Friday, April 30, 2010

Why spray tanning?

Whenever you get back from a vacation, the first thing family and friends usually comment on is your great tan, or lack thereof. Tanning has been popular since the early 20th century, but the health risks associated with the sun's UV rays have made maintaining an even tan -- much less any kind of tan -- difficult, especially for those who live in cold and rainy climates.

Enter indoor tanning salons, which became a popular trend in the '80s. Now, indoor tanning is a $3 billion-a-year industry in the United States alone.

Since the year 2000, sunless spray tanning has taken the tanning world by storm. It has provided men with a way to get and maintain a healthy-looking, even tan without being exposed to the sun's rays. What is most impressive is that, unlike previous sunless tanning methods, the effects of spray tanning actually look good.

What is spray tanning?
Spray tanning works by applying a special mist to the body. This mist is sprayed onto the body in a booth, which you can now find at most higher-end tanning salons and spas. The mist emitted contains dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which is a chemical that reacts with dead skin cells by cosmetically dyeing them brown. So after spray tanning, the skin takes on a golden brown colour that usually looks like a natural tan.

Depending on the booth used, the mist will either be water or oil based; men with sensitive skin should opt for a water base. Also, some salons offer different types of mists, allowing you to choose the level of darkening. If you are very fair-skinned, keep in mind that going too dark will look fake and awkward, no matter the quality of the product.
Will it give me a good tan?

The mist in spray tanning temporarily makes your skin golden brown, not orange. The chemical reaction physically changes your skin colour, so there's no need to worry about smear lines; besides, the products on the market have been well-tested in order to make sure they provide a colour that looks exactly like a natural tan (or as close as it's going to get). Even fair-skinned guys who usually turn pink rather than brown while tanning will benefit from a bronze colour by getting a spray tan.
How long does it last?
Mystic Tan, one of the most popular brands of spray tanning booths, states that once an optimal colour is achieved, it can be maintained by tanning every five days. Fantasy Tan, a competitor, states that their tans will last up to 10 days. As you'll discover by reading on, there are certain measures you can take (before and after your spray tanning session) to ensure that your tan lasts as long as possible.

Here's a mini-lesson in dermatology: The top layer of your skin naturally sheds in order to give way to newer skin. Because that top layer of skin is the part that's dyed by the DHA, the tan wears off once the top layer of dead skin peels off. So, to extend the effects of the spray tan, you must use moisturizer (you know, that lotion your woman swears by) to keep the top layer from shedding as quickly. Basically, if you moisturize, you should be able to maintain an optimal tan for about five days.

There are many moisturizers on the market, by every cosmetic producer in the world. You can't walk into a pharmacy or department store without finding a full rack of the stuff so go out and get that
Tan that you deserve

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Much Does A Nose Job Cost

Nearly all plastic or cosmetic surgery is considered elective, which means health insurance does not pay for it. This means you need to have a grasp of the full cost of nose job surgery.

How Much Does A Nose Job Cost

Nose job is a term which really refers to nose molding or nose forming, and it is one of the world's most common plastic surgery procedures. Many people choose to have it performed because they are unhappy with the shape and size of their nose, and want to improve the look of their face. Once you've decided to have nose job, the second question many people ask is, What is the cost of a nose job?

As with any medical procedure, the cost of nose job differs depending on who performs the surgery, where it is performed and what resources are needed to complete the surgery. A nose job is one of the few plastic surgery procedures that can occasionally be covered by insurance. Coverage can arise when the surgery must be performed for medical reasons such as to correct a breathing problem. If your nose job is purely cosmetic, you will need to pay for your surgery out of pocket.

The cost of a nose job generally runs from about $3000 to $6000, depending on the exact procedure to be performed. Where the surgery is completed is also a major factor. If the nose job must be done in a hospital instead of an outpatient surgery center or office, the cost will be higher. It will also depend on whether a local or general anesthetic is required to complete the surgery. If a general anesthetic is needed, the cost will be higher as an anesthesiologist will need to be present for the surgery.

Other factors that come into play for the cost of nose job are the fees for pre- and post-operative care, any other facility fees, and your location in the country. Nose jobs can be more expensive if the plastic surgeon is well known or in a high demand area such as Atlanta, Beverly Hills or New York City. The degree of difficulty of your procedure will also be a factor. Obviously, the longer the surgery takes, the more it will cost.

The cost of a nose job should never be the only deciding factor in choosing a plastic surgeon or surgery facility. You will want to take into account whether you feel comfortable with the surgeon, as well as the doctor's experience and other qualifications. Always choose a board certified plastic surgeon with experience in nose job and any other procedures you want to have. Make sure to look at before and after pictures to get a feel for the results the doctor has previously produced for other patients.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Laser Hair Removal Cost: 5 main factors

Laser Hair Removal is one of the newest technologies for eliminating that unwanted body hair. It is quick, easy and relatively painless. So, what's it going to cost? Well, how laser hair removal is priced depends on a couple of factors:

1. Geographic Location. Of course, there are always going to be pricing variations due to geographic location. That's the case with just about any product or service. You will find that laser hair removal cost differ from state to state as well as from country to country.

2. Number of laser hair removal treatment sessions. This means, the number of laser hair removal treatments you are going to need to complete your desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be affected by your hair color, your skin pigmentation (light or dark) and the thickness of your hair.

Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are required, and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center.

Some parts of the body are more difficult than others to remove hair. Each person varies somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well.

Prior to your first laser hair removal treatment - in fact, prior to your deciding to undergo laser hair removal at all - you'll meet with the dermatologist or medical specialist responsible for the laser hair removal. Generally, the more sessions you require, the more it is going to cost you.

3. Size of the area treated. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There are different types of laser hair removal equipment in the market. Also, do not confuse laser hair removal with intense pulsed light treatments. The latter can also produce effective hair removal. Although the devices used are not lasers, they are "laser equivalents". Both utilize the same principle of selective photothermolysis to achieve hair removal. Intense pulsed light devices are in fact more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Individual consultation with the laser center is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

5. Pricing packaging. Not only does the laser hair removal cost vary by area and by physician, but it can also vary in its pricing structure. Some, for example, bundle the laser hair removal treatment with other cosmetic procedures. For instance, some may include the application of a hair retardation product to the treatment area to speed up desired results. Some require you to pay a total package fee and yet others may charge you for each visit separately. Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, costs an average of about $500 per treatment session. They usually recommend a basic four treatment sessions to start off with.

As treatment costs can get really expensive, you should ensure that you can well budget for it. However, please be advised to go to an established medical center with good reputation. You may pay more but it may be worth the quality of service and care that you receive.

Monday, April 26, 2010

All There is To Know About Botox Injections

In general, Botox is the brand name for a botulin toxin type A, of which there are subtypes. The type B variety (BTX-B) is known as Neurobloc in the E.U. or Myobloc in the U.S.A. Both are employed in medical and/or therapeutic purposes. Botox itself is more popularly known for it's non-surgical cosmetic function. It is also known as Vistabel in the E.U. and Dysport.

In the 1950s, although experimented with much earlier, very small injections of botulin toxin type A (BTX-A) were used to decrease overactive muscle activity. In that same period, it was experimented with in cosmetic treatments. In 1989, in the U.S., Allergan Inc. got approval from the F.D.A. and named their drug Botox. Approval for its cosmetic use came in 2002, when researchers discovered is cosmetic effects.

Technically speaking, botulin toxin type A (BTX-A) is produced by bacteria. Once processed, its injection serves to interfere with nerve impulses, amongst other things. As such, it has come to serve many purposes in non-surgical cosmetic treatment, namely the removal of lines. However, its effects are not permanent, so future injections may be required.

It has been used to treat glabellar lines (the appearance of severe frown lines between the eyebrows), excessive underarm sweating, spasticity, muscle disorders, and even obesity. The study of other treatments using Botox remain ongoing.

Botox is usually considered a prespcription drug that needs to be administered by a qualified physician. For this reason, it's recommended that it be done in a controlled setting, i.e. a doctor's office. In this way, any possible immediate side effects can be monitored by the administering physician. For this reason, among others, so-called "Botox parties" are not recommended.

Apparently in the U.S., Botox is licenced for use in single-use vials. In other words, it's prescribed for use for a single person. The vials do not contain anything that can prevent contamination if repeatedly used for more than one person. However, this is how many individuals aim to lower the cost of the injections, besides undergoing the injections in a more social atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the consumption of alcohol in such an environment can defeat the purpose of the injections. After receiving an injection, it's recommended that the individual: not rub their face and stand up straight for several hours. Both are meant to prevent the Botox from moving outside of the targeted area. Here, one of the most commonly know side effects are droopy eyelids. This is because the muscles controlling the eyelids have become paralyzed. However, this side effect is normally considered to last only a few days.

