surface oil on the skin. It is also thought that glycolic acids stimulate collagen production to some extent. This acid also keeps the skin moisturized by keeping water bound to the skin and prevents drying of skin. It can also bleach some spots on the skin. One added advantage of glycolic acid is that it helps other skin care ingredients reach deeper in the skin and makes them more effective. Glycolic acid is on the frontier of skin care.

Lactic acid- it is derived from milk. Milk baths have been popular since ages to get fresh skin and better skin care. That is because of the lactic acid. Lactic acid is a good skin moisturizer as it helps retain water in the skin. It is also a good exfoliater of dead skin cells. It is generally used in combination with other AHAs in skin care products.

Citric acid is also an Alpha Hydroxy Acid. Citric acid is derived from citrus fruits. It accelerates collagen production and also removes spots on the skin. Citric acid is not a good exfoliator. It is considered a good anti oxidant, as it neutralizes free radicals that age the skin. Citric acid has been used for skin care since long in household remedies.

Malic Acid and tartaric acids are other popular Alpha Hydroxy Acids. They are not commonly used alone for skin care treatments but are added to make a combination of AHA skin care products to derive multiple benefits.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.