Regardless, as Botox comes from a neurotoxin, much care must be taken with its use as in any treatment. You should also consult the physician regarding the required frequency of injections. This may be anywhere between four to eight months, but no less than three.

Breast Augmentation Or Reduction - What Are The Implications?

People often tend to beautify and, at times, exaggerate the alluring portions of their body. A worthy example of this is breast plastic surgery, which contemporary women opt for in order to enhance their appearance. Breast plastic surgery has several forms, namely breast implant or enhancement, breast lift, and breast reduction. Each type has its own significance and is employed under different circumstances. While breast implant (also known as breast augmentation) is used to enlarge the size of a womans breast, breast reduction is often necessary when abnormally huge breasts result in orthopedic pain.

Breast implant has two primary types, namely saline implants and silicone gel implants. However, advanced research is bound to make other filler types available. A staggering fact is that breast augmentation is the third most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. Unequivocally, this is an absolute evidence of womens obsession with their looks, and also a substantial proof as to the safety and efficacy of the procedure.

Breast lift is a surgical procedure designed to reshape sagging breasts, in order to give them a more appealing look. Primarily used to improve breast drooping, breast lift procedure can be combined with breast augmentation to improve volume as well. The procedure typically involves incisions around the base of the breast and, therefore, results in scarring.

Breast reduction is another surgical procedure which entails the reduction of the size of breasts by removing fat, glandular tissue, and skin. Breast reduction is primarily used for women with huge, sagging breasts, as the weight of their breasts may cause orthopedic, circulation, and breathing problems. Though relatively rare, obese men with women-like breasts may also opt for breast reduction surgery.

Whatever be the type of breast plastic surgery, people are increasingly opting for it. Since aesthetics play a major role in the choice of people we hang out with, women see no harm in enhancing the alluring portions of their body if it were at the cost of minimal scarring.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Ideal Nose

It would seem that it is futile to seek for perfection in this imperfect world. What is ideal may sometimes be so hard to attain, and it somehow borders already on the line where it is totally unreachable.

However, cosmetic surgery somehow managed to bring the world of idealism into a spot within everyones reach. Though there are many facets to this issue, there is one interesting procedure in plastic surgery that promotes the acquisition of what is ideal. This surgical procedure is called rhinoplasty or nasal reshaping.

Rhinoplasty is considered to be the most complex operation a cosmetic surgeon has to deal with. Its aim is to improve the function and the appearance of a persons nose by removing a hump, changing the tip or bridge, narrowing the span of the nostrils, and other modifications.

What patients and surgeons alike are trying to really achieve in a rhinoplasty procedure is the acquisition of the ideal nose. It is needless to say that the ideal nose is patient-specific since it is largely dependent on the facial structure of the patient. At first glance, it is quite difficult to really determine the best nose for a certain person given the diversity and complexity of individual cases.

Fortunately for plastic surgeons and patients, there is a mechanism provided for such purpose. According to Dr. Becker of The Rhinoplasty Center, the ideal nose is that which is harmonious with the other favorable facial features. It is with no doubt that anyone who is not happy with his nose certainly has this perception of the ideal nose, which he or she would like to have. Aside from practically correcting certain defects and imperfections, one longs to have his or her nose blend well with his or her other facial features. A nose doesnt exist by itself. It has to complement with the eyes, mouth, and other important areas of the face.

Certain metrics are followed in order to determine the best nose for a certain individual. Though this quantitative technique does not really cover everything there is to know about having an ideal nose, they are used to help surgeons come up with the best plan for his patients surgery.

Specific measurements that need to be looked into in determining the ideal nose are employed. These are the nasofrontal angle, nasal projection, nasofacial, and nasomental angles to name just a few. All these are noted down by the plastic surgeon to ensure precision. Normally, the nasofacial angle should be 36 degrees. However, certain considerations have to be taken into account before directly applying such rule to the patient. This is where the plastic surgeons expertise and sound judgment come into play.

Employing this mechanism along with the recent developments in facial plastic surgery, that elusive perfect nose sure is now an arms length away. With a board-certified facial surgeon, and the latest in rhinoplasty instruments and techniques around, everyone has now a chance to grab that, which was once considered unreachable, and irrational in this realistic, and non-idealistic existence.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tanning bed questions and answers

It's important that you get all of your questions answered and concerns addressed before you start tanning indoors. This is because it is a terrific experience and you want to maximize the pleasure and benefits of it by easing any concerns that you may have or thought of. You'll want to speak with a professional at your chosen tanning salon for more details, but here are the answers to a number of frequently asked questions about indoor tanning and the safety thereof:
Is indoor tanning safe?

Yes, if you do it properly. This is one of the most commonly asked questions about tanning because people are aware that there are risks associated with exposure to UV rays from indoor tanning that might cause skin cancer. If you follow proper tanning procedures and use the right tanning lotions and other products, indoor tanning should be at least as safe as outdoor tanning if not safer.

What are the benefits of indoor tanning?

In comparison with outdoor tanning, indoor tanning takes less time and gives you a more even tan. Some people also say that indoor tanning is safer, especially if you're using the right tanning lotions and other products. It is also important to tan in shorter rather than longer periods of time, dont rush it.

Do I need to use indoor tanning lotion?
Yes. Although it won't be required by your tanning salon, you will want to use indoor tanning lotion. It moisturizes your skin, protects it from the rays and helps to give you an even tan more quickly. Make sure to choose the right tanning lotion for your desired results and try and keep away from oils as its generally a mess to use and clean.

How often should I go to the salon?

This depends on how quickly you want to get a tan. You need to wait 1-2 days between sessions so you'll go no more than 4 times per week. Many people go 3-4 times per week until they get the desired look and then go 1-2 times per week to maintain that tan.

How long does a tanning session last?

Most people tan for 20-30 minutes during each session. However, this depends on a number of factors so you should work with someone at the salon to determine the right length of time for you and your type of skin.

What should I wear for tanning?

Since you are going to be in the room alone, you can wear as much or as little clothing as you'd like to get the tan that you desire. Many people wear nothing at all to get a full body tan. Others wear swimsuits since they just want the tan where those on the beach will see them. You will wear eye goggles during the session to protect your eyes from the rays witch is very important.

Will I be comfortable at a tanning salon?

Most people find that they are a little bit nervous when they first go to a tanning salon because they don't know what to expect or what to do. This anxiety quickly goes away when they see how comfortable indoor tanning is. Most people who tan relate the experience to going to a spa where for a half an hour you will have peace and quiet to yourself in the tanning bed. Staff will be on hand to greet you and make the experience more pleasant. Most people find that they are not only comfortable with indoor tanning but that it's an indulgent experience which they can look forward to every week.

Ready to wear bifocal contact lenses

Long years ago, you have to wear two sets of eye glasses, then doctors discovered the lens at the bifocal eye-glasses ,then recently they do the same thing in a bifocal contact lens. The lens is divided into two halves ,one upper and the other is lower and sometimes it can be in concentric circles ,one lens on the interior part and the other is on the outside part.

Who need bifocal lenses?
People who suffer from Presbyopia that causes trouble focusing on objects which are near and this doesn't develop after the age 40.They are nearsightedness and farsightedness and suffer from the eye-glasses that are usually with thick lenses and a line across them (they act as two lenses in one).These eye-glasses have several problems: First :They are heavy, Second: They are almost unattractive, Third: It is hard to adjust to them as you have to look up or look down .All these problems cause dizziness during adapting to these bifocal lenses .The only choice for these people for long years ago was the eye-glasses even after contact lenses came on the market.
Now ,contact lenses offer bifocal contact lenses which are soft ,rigid and with gas permeable materials .It is dual lens ,as if you are wearing two sets of glasses at the same time.
By using a set of bifocal contact lenses ,your eye begins gradually to adjust to the difference of portions as the muscles of the eye coordinate and be trained automatically from and to the correct lens that is needed at this time .Example: If someone is reading ,so the vision has to be corrected to view the close things at this time ,so the pupil of the eye will be directed to the lens that correct the vision and light will be refracted into the angle of the retina that will help in close reading .But if you begin to look off at things which are far away-as looking to the sky-the focus of the eye will be directed at this time to the lens that assist you to see the distant thing .All of this is due to the different prescription lens of the contacts that have the ability to refract the light at different angles and correct the vision due to different viewing.

Which is better? A bifocal lens in the traditional eye-glasses OR a bifocal contact lens?
You have to choose which type you prefer .As some people have great problems and troubles in wearing the contact lenses as they considered this difficult routine to put in and take out them ,even by using special kind that stay for all the day ,whole the week or even more than a week- they have to change them eventually ,so they consider wearing contact lens a big problem .These people can get some hope by the innovation of the manufacture and the designs of contact lenses as these contacts became much easier to maintain and very simple to manage.
Contact lenses can be very useful and fit more than a pair of traditional eye-glasses for those who work in a hazardous environment or who wear any kind of equipment like goggles .Conversely ,for people that work in certain toxic gaseous chemicals environment ,contact lenses won't suits them .So you have to take the advise from your eye care specialist to help you to take the correct decision and to choose the best option either to wear eye-glasses or contact lenses.

There are a lot of types of lenses ,like:
They are the same to bifocal eye-glasses ,half the lens for near objects and half for distant objects.

They are also the same as bifocal eye-glasses ,the near correction is under the distance correction and there is a line separating them .It is flat on the bottom for the reason of keeping without movement in your eye while blinking.

Inner part can see near objects while the outer part can see the distant objects or vice versa.

You wear one lens in one eye and the other in the other eye .You wear to view the distant objects in the dominant eye.

The near and the distant vision are located at the center of the lens .Usually the correction for near vision is at the center while the correction of the distant vision surrounds it and this can be reversed in some situations according to the advise of the eye care specialist.

This kind has the ability to blend both the near sight and the distant sight ,they fill the area of the pupil (part of the eye) and the eyes can adjust to that and can interpret the circle choice according to how far or close you are viewing .This is because the light all the time from near and far objects can be focused on at the same time .These kinds of lenses may be problematic as by looking through the lens ,the eye takes both : in focus and out of focus at the same time .This is due to some light from the far objects go through the near vision and vice versa ,so the brain has to correct the desired image.

Finally ,when you decide to wear bifocal contact lenses ,you have to:
1-Ask your doctor to know if contact lenses can suits you or not and also which kind of them you can buy.
2-Ask your friends or relatives if any of them have the experience of wearing contact lenses.
3-Put in your consideration that it may take time to find contact lenses that can fit you and be comfortable.
4-Some companies can allow you to try their lenses firstly ,so by this offering you can have a free trial wear period to see if these lenses can adjust with your eyes or not.
5-You can check the discounted stores for contact lenses ,they are online stores.
6-You have to know that the bifocal lenses will depend on your budget.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Choosing and Using Your Lipstick

Lipstick, in various forms, has been around for about 5000 years as it is the easiest way to add an instant splash of colour and give focus to your face. The main problem though, is that there is no perfect colour that suits everyone. There are no perfect shades, brands or formulas but these guidelines can help any woman to express her mood or personality as she chooses the lipstick that is right for her.

Sheer lipsticks: are more universal than opaque lipsticks and are more flattering as they allow your own lip colour to be seen underneath. They do not last as long as some other formulas although they are very moisturising and easy to wear. A happy medium can be found in the cream lipsticks but as these are more opaque you will find yourself having to be more discerning when choosing your colours.

Shimmer lipsticks: last for longer than sheer formulations and can flatter the wearer of any age, unlike the shimmery eye shadows or blushers. Due to the light reflecting qualities, lips will look fuller but be warned that shimmer formulations look ghastly on dry or chapped lips.

Matte lipsticks: are the formulas that last for longer than any other and are a good selection to make bold statements with. The main problem with this type of lipstick is that they dry the lips out quite quickly and as such should not really be worn if you have dry or chapped lips already.

Lip colours can be found in many styles of applicator but by far the most popular are the ones that come in a stick in bullet shaped holders. As lips are quite sensitive to the sun, the lipstick formulations that have built-in sunscreens are very useful. Lip-gloss can be used to add an attractive gleam to your lips when used on its own, or to catch the light if applied over your normal lipstick.

If you want to mark an outline to your lips before applying lipstick then a lip liner is the best method (this also helps to stop bleeding) and is designed for just this purpose. For a darker matte effect just apply a lip liner over the whole of your lip area. A word of caution if you do decide to use this method though is that you may need to apply a lip salve over the top to avoid drying out your lips.

Choosing a Colour:

There are many traditions that help in the selection of lipstick colours. Some of these say that you should choose rich, deep colours such as burgundy or plum reds in winter and lighter, more pastel tones such as pinks or lavenders in spring. Summer months herald the need for sheer or glossy formulations and autumn is the time for brown-based earthy colours. All this said, lipsticks are used as an expression of yourself so you dont have to follow tradition if you dont want to go ahead and experiment.

Colour Guidelines:

People with a fair complexion will find that a small amount of colour will go a long way. Over the top, bright colours will look a mess so stick to nudes, beige tones, light corals or light pinks. Sheer formulas prove to be the most flattering here.

Complexions with medium colours are best suited to brown based mauves or sheer berry types of coloured lipsticks in a cream formula.

Reds, especially those with golden undertones rather than blue, are the best and most suited colours of lipstick for people with whitish complexions. Also, pink shimmers can look good too with both colour schemes working well in almost any formula.

The best colours to use for your lipstick if your complexion is darker are rich and deep shades such as burgundy, chocolate or plum which will look great in any formula.

Lipstick Application:

Using a moisturiser over your lips before applying the lipstick will usually ensure that the best end result is achieved. The lip surface should then be primed with a foundation making sure that every tiny crack and crevice is covered. A make-up sponge is the best way to accomplish this.

Then using your normal face powder, apply a light dusting on top of the foundation, which will help your lipstick stay in place for longer.

Next, draw an outline around your lips using a lip pencil, which has been warmed slightly in the palm of your hand. You may find that steadying your hand by resting your elbow on a firm, flat surface helps when doing this.

The Cupids bow on the upper lip should be your starting point when drawing your lip outline, followed by neatly outlining your lower lip.

Finish off the edges of the outline on your upper lip and then fill in the outlined areas with lipstick, preferably using a lip brush for accuracy, as you will need to make sure that every tiny crevice is covered. Brush the colour into the corners of your lips by opening your mouth, which will expose the corners for easy reach.

To help your lipstick last longer and give your lips an attractive, semi-matte finish, you should blot over the surface gently with a tissue.

Tips and Tricks:

If there is a difference in proportion or volume to your mouth, then the upper lip will normally appear to be thinner than the bottom one. The bottom lip is generally considered to be the point of reference when trying to make sure the contours of both lips are balanced therefore outlining of the upper lip must be done. With this in mind it should be said that when you pencil out the upper lip, make sure that it equals in proportion, from the pointed side of the Cupids bow to the centre slit of the mouth, the width of the bottom lip. The shape you give to your Cupids bow is what expresses your mood or personality at the time. If you make it more rounded then you will give a fuller, more sensual smile while on the other hand a pointed, more angular one shows a confident, outgoing personality.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eye Makeup Tips

Eye Makeup Tips and Advice

Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. Large and beautiful eyes enhance one's beauty manifold. Healthy eyes are directly related to general health. Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages the skin around eye. Also, remember never to use chemical eye-make-up-remover because it reacts adversely on the skin. Applying smoky eyes makeup can make you the most attractive and beautiful woman. It is a good choice for drawing attention, also.

A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type. Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. The next step is to apply a clean color over the eye, from eyelid to brow.

Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips. Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid. It's time to apply dark colors for creating depth. Best place for doing that is the outer corner. Next, apply a little eyeliner, from the center of the eye to the corners. Finally, apply mascara. For dark eyes, black or dark brown is recommended. A dark brown eye shadow should be applied from the lid to crease, for a better effect. In the final, apply two layers of black mascara and work a little on your eyebrows for a strong smoky eyes makeup.

Various Types of Eye Makeup

Small eyes-Use a light shade of powder for the center of the lid and a darker shade in the outer edge.

Almond-shaped eyes Use a light shade of powder from your lashes to the brow, a medium shade on your lid, and a darker shade on the outer third of your eyelid.

Round eyes-Use light colored shadow over the entire lid and a darker shade in the crease. Apply eyeliner on both the top and bottom lids, and use mascara on the upper outer lashes.

Wide-set eyes-Use a darker shade in the inner corner, blending up and out. Concentrate eyeliner and mascara on the inner corner of the eye.

Close-set eyes-Use one color, varying from a light to darker shade. Start with the lightest shade one-third away from the inner corner of your eye, blending darker shades up and out. Use eyeliner on the outer half of your eye.

Deep-set eyes-Use eyeliner on both the upper and lower lids, remembering to smudge and soften the line.

Eye Makeup Tips

1. Use Sacha's eye shadows to reflect mood.

2. Apply the lightest shade over the entire eyelid.

3. Apply the medium shade on the lower eyelid.

4. Apply the darkest shade in the outer corner of the eye to create depth.

5. Apply eyeliner with short strokes, starting form.

6. The center of the eye and working towards the corners.

7. Mascara finishes your makeup.

8. Do not wear bold eye makeup and a bold lipstick at the same time.

9. Try not to be too dramatic but there is a secret seldom revealed.

Follow these helpful tips to greatly improve your makeup experience.

Perfect Plus-Sized Halloween Disguises

The French Maid

Even if sprucing up is not your thing, a French maid Halloween costume is sexy in any size. The puffed-sleeve dress and mini skirt shows off your curves in all the right places, and a feather duster can be a flirtu come-on tool.


Renaissance wear works well in all sizes as well. For instance, you may dress as the town wench with a lace up frock. Accessories with a dagger and an eye patch and this works as a pirate wench as well. Or go for a queen's design with a flowing gown designed for curves and a crown. You can most times find matching men's costumes in Renaissance wear if you are looking for a couples Halloween costume theme.


The mistress of the dark has some curves of her own, and you can apply this to your advantage. Plunging necklines will accentuate your features and curves. Add a belt and dagger and Elvira wig and this costume is perfect.


If you have ever dreamed of being an Egyptian princess, there are adult Halloween costumes in this design that come in all sizes. With a white dress with an Egyptian sash and gold accessories, you are set to rule the Nile. There are also many of men's Egyptian costumes as well, making this a good couples Halloween costume theme.

Super Hero

Ready to save the world? Super hero costumes are a perfect way to have fun on Halloween. You can often find these in figure-flattering shapes, complete with boots and cape. Many super hero designs come in mens Halloween costumes as well.

Vegas Girl

You can make what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas your theme for Halloween night. Whether you wish to be a Vegas showgirl or Playboy bunny, many of these alluring Vegas girl costumes are found in plus sizes. The flattering corsets will help accentuate your curves, while cute accessories like stockings and bunny ears can help you to finalize your look.

Sexy Nurse

Is there a medic in the house? You can compliment his outfit with a sexy nurses uniform. Like many sexy Halloween costumes, these are intended to show off your curves. Accessories with a nurses cap and a stethoscope, and you are prepared to treat his every ill.


One of the classic sexy Halloween costumes, the schoolgirl outfit can be fitted for the plus-sized girl as well. Combine the cute plaid skirt with a sexy white top and knee high stockings, and you are ready for your Halloween lessons.

With a little planning, you can find the perfect plus-sized Halloween costume for any Halloween celebration.

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Strongest and most effective natural breast enhancement on the market. Most natural breast enhancement products rely on a combination of ingredients containing plant estrogens. Be sure the ingredients are clearly listed for the natural breast enhancement product you choose and that you know what each ingredient is. Explore these pages to discover more about Wonderup and how it promotes natural breast enhancement. This breast enhancement formulation is made of all natural ingredients.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair ,keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.
- Women with developing cyst at the ovary, breast, and uterus.
- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.
- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rejuvenate yourself: Youthful, brighter eyes with a cosmetic surgery Brow Lift

Rejuvenate yourself: Youthful, brighter eyes with a cosmetic surgery Brow Lift

Your eyebrows frame the most important feature on your face. After all, your eyes are the window to your soul, and people connect with you through them! All eyes are beautiful, but sagging skin or abnormalities can detract from their beauty.

A brow lift is a simple procedure that can make a dramatic difference in the entire look of your face. It can be one of the easiest ways to correct the facial problems that prevent you from putting your best face forward!

What Can a Brow Lift Do For Me?

* Do you have eyelid bags, excess or sagging tissue around the brow and upper eyelid that hangs down over the lower lid, making you look tired or sad? A brow lift can lift the sagging tissue, bring your eyes out of hiding, and make your eyes appear larger and more open.

* If you have frown wrinkles between your eyes, a brow lift can eliminate them.

* If you have an eyebrow deformity, a brow lift can correct it.

* Do you wish your brows had more of an arch or a different shape? This can usually be accomplished with a brow lift.

* If you wish your brows were better positioned on your face, a brow lift can create a more symmetrical and natural look. By lifting your brows upward, you will appear fresher and more energetic.

What Happens in a Brow Lift Operation?

You are given a general anesthetic so that you are asleep for the entire operation. Five incisions are required for a brow lift, but they are so tiny that your hair need not be trimmed. Three are placed on your scalp above your forehead hidden by your hair, and the other two are made within the hair next to your temples.

The surgeon then lifts the tissue upward and repositions it based on your desired results. This procedure lifts any sagging skin and reduces wrinkles.

Scars generally heal very well and are hidden by your hair. You may even shampoo the day after the operation.

This procedure is called an endoscopic brow lift. Sometimes an endoscopic brow lift is performed along with eyelid correction surgery, which actually removes excess skin and fatty folds in the upper eyelid, creating a tiny scar in the upper eyelid that is hidden within the crease.

What Can I Expect After the Operation?

A brow lift is an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day. You will need someone to drive you home, however, as you might be sleepy from the anesthetic.

For two to three days following the operation, you will have some swelling, and your forehead will feel tight. Your eyelids may be bruised for about two weeks, but this can usually be covered by makeup after five to seven days. Patients generally experience less bruising with an endoscopic brow lift than with eyelid correction surgery. For before and after photos go to kxxp://

You may experience a mild headache for the first couple of days after the surgery, for which you will receive a prescription.

Within two weeks of the procedure, your stitches will be removed, and you can return to work.

Your brows will probably be lifted slightly higher than you wish them to be in their final position. This is because they will drop somewhat as the tissues relax during the first few weeks after surgery. If your brows appear too high at first, you may compensate with makeup until they settle into their correct position.

Your eyebrows may not be perfectly matched even after surgery, but this is actually more natural. No one has eyebrows that are exactly alike, and the differences will be too slight to be noticeable.

A brow lift will not hinder your natural facial expressions at all. You will retain all of your normal eyebrow and facial movement abilities.

What Are the Risks of a Brow Lift?

While there is risk with any surgery, the risks of brow lift surgery are extremely small. You will be given written material to read, and all potential risks will be discussed with you prior to your decision to have a brow lift.

You and the doctor will evaluate and discuss the best brow position for you in order to achieve your desired results. Dr. Arthur Millman will strive to give you a natural look while correcting the problems that concern you, view before and after photos online at kxxp://

What is the Recovery Schedule?

* Headache and forehead tightening is usually gone within 2-3 days.
* Bruising and swelling is usually gone within 5-10 days.
* Stitches are removed, and you may return to work or other social activities within 7-14 days.
* Brows will relax into their final position, and you may resume exercise or athletic activities within 14-21 days.

Why You Lose Your Youthful Skin Appearance

If you want to keep your youthful skin appearance, you need to know why your skin starts to change as you age. I have listed some of the most important things that affect skin appearance and some of the ways to prevent the skin from aging too fast. The sooner you start applying these ideas the longer you will keep your youthful appearance.

As you age here are some of the changes that will occur:

* Your top skin layer, epidermis, becomes thinner and more fragile

* Your skin becomes drier, since oil glands produce less oil

* The number of blood vessels decreases in your face and throughout your body. Blood brings nutrients to your skin cells, giving your skin a healthy and rosy look

* Less skin cells are repaired or replace quickly

* The sun and pollution start to show their effects on your skin by breaking down collagen and elastin, which give your skin its elasticity.

* Your good or bad diet starts to show it effects on your skin. Your bad diet did not provide the nutrients your skin needed to be flexibly, hydrated, oxygenated, and healthy.

* The un-healthy skin products you have been using start to show their bad effects on your skin.

Now, you can see that skin beauty is dependent on what kind of food you eat, how you have exposed yourself to the sun and pollution, and what chemicals your facial and skin products have. Excessive exposure to the sun and pollution will damage your skin and accelerate its aging appearance - age spots, blotches, wrinkles, roughness, sagging.

Here are some things you can do to slow down the aging skin.

* Use sunscreen every day - You can slow down wrinkle formation and even prevent it, if you use sunscreen early in your life. Use sunscreen that contains Zinc Oxide. It is better then those that have Titanium Dioxide. Daily, use a broadband SPF 15 and for heavy out door sun activities use SPF 30. If you wear makeup, put your sunscreen on first.

* On hot days and even when it is overcast use your sunscreen and a hat. Stay in the shade when possible.

* Keep away from highly polluted areas and don't smoke. Smoking changes the elasticity of the skin fibers leading to rough and wrinkled skin.

* Get enough sleep. Your skin repairs itself when you sleep.

* When you sleep, don't sleep with you face into the pillow.

* Drink plenty of water. Your skin loses water during hot days and needs plenty of water to keep hydrated. Water is found in raw fruits and vegetables. Sodas, sugar drinks, tea, (except herbal teas) coffee, or milk are not water. Rotate between buying and drinking Reverse Osmosis and Distilled water.

* Minimize drinking alcohol. Alcohol can lead to spider veins and broken capillaries. It also causes your skin to become dehydrated.

* Eat more fruits and vegetables. They provide plenty of antioxidants, which protect you from sun and pollution damage.

* Take an antioxidant supplement, which should include up to 2000 mg of vitamin C. You may have to take the Vitamin C separate.

Start using these ideas and you will see improvement on your skin. This improvement may take a few months to appear on your skin. Be patient and persistent and you will be rewarded with good skin appearance.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sedu Ceramic Hair Straightener Tips

sedu ceramic hair straightener tips, sedu hair straightener, celebrity sedu hairstyles

In order to get the best from your sedu hair straightener, I have compiled a list of the best sedu ceramic hair straightener tips. Whether its achieving perfect celebrity sedu hairstyles such as the Jennifer Lopez sedu hair, the Jennifer Aniston sedu look, or even the Hilary Duff sedu hair style, these sedu ceramic hair straightener tips will have you looking like a celebrity in no time.

Before Use:

Tip 1: Always shampoo, condition, and blow dry your hair before using the sedu hair straightener as grease and excess oils will cook and burn if not removed before use.

Tip 2: Always use the correct temperature setting for your hair type to avoid hair damage. The sedu hair straightener comes with adjustable temperatures; use the low temperature setting on your sedu hair iron if your hair is bleached, damaged, or thin and the high setting for thick, course, uncontrollable, or stubborn hair.

Tip 3: To achieve the best results from your sedu hair straightener it is worth knowing that there are a variety of widths available for the ceramic plates of the sedu hair iron and choosing the best width for your hair will give you the best results. The best width to aim for is a maximum width of 1.5.

Using Your Sedu Hair Straightener:

Tip 1: Remember it only takes 25 seconds for the sedu hair iron to heat up.

Tip 2: Separate your hair into sections and start with the bottom layer, gradually letting more hair down until complete.

Tip 3: You will only need to pass the sedu hair straightener over your hair once or maybe twice compared with other models.

Tip 4: Do not touch your hair immediately after passing your sedu hair iron over it as your hair will be extremely hot.

Perfect Styles:

The sedu ceramic hair straightener tips listed below are designed to help you to achieve perfect results and those all important celebrity sedu hairstyles.

Tip 1: The Sleek flip sedu hairstyle is simple and easy to create and looks great on anyone from a business woman to an energetic young woman. Using your sedu flat iron, straighten your hair and then take the ends and flip them either in or out to achieve this casual yet sleek look.

Tip 2: The casual chic sedu hairstyle. This sedu hairstyle is very quick and simple to achieve and this one also allows you to show off your face. Once you have straightened your hair using your sedu hair straightener, brush your hair into a pony tail leaving a little hair at the front of your face which you can mould using either your hands or a brush. This sedu hairstyle looks great during the day or for partying at night.

Tip 3: The messy twist is a sedu hairstyle that is very common among business women and one that is also very easy to create. Using your sedu hair iron, straighten your hair, then take the back section of hair, make a twist and secure it with pins. Next take the side sections of your hair creating mini twists which are attached to the back twist and secured with pins. To complete the look pull out some hair sections around the face and mould using a brush or your hands. This look should be finalized with some holding spray.

So there you have it, the best sedu ceramic hair straightener tips. Follow these and you are sure to have great sedu hairstyles.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Keeping Beauty On Mom's To-Do List

Apparently, there's no "me" in "mommy." A recent survey revealed that the seemingly never-ending demands of family, work and household duties often cause moms to neglect their own beauty routines.

In fact, some might say this selflessness is reaching surprising proportions. The survey found that 75 percent of moms have skipped their own showers to take care of their children's needs-with one-fourth confessing that they have actually gone three days or longer without showering.

If that's not hair-raising evidence that a beauty intervention is in fast order, consider this: Nearly half of moms claim that they have gone seven months or more without a haircut, and almost two-thirds (61 percent) admit to wearing sweatpants or ponytails more often now that they're moms.

The survey, called the Suave Beauty Monitor Survey, polled moms across the country. Here are some additional results:

The Beauty Lowdown on Mom's To-Do List

While it's not overly surprising that moms are putting their children and families first, somewhere in the unwritten guide to motherhood, beauty seems to have been pushed to the back burner. Only 13 percent of moms say that beauty has not taken a backseat to their family's needs. In fact, when asked to rank activities on their regular to-do lists, taking care of appearance falls close to the bottom of most moms' lists-with doing the laundry, having leisure time and shopping for themselves falling below it. The result of this selflessness may be taking its toll, as 50 percent of moms admit that their personal appearance has become worse or more difficult since having kids.

"On our show, I see moms all the time sacrificing their beauty and personal needs for the benefit of their families," says Stacy London, host from TLC's popular makeover show, "What Not to Wear." "The truth is that personal beauty does have a place within motherhood, and all moms should look like they have it all, including looking their best."

Beauty at a Price

Despite this desire to feel beautiful, more than half of moms (55 percent) view spending time on their beauty as a luxury. However, the Beauty Monitor Survey revealed that it's not just about lack of time. When asked what they would do with an extra $50 in their monthly budgets, 59 percent of moms said they would spend it on items for the kids and family such as clothes or shoes for the kids, groceries for the family or toys and school supplies for the children. A mere 14 percent said they would spend it on themselves-with even less (2 percent) saying they would spend it on beauty products.

"First off, let's be honest that looking good does take at least some investment of time and money. But, that doesn't have to mean big bucks or long hours slaving away in front of a mirror," says London. "Some small, simple steps can go a long way in helping mom get beauty back on her list. For instance, I suggest using beauty products like Suave that work, but don't cost an arm, leg and your child's college tuition." She says the beauty brand offers moms guilt-free beauty through a wide range of products at a great price. The brand is urging moms across the country to make a commitment to themselves and to embrace motherhood and beauty simultaneously.

Giving Moms a Beauty

Wake-Up Call

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chemical Compounds in Sunscreen

The Sunscreen Marketplace

I was surprised to learn that the sunscreen market is as big as it is. About 4 billion dollars a year are spent on sunscreens. However, In America people are not adequately protecting themselves. Sixty percent of Americans actively seek a tan, less than 30 percent use sunscreen while on vacation, and less than 20 percent use sunscreen year round. But times are changing. Americans are becoming more aware of the dangers of exposure to the sun and its links to Cancer and premature aging. But are most people getting protection from the sun with their sunscreen products, and are they safe? The Environmental Working Group claims that more than 84 percent of sunscreen lotions with high SPF levels actually failed to protect sunbathers against all harmful rays, they quickly lose their effectiveness, or their chemical ingredients do more harm than good.

The Aging Process and what it has to do with Sun Care Products

I had no idea that the sun contributes so much to aging. It accounts for ninety percent of the visual signs of aging. There are three forms of identifiable rays. They are UVA, UVB and UBC. UVC rays are prevented from reaching earth by the ozone layer. That is one reason why the ozone layer is so important. UVB rays are medium rays. They penetrate the ozone layer and bounce off the surface of the skin. They burn the skin and cause skin cancer. UVA rays are the longest rays. They also penetrate the ozone layer. Then they penetrate the surface of the skin and destroy collagen and elastin underneath the skin's surface. These are the rays that cause wrinkles, sagging and aging.

It is important when looking for sunscreen products, to choose those that provide protection against UVA and UVB rays. You need to protect the surface of the skin and underneath the skin. Keeping the collagen and elastin intact will keep the surface of the skin safe from burning rays and Cancer causing rays.

The dangers involved in using most brands of Sun Care Products and the dangers of exposure to the sun

A big problem with the sun care industry is that in their attempt to provide higher SPF levels, they have had to increase the chemical compounds in sunscreen to allow prolonged safe exposure to the suns rays. A team of experts from the University of Southern California has found that sunscreen can do more harm than good once it soaks into the skin, where it actually promotes the harmful compounds it is meant to protect against. The research team found that three commonly ultraviolet (UV) filters -- octomethoxycinnamate, benzophenone 3 and octocrylene eventually soak into the deeper layers of the skin after their application leaving the top skin layers vulnerable to sun damage. UV rays absorbed by the skin can generate harmful compounds called reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can cause Skin Cancer and premature aging. The researchers found that once the filters in sun screen soaked into the lower layer of the skin, the filters react with UV light to create more damaging ROS. Many of the top name brands fall into this category.

The Solution

In America there is a total of seven ingredients banned from skin care products because they are considered unsafe. In Europe over one thousand ingredients are banned. So I decided the best place to find heathy skin care would be in Europe. I began to look for Pure, Safe sunscreen products with no chemicals, find out what kind of ingredients they use, and what the function of those ingredients are. This is what I discovered:

-They contain safe ingredients for UVA and UVB protection.

-Anti-aging elements to protect the top of the skin as well as the collagen and elastin underneath the skin

-Vitamin C and Magnesium which promotes healthy development of collagen and elastin

-Peptides which are protein strands that enhance the skins own ability to build collagen and elastin.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sugar a Surprising Skin Beautifier, and Effective Remedy for Acne Prone Skin

Surprisingly enough, a sugabrasion is an effective remedy for acne prone skin. It whisks away old skin cells and unclogs pores. Heres what to do:

After cleaning face and rinsing completely cover face with soothing acidic oil such as olive oil.

Apply granulated sugar; the oil acts as a medium; holding it on the face, preventing the face from being scraped or scratched.

Gently roll the sand mixture across the skin; do not press, do not rub too briskly. Use small circular motions, not sweeping ones. Be careful not to press hard, or stretch the skin.

After sugar dissolves, about one minute, use warm water and a good cleanser to wash the solution away. Rinse at least a dozen of times to thoroughly remove alkaline residue.

Using this method to exfoliate your skin once in the morning and again in the evening is an effective remedy for acne because it peels away dead skin cells, and removes bacteria-attracting debris that clogs pores. It also speeds up new cell growth for younger looking skin; mature complexions look radiant and more youthful.

This technique is safer than a chemical peel and less irritating to the skin than a deep skin peel. Visible benefits are immediately realized; dramatic results seen in about three weeks.

Variation 2

Another variation involves omitting the olive oil. Instead, dampen washcloth with warm water. Add a mild facial cleaning agent; I like Clean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin. It is an inexpensive yet effective cleaner.

Add to tablespoon sugar. Apply to damp face, using same circular method described above to exfoliate. Rinse well. Apply moisturizer of choice.

Using a mild liquid facial cleanser instead of olive oil is quicker, because it omits the need to follow with a second application of cleaner.

Other Benefits

Other benefits of this home-remedy exfoliating cleansing method are this: sugar is a natural substance, procedure is simple and inexpensive; sugar benefits the skin because it attracts moisture. Sugar granules are safer than (lets say) granulated fruit pits, because they dissolve.

Lastly, and most importantly, a sugabrasion really works! It is one sweet remedy for acne prone skin, and adds a healthy glow to your complexion for younger looking skin.

2006 Lori S. Anton, Writers Write Now

Look Good Nude: Health And Beauty Tips

Oh stop blushing. We're not asking you to run through the streets in your birthday suit or attend a business meeting sans clothes. But we all have times when we want to look our best in the buff. While some of us are blessed with blemish-free, wrinkle-free and jiggle-free skin, the reality is nobody is absolutely perfect. So, we need products. Thankfully there are lots of them out there, although not all are created equally. Here's a roundup of quality cosmetics, lotions and potions to get your skin and body in tip-top shape for when the lights go out-or stay on.

Sex appeal has a lot to do with sense of smell and touch. Start things off right with sexy skin. You'll feel as sweet as sugar (and possible taste as good, too) with the Age Defying Body Buff($14.95) from Zia Natural Skincare. Spread the honey and brown sugar scrub over your skin, leaving your body tastily smooth.

Most of us have indulged in too much sun at one point in our lives. While we'd like to consider it a lesson learned, we may have some sun damage on our "decollete" to remind us of our past sun-worshiping sins. The Sea Tonic Bust Gel ($49.50) by Phytomer soothes and tones the skin of the decollete, instantly firming and contouring the bust. What's more, iridescent bubbles create an enticing shimmer, perfect for candlelight.

Get a flawless complexion without worrying about a meltdown. Amazing Base($42), the all-in-one foundation, powder, concealer and sunscreen by Jane Iredale provides unsurpassed coverage and staying power and actually helps improve the skin with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which act as anti-inflammatories.

The French have such polite names for body parts. Whip your derriere in shape with Victoria's Secret's Cellulite Rx Lipotherm Contouring Cream ($96). The powerful agents in this firming cream smooths and actively slims the skin, leaving your delicate derriere smoother and sensually contoured.

Make your skin irresistible to touch with the Hydra System Rich Delicate Body Cream($146.50) from Vie. Drape your skin with this silky velvet cream and you'll never spend another night alone. Not to be overlooked, your hair should send the right message. Go for the tousled bedhead with ISO Nexture($20.99). With one treatment you'll have soft, sexy waves that can last up to 20 shampoos.

Botox - What Is It?

Botox is an injectable substance that is a medical grade form of the botulinum toxin A, also called botox botulism. It is a medical protein that is injected into the muscles of the face to minimize the appearance of furrows and lines.

Although the words botox and botox botulism sound frightening there is really nothing to worry about. The fact is that nobody has been harmed by botox or even had an allergic reaction to it. A lethal injection would consist of 2,500 - 3,000 units! Cerebal palsy sufferers are given doses of botox as high as 1,000 units routinely to help them with the associated muscle spasms. As the average dose for cosmetic reasons is 75 units, it is extremely safe.

When botox is used for cosmetic purposes the toxin is purified, diluted and then injected into the facial muscles. The toxin blocks the nerve impulses that control the movement of muscles by restricting the patients ability to contract them. A smoothing effect is seen almost immediately and it continues to improve over the next few days. The results last from three to six months after which most patients gradually return to their former state.

The immobilising properties that make botox sound bad, are the ones that make it incredible!

The main questions people ask is "will botox make my face look frozen?", "how will I look?" and "will others detect my little secret?". One of the biggest misconceptions is that botox will eliminate all facial expressions. If it is done properly using an artistic eye, the proper technique and conservatively, the patient should look like a more rejuvenated and refreshed version of themselves.

Botox Uses
- Crow's feet
- Frown lines
- Brow lines
- Low back pain
- Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
- Migraine headaches
- Muscle spasticity from cerebral palsy, stroke, or - multiple sclerosis
- Neck spasms
- Vocal cord spasm
- Facial spasms

Overall botox treatments are very safe and effective.

Reprint this article free of charge as long as you keep the author's resource box or bio intact and the links active. A copy of the ezine or URL of the page where the article was reprinted emailed to the author would be very much appreciated.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Beauty Products Throughout the Times

How did we as a people get to the point where we spend billions annually on cosmetics and it became the social standard for women to wear cosmetics everyday It is certain a female way back in old times did not just wake up one morning and decide to put on eyelashes, lipstick, eyeliner, base, and rouge all at once. No, it was, like many things, a combination of things from ages past.

The Egyptians were the first to use cosmetics. That was four thousand years ago. Good hygeine and appearance were extremely meaningful to the people of Egypt. The Egyptians had the belief that the appearance was in direct juncture with the well being of the spirit. They strived to constantly look and smell good. And with a civilization who values their looks, societies are inevitably going to have members who are going to attempt to stand out. But the Egyptians, being the inventive culture they were, implemented cosmetics for reasons that were even more practical than just attempting to look great.

A combination of lead ore and copper known as Mesdemet was the origin of eye shadow. The dark shades they believed would ward off evil eyes from their own. It was also a great disinfectant and bug repellent. Kohl was a dark substance that was also put on around the eyes in an oval shape. It was a combination of lead, ash, ochre, copper, and burnt almonds. A mixture of red clay and water was added to the cheeks to further enhance their appearance. They would also paint their fingernails shades of orange and yellow with a substance named henna.

As civilizations started to interact with each other more often, the art of make-up was picked up by the Greeks from the Egyptians. They would give themselves a pale shade with a base that contained lead in it. This ended up being terminal more than once. As the Romans started to pick up the cosmetics practice, the pursuit of beauty became much less about functionability and took a turn into much more unusual routes. They would decorate their nails with a combination of sheeps blood and heated body fat. An old Roman citizen once said, A woman without paint is like food without salt.

Centuries after the Egyptian empire faded, the fashion standard worldwide was a white complexion. A dark, rough face was associated with being a plebeian who worked out in the field all day beside her spouse. The upper class women obviously did not participate in hard work like that so they stayed under the roof and had light complexions.

Wealth was often measured by a person's white complexion. If people had enough money, then you did not have to work. So a light skin tone was very crucial to some members of society. To get this look, ladies (and men as well) would use a combination of hydroxide, lead oxide, and carbonate in a powder form to paint their faces and bodies. Unfortunately, this caused a sometimes lethal side effect, lead poisoning.To cure this problem, chemists in the nineteenth century at last created a mixture of zinc oxide that did not block the skin from being able to breathe and kept people out of that aggravating lead poisoning death. It was so effective that it is still used today by cosmetics manufacturers.

Lavish and glamorous parties were held by urban ladies with disposable wealth in the Edwardian era of London. As hostesses of the party, it was important for them to be the most attractive woman at the event, so it was very important for them to look as youthful as they possibly could. City and excessive lifestyles with factors like smoggy air produced by the cities at that time, unhealthy diets, and very little or no exercise aged the women quickly. Anti-aging and facial creams to hide the imperfections were heavily relied upon by women in this era. They would also travel to the salon. It was a bit different back then than it is in the present. Ladies would go into the back entrance of the salons and cover their faces as they went in. One of the most famous of these discreet beauty houses was the House of Cyclax, that would sell foams and blushes to ladies. Mrs. Henning, who was the owner, sold and came out with multiple products for her desperate customers who did not want anybody to know that they were getting old.

The modern day woman is the benefactor of all these years of mistakes with a virtually unlimited choice of beauty products for any look they want to achieve. There are thousands of companies who create products in this now billion dollar yearly industry. Skin Care products sell all year and even in times of recession. Therefore ladies, give thanks to your ancestors and their concern for their own looks for yours that you have nowadays. They probably didn't feel like putting on their face some mornings either.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How To Keep One's Skin Beautiful

Human body is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is and has always been an easy target for an arrow, a sword or a bullet. In all the times people tried to protect their bodies as well as possible: medieval knights had iron armor; nowadays policemen use more effective protection flak jackets - to survive in the battle with evil.

It goes without saying that we should value these mankind inventions; at the same time, we must never forget about what nature supplied us with to resist the undesirable and dangerous influence of the environment. Skin is what I mean.

Though it cannot protect us from a sword or a bullet, it has always been a very effective means of defense against ultraviolet rays, heat, cold, viruses and bacteria, which constantly try to make our bodies their home for some time, and then to gradually destroy them.

Besides, skin is a multifunctional component of the human body. Thermoregulation helps us adjust to the temperature of the environment due to the widening or narrowing of blood vessels and the secretion of more or less liquids by skins glands. Metabolic function is realized during the gas exchange, water-salt metabolism, etc. After all, due to the skins sensation function we can feel the pleasure of touching.

I am pretty sure that knights took good care of their armor for it to remain strong and reliable as long as possible. We should also do our best to preserve skin in the working order and to make it good-looking as well.

So, to have healthy and beautiful skin it is desirable to:

  • avoid the sunlight, as its ultraviolet rays cause the most harmful changes in the skin structure, making it dry, wrinkled, thin and covered with age spots. They can also provoke skin cancer;
  • quit smoking, because nicotine is said to have the same influence on skin as sunlight;
  • clean and moisturize skin properly (scrubs, creams, ointments and lotions can be of great help in this case);
  • keep to a healthy diet with much fruit and vegetables to supply skin with all the necessary vitamins. Drinking much water helps improve its state as well;
  • avoid stress, because skin is like a mirror, reflecting everything that is going on in the human mind.

    It is easy to take care of skin when we are young. Smooth and plump, it needs, perhaps, proper cleaning only (excluding the cases of skin diseases).
    Aging, on the other hand, emphasizes the flaws in our appearance, takes away the beauty. It all results in dry, thin and wrinkled skin. This is a point, when preserving our natural body-cover beautiful takes much effort and skill to succeed.

    In order to make this process easier and more pleasant, visit Skin Care Center at It is a place, where you can find the answers to many questions.

    Anna Iv is a article author, aiming in supplying people with the most detailed and comprehensive data on health care issues.
  • Monday, April 5, 2010

    Plastic Surgery Through the Ages

    Plastic surgery has become massively popular with television shows and celebrities getting improvements right and left. You might be wondering about plastic surgery, specifically where it came from.

    Plastic Surgery Through the Ages

    To start off, plastic surgery is term used to describe a surgical procedure to modify a normal part of your body for an aesthetic purpose. It is almost always a voluntary surgery and should not be confused with reconstructive surgery which is usually undertaken to fix an abnormal part of the body caused by disease, trauma and so on.

    The term plastic surgery has nothing to do with the material known as plastic. Instead, it derives from the Greek language, much as many modern medical terms do. Plastikos means to mold or shape something in Greek, which roughly translates plastic surgery as meaning a molding surgery. If you think about it, this is a very exact terminology since it is exactly what happens.

    Plastic surgery is, to the surprise of many, not a modern medical procedure. While techniques are certainly advanced these days, the basic surgical premise is known to have existed since the eight century BC. Susrutha, an Indian surgeon, was known to undertake skin grafts during this period. He was also known to do nose reconstruction, which may sound odd until you realize nose amputation was a common penalty for certain crimes during that period. Ouch!

    As seems to be the case with any discussion of the ancient past, the Romans also made advances in plastic surgery. They were known to perform plastic surgery to repair defects of the ear, or at least perceived defects.

    Throughout the centuries, plastic surgery existed but was less common. It was not until the last two centuries that it started to gain in both popularity and occurrence. John P. Mettauer is generally considered the first plastic surgeon in the United States, and practiced in the 1820 to 1840s. He was renowned for designing his own instruments, many which form the basis of modern surgical instruments associated with plastic surgery.

    Although plastic surgery has always had a place in the medical profession, its position as a popular procedure is relatively recent.

    Sunday, April 4, 2010

    Skin Care Advices for Your Special Event

    Each one who is preparing himself for a major event in his life or who will be in front of the public eye wants to look very beautiful and attractive on this big day, for example ;graduation day ,engagement day or wedding day ,.etc.
    So you can follow some simple tips to help you to avoid the problems that could occur with your skin especially on your special day.

    Rosacea skin or Acne:
    If your skin condition is like Rosacea or Acne, you have to visit a dermatologist before this big day by 3 or 4 months at least .This period to put your condition under control and give time to your skin to heal up for this occasion.

    Sweating, Unwanted hair and Wrinkles:
    Think of having treatments like Botox to control the excessive sweating and for the frown lines. You can use Artecoll, Juvederm, Restylane fillers for scars, creases, and wrinkles. Also you can make laser treatments to remove the unwanted hair or to remove blood vessels which are broken from your face .These treatments have to be used before the major event by at least 3 weeks, to develop the benefits of the treatment and also to resolve any side effects resulted from them like small bruises or redness. You can decide the time and the plan you are going to make with your dermatologist to put this time into your consideration before you begin these treatments.

    New Cosmetics:
    You have to test new cosmetics in advance to decrease the risk that could happen and the interference with the enjoyment of this event, like irritant reaction or allergy.

    Sun Tanning:
    You have to use sun protection as it is very important especially at the weeks before the great event to decrease the risk of having peeling or sunburn. You also have to be away from experimenting with tanning beds especially in the weeks before the great event, this is because the probability of having an undesired reaction caused by the U.V light.

    Self Tanning:
    You must avoid the first time usage of spray-on trans and the self-tanning creams for 3weeks in advance before the big event in order not to have unusual color created or allergic reaction from these products .But if you want to use them, so you have to test them about several months before; to get reliable results and be safe .Some self-tanning products can discolor fine clothing due to the pigments created by them, so it is better to avoid them within a week before the special day.

    Sometimes there is allergic reaction or flare up of Acne before the great event you are waiting like the graduation day or the wedding day, so you have to arrange an immediate appointment with your dermatologist so he can help you by modern medical treatments .Many of them give you a high priority appointment in such emergency cases especially when he knows that there is a big event coming up .He becomes very sympathetic with such cases as he knows how important this event to you.

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    How to Find and Buy Affordable Beauty Products

    Are you in need of beauty products? If you are interested in improving your appearance, beauty wise, you may be. If really havent placed much of a focus on your appearance, beauty wise, in the past, you may be a little bit surprised when you start shopping for beauty product and supplies. Unfortunately, that surprise will not always be a good one. You will likely find that many, in fact a large number of, beauty products are expensive. In fact, some may be so expensive that you may just want to turn around and walkout of the store and forever give up your quest to look beautiful, but you dont have to. There are a number of different ways that you can go about finding affordable beauty products.

    One of the easiest ways to find affordable beauty products is by visiting a retail store, like a beauty supply store, a fashion store, or a department store. What you will want to do is visit the stores clearance or markdown sections. Most retailers, including beauty supply stores, have a clearance section that contains marked down beauty products. Most of the time, there is nothing wrong the products that are being discounted. When it comes to storefront stores, many retailers are limited on space; therefore, they regularly try to move out older products to make room for new ones. This common retail practice may be able to save you a considerable amount of money on beauty products.

    In addition to having a clearance section or a markdown section, many retailers, including beauty supply stores, also regularly have sales. In fact, most retailers have large storewide sales once a week or so. If you are able to find a good store sale on beauty products, you may be able to save yourself a decent amount of money. It is common to find retailers that give you a percentage discount off of your order or a certain item. You may also see offers that are like buy one get one free or buy one get one half off. You should always try to check your local stores to see if they are having any sales and also check your newspapers for store sale fliers or inserts.

    Although shopping at a local beauty supply store or another retailer is nice, you may also want to think about buying beauty products online. What is nice about buying beauty products online is that you often have hundreds of retailers to choose from. That actually translates into an unlimited number of beauty products for sale. Also, with the internet, you can easily compare prices and products, making it easier to find affordably priced beauty products. You will also be able to find beauty products for sale on online auction websites. Of course, you can make your purchases from there, if you want, but you need to review the person who you will be doing business with, like their feedback. Buying health and beauty products from someone who you dont know is risky, as you can never be too sure about contaminations and such.

    In addition to using the internet to find beauty products for sale online, you may also want to use the internet to find moneysaving coupons. It is common to find money saving coupons for certain products or certain retail sores. If you have a nearby beauty supply store and that store has an online website, you may want to see if they have any coupons for you to print off. You will also want to check the online websites of your favorite product manufacturers for the same. It may also be good idea to pick a copy of your local Sunday paper, as many Sunday papers are full of coupons, some of which may be for beauty products, like makeup, skincare products, and hair care products.

    As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can go about finding and buying affordably priced beauty products. Looking great or beautiful, may be important to you, but it isnt something that should leave you broke.

    About Author:angel

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    Skin Whitening Zeal - The Fight Against Black Enzyme

    Do you know what is the biggest enemy of skins natural fairness? The answer is simple: black enzymes.

    Do you know that Asian skin is more prone to dark spots? Skin color is determined by the amount of pigment (or melanin) present. Asian skin contains a heterogeneous mix of 2 types of melanin phaeomelanin and eumelanin that results in pigmentation irregularities such as dark spots and increased sensitivity to sunlight.

    Over the past years, aesthetics companies and medical professionals have been introducing numerous skin whitening innovations into the consumer market, ranging from high-end niche treatments to budget skin whitening solutions, all of which promise to deliver that desirable lightening result on your skin, to give you that lovely fair skin that you have always wanted.

    When it comes to fashion, you choose what fits you. With such an overwhelming range of skin whitening options available, how do you decide which is the real effective skin whitening solution that is going to work for you? Savvy consumers will know that it is not sufficient to just choose the best skin whitening product / treatment, you have to choose the skin whitening product / treatment that works best for you.

    Consumers can consider the following guidelines when they are looking for a skin whitening remedy or are already in the midst of a skin whitening course:

    1. Identify your problem

    - There are many types of facial pigmentation. The most common types are freckles, solar lentigines (or age spots), melasma and Horis naevus. Many have a genetic basis, although factors like sunlight, ageing and hormones also play an important role. By identifying the source of your problem, you will know how to pick out the product / treatment that is going to help you rectify it.

    2. Have some basic knowledge about skin whitening ingredients

    - Every company has its own specialty skin whitening ingredients that are responsible for delivering that miracle on your skin. But how do you know that some of these virtually unknown ingredients are going to do the trick? A savvy consumer should not be going to a counter and take at face value in what the salesperson says during that 10 20 minutes of sales talk. Instead, listen to the salesperson, take a step back, do some simple research on the ingredients or talk to your dermatologist to see if this particular skin whitening product is going to be useful in solving your problem. There is no point buying a product whose only effects are to moisturize and provide your skin with UV protection when what you actually need is a product that can lighten melasma.

    3. Be a responsible consumer

    - Broadly speaking, it is possible to prevent / reduce skin pigmentation because many types of pigmentation are induced and aggravated by sunlight, therefore a suitable product and sufficient sun protection can delay the onset of skin pigmentation or improve the appearance. Using a skin lightening product may help improve the pigmentation, but regular use of sunscreen and active sun avoidance is also compulsory and should be undertaken responsibly.

    4. Understand that not every product / treatment works for everyone

    - Topical skin lightening products are effective for melasma. However, laser therapy does not work very well for melasma. In fact, laser may sometime cause temporary darkening (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation), which can last several months. On the other hand, laser therapy is effective for pigmentation such as freckles, solar lentigines and Horis naevus.

    5. Talk to a medical professional when necessary

    - Besides sunlight, certain types of pigmentation specifically melasma and Horis naevus can be stimulated and worsened by hormonal factors, for example during pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement. In such cases, topical skin whitening products will not be able to rectify the problems effectively. Instead of hopping from one product to another and exposing your skin to further damages, talk to a medical professional who will advise the appropriate treatment options for you. Solve the problem when it is at the early stage, not when it gets out of hand.

    Electrolysis - Electrifying Hair Removal

    Electrolysis is a hair removal process that works by inserting a fine needle into the hair follicle, (the skin depression from which the hair emerges), and disabling the hair root either by heat or chemical action and sometimes both at the same time. Each hair is treated individually.

    Electrolysis is most suitable for removing female facial hair, but it can be used on almost any part of the body. There are millions of people who have solved the embarrassing problem of excess hair with the help of the hair removal method of electrolysis.

    Electrolysis hair removal was developed around 1869 by an ophthalmologist, a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, Charles Michel, who sought a way to safely and effectively remove ingrown eyelashes which frequently caused blindness.

    Electrolysis hair removal was adopted by the medical community and then adapted as a treatment for excess hair removal on other parts of the body. The same basic technique, improved and modernized, has been used since those times.

    Hundreds of scientific articles published in medical literature state that hair removal by electrolysis is permanent. But - There's also scientific evidence that regrowth can occur when a new root cell is formed in the same area.

    Hair removal by electrolysis should be performed at a reputable clinic by a trained and state licensed electrologist.

    Compared to other hair removal methods, electrolysis is time consuming. Depending on how fast your hair grows, it usually takes regular weekly or monthly visits for up to a year to complete the process.

    Hair removal by electrolysis is painful, even with a topical anesthetic. Some describe it as a slight heat, tingling or stinging sensation.

    Don't hesitate to let your electrologist know if what you're experiencing is uncomfortable. They're trained to work within your comfort level. There are machine settings or the type of treatment that can be adjusted.

    There usually is some redness or swelling and occasionally some pinpoint scabbing and even scarring following electrolysis hair removal. Ask your electrologist what you can do to help the healing process.

    And hair removal by electrolysis is expensive. Usually there's a rate of $25 to $100 per hour. And if the procedure takes longer, a lower hourly rate doesn't always mean a lower cost.

    If you'd rather not endure the pain, time, cost, and possible scarring of electrolysis, do some research to learn about alternative hair removal methods.

    Natural Beauty Care

    Everybody longs for that healthy glow, for sparkling eyes and shiny hair that bounces with every step. Millions of dollars are spent every year in beauty products to make skin that much clearer, wrinkles that less visible and lips pout that much more. And while there are cosmetics that do work, you shouldnt underestimate the value of natural beauty products. Remedies that are available with nature. Theyre easy to find, wont put a hole in your pocket, and dont have a trace of any harmful chemicals. Read on to see what gifts from nature can make you your most beautiful self.

    For your hair

    Lemon juice:
    Lemon juice when used on your hair is an effective treatment for dandruff. Its citrus property cleanses the hair. Squeeze a lemon onto your hair and massage into the scalp, and then wash it out using water and your preferred shampoo.

    Coconut Oil:
    Coconut oil is used in several parts of the world as an aid to beautiful hair. It has enriching vitamins and nutrients that help your hair to grow long and lustrous. In addition, it also combats dandruff.
    Massage into the scalp before washing hair. If possible, do so a night before, so the oil can soak in overnight.

    Vinegar is great to add some bounce and vitality into dull and lifeless hair. Mix a little vinegar into warm water, and then rinse your hair with the solution. You hair will look revitalized.

    For your skin

    The important of water cannot be stated enough. It is one of the most important contributors to beautiful skin. It flushes out toxins and battles breakouts. A person should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Warm showers are also very beneficial to the skin. When your skin is well hydrated, it looks young and healthy.

    Theyre more than just pretty flowers! Rosewater is extremely good for the skin. It purifies the skin, and leaves it wonderfully scented. Combined with hazel, it is especially good for oily skin.
    Turmeric Powder:
    If you want your skin to naturally get fairer and more radiant, you could try turmeric. Just mix a piece of turmeric with curd and apply it onto your skin. Leave the paste on for about ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash off using cold water.

    For your body:

    Fruits are one of the best gifts that nature can give you. Most of them are low in calories, and can give you a whole lot of energy. In fact, almost all diets have fruits as an essential part of them.

    Spinach leaves are very, very healthy. Theres a reason why Popeye enjoyed spinach so much! It helps to make your body stronger, and more resistant to illnesses and ailments.

    Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Skin Care - Youth With Liposuction

    As we grow in age, our body collects ft at different spots. We may try many methods such as dieting, exercising and other methods but fat at some sites on the body does not go away and gives our body an unbalanced look. To get our beauty back, doctors use liposuction to take out the fat from that site and within hours you will not believe your own eyes.

    Skin Treatment- Are you the candidate for liposuction?

    If you are overweight and dont want to try any other method such as diet control or exercising, your doctor may refuse to perform liposuction on you. It is not for the body but a particular place that is not responding to fat reduction. If you are in good health and have fat problem on few sites of your body you are the candidate for tumescent liposuction as it is called. Earlier it was liposuction. Now with latest techniques the procedure has become very simple and is called tumescent liposuction.

    Skin Treatment- Which places can be contoured?

    Tumescent liposuction can be used to remove fat from different sites such as jaws, chin, upper arms, neck, lower abdomen thighs, hips etc. these are the places that destroy your look. By removing excess fat from these places doctors can give you your attractive young look again. Please consult your doctor for details.

    This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